
Chapter 23

" Hehe.. shrimp , are you sure you want to challenge your great team captain? Dont blame me if you get hurt then ! "

A month had passed and it was finally time for Ren's assessment but Ren did not expect to find that the captain was actually a familiar character Yamato the wood style user . Ren wanted to play with him a bit but Yamato seemed a lot different from his anime character. He was young and acting cocky with Ren so he decided to teach him a lesson and pass in a cool way . Besides his future team members along with Itachi were watching which gave Ren all the more reason to show off.

" Ahem.. are you sure that you want cocky with me ? " Ren asked Yamato with a bold tone and Yamato was dumbfounded because he could feel scary aura radiating from the small kid in front of him.

This annoyed Yamato so he decided to make Ren suffer a bit. " Haha.. shrimp, looks like I have to teach you manners now . Sigh.. being a captain is really a demanding job .. "

Seeing Yamato's fake sigh , Ren grinned and started forming hand signs at fast pace. Yamato was taken by surprise but he managed to enter battle mode in next second and got wary because the number of hand signs was too much . This could only mean that Ren was planning to use a high rank jutsu from the get go . Well he was right about that .

Ren used six seconds to finish the hand seals and yelled.

" Katon - Great Fire Annhiliation! "

Yamato's eyes widened his shock as he saw sea of scorching fire heading towards him .

' This brat can already use S rank jutsu ? What the fuck ? ' Yamato could not escape with body flicker in time as the jutsu covered hundreds of meters of area .

Yamato knew his fate was sealed and regretted provoking Ren . Sadly there was no medicine to cure regret. The fire sea casually destroyed the tens of earth walls created by Yamato and reached Yamato in seconds .

Yamato could feel his clothes burning even before the jutsu made contact with him so he confirmed his demise . Yamato closed his eyes because he knew that nobody could save him now as his team members were not ready to face this level of power yet . But the expected heat did not come . In fact the temperature returned to normal so Yamato opened his confused eyes only to see his subordinates looking at the crater before him with pure shock inside their eyes and Ren who was looking at Yamato with a smug on his face .

Ren was satisfied with the fear inside Yamato's eyes and nodded once in satisfaction as he saw the deep crater caused by his jutsu . He had actually tried this jutsu for first time today and he got it from the Forbidden Scroll . Actually his was Madara's original jutsu and only little information about it was recorded inside the scroll. Ren just used his own brilliant mind to complete the jutsu and tried it today which was important to fail with his perfect Fire Affinity and chakra control. Simply to say Ren got what he wanted as his teammates started respecting and fearing the small teammate of theirs who could already use such a devastating jutsu like nothing . As for why Ren was already their teammate ? Haha.. it would be joke of the century if Ren could not pass the test with this grand performance!

" Hmm... captain Tenzo , please not act cocky infront of me in future because I dont like it . " Ren broke the silence with his casual words which caused Yamato to flinch .

The next moment Yamato was surprised and he removed his mask . " How did you know about my real identity? " He could not help but ask because the kid infront of him was too mysterious.

" Hehe... I know the identity of all of you actually. Itachi , Shisui , Yugao , me and Tenzo. I must say that our team is filled with young and special ninja who are also the best. Itachi and Shisui are Uchiha and talented ones at that . Tenzo san can use Wood Style. Yugao excels in swordsmanship and of course there is all talented yours truly! Haha.. truly a great and interesting team . "

The other teammates were also speechless by their identity already being exposed to Ren somehow . Yamato though was on guard because this little stunt was a serious matter. Only Itachi looked at this scene with a casual face because he had long since branded Ren with genius and mysterious friend title. So he would not be surprised by Ren each time he does something unexpected.

" How.. ? " Yamato and Yuagao were already ready to die while confronting Ren because their minds had labelled him as a threat .

" Sigh.. you two .. are you for real ? Is it that surprising that I know your real identities? Well let me tell you that I found them myself and others can also do that with effort especially your enemies ! I revealed the truth to you guys to make you realise this fact ! "

Ren just disregarded their actions of pointing weapons at him and left the huge room with Itachi because he knew that they would know the truth about him from Hokage anyway. Ren felt a little disappointed though because Hokage could not come due to a meeting. Except two little brothers and sensei , Grandpa was the only close family to him and he wanted to show off in front of him .

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