

Editor: GlobeGlotter

"Start the second part of the plan. Have the fleet press forward, send five groups of fighter jets to bomb away at Luo Yue, and have the ground forces start the feint," Wales commanded.

Wales knew that after that attack, Luo Yue wouldn't have much missiles left. No one would guess that he was just discarding those fighter jets for Luo Yue to take them down. Even if people did guess, he would obviously never admit to it.

His approach was to beat Luo Yue in a financial battle of attrition. One hundred dead pilots meant nothing to him. He knew that without sacrifices, it would be hard to take over Luo Yue even after it ran out of missiles. However, the hefty price of one F-22, an elite pilot, and five groups of fighter jets amounting to a total of about one hundred jets - only Wales would dare suffer such hefty losses.

What Wales cared about at the moment was how Luo Yue would be defending itself this time. More missiles or perhaps their own jets?

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