

Editor: Translation Nation

Segimli had an impatient nature so he instantly answered with pride.

"The Mithril content of the Mines of Moria is unlike any other in Middle Earth. The ore veins rewarded on Skifz Ascûd may be rich, but even 10 of them combined cannot compare to a major ore vein in Moria."

Sheyan nodded his head. His second question was very sudden and seemed to have no relation to the first question at all.

"The Gimli tribe should be a pretty big Dwarven tribe, correct? How many Dwarves are there in the tribe?"

Segimli looked even prouder as he exclaimed.

"The size of our tribe ranks at least top 10 among the Dwarves. We number over 10,000."

A Dwarven elder yawned and wiped his eyes as he said.

"If that's all, then I'm going back to sleep. We still need to move tomorrow."

He turned and walked towards the exit. A few Dwarven elders followed his lead prepared to leave. But Sheyan's third question rooted them to the spot.

"Then how many Dwarves are there among Durin's Folk?"

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