
CHAPTER 85 - Conflict of Interests


Of all things to consider into the discussion, Sage never thought that it would concern her so-called personal relationship into being, that is to say, considering the kind of love-life she has or does not have.

It's ridiculous, to say the least, that Sage had to be talked into about it since Prince Yue of Southirea was the reason being for this kind of discussion needed to be met from her sisters.

But then she knew about their concerns and worries, considering it since it's her responsibility to be close to the Southirea Prince and such. So Sage decided to get this discussion over with, before they turn to other matters, like preparing for the coming winter seasons and everything.

But just before she was about to leave, she nearly jumped when her shadow seems to spring to life by a hand emerging down from her feet and grasped her ankle gently to get her attention.

Sage relaxed upon realizing that it's one of her shadow spies and turned to look down at the emerging enchanted shadow-creature when it tries to form a child-like body before her.

She listened to a bit to it when it whispered and hissed to her softly in its shadowy language and after a minute or two upon listening to what it is saying to her, she frowned slightly before nodding to the shadow in thanks for giving its report to her.

When it seemed satisfied and pleased upon giving the report to her, the shadow formed itself back down onto her shadow and went off in a blur to go back to its spying duties on its posts and such.

When Sage watched her shadow leave, she shook her head from the deep thoughts that she was about to stray and think about, went back to focusing on going to the private meeting she'll be having with her sisters, concerning the matter of Prince Yue.

It was about a few hours later, after going to that said meeting and almost having a heated discussion about it, before they decide to put this off and went to their separate ways, some of them fuming--namely Rose--with anger and annoyance with Sage's slight stubbornness about the matter, while a few were a bit disappointed or upset with her from the conversation--that is Violet and Iris. And lastly, the only one didn't seem to react or know how to feel about it, whether to lighten up the mood or make it more somber--which is Dahlia is the one, who's thinking that.

When they broke up the meeting and went off to go do their other duties to try to distract them from the main subject that had worried them, and that is Sage's matter about Prince Yue, Sage felt a little upset when she watched her sisters go off and left.

Sage knew the kind of mixed feelings they've been feeling about it, and Sage hoped that it won't break them up over something silly or tedious such as concerning the prince and such.

Sage hated that her sisters are arguing with her, concerning the kind of conflict of interests she has with the Southirea Prince. But then it's understandable to say the least, that they're all worried for her about that, even though there are a few who seem to be accepting of her choices towards it.

And those named few--are actually just Lily and Jasmine.

Sage really knew that this is not something her sisters need to be concerned with and that it is not any of their business, so she'll have to make sure that they all know that by the next time, they deal first with the important matters, that is preparing for the incoming winter season festival and events.



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