
Naval Ambitions

It's not his first time. His sins have affected many people. Despite trying to deny his past and make amends for his new life, the world is unkind. Worse still, it is far more cruel and merciless than the last one. Here, you must be much more conscious to live an atrocious life like the one before. In a modern world, you can deny reality and consequences by just pressing a button and walking away. Here, to kill, you must do it yourself and face the consequences of your actions—grieving in the eyes of the people, the pain. It is far more personal.

This is what makes Victor more afraid of his uncle. The man has done terrible things without remorse, watching the results unfold on the streets as if he were a conqueror.

His deals with the Wolf Teeth Gang gave him full control of the city underworld, crippling much of the capacity for shady acts by other patrician houses of Mariana, who had depended on factions aligned with others. This gave him untold power throughout the province's capital.

By the end of the year, the entire province was under his command, and the other patrician houses were either expelled from the region or fully aligned with the Dominatus Household through a series of betrothal proposals with Dominatus children. His uncle had achieved great renown as both a diplomat and a general.

As the years passed, things continued smoothly in Corsica, but not as much in the Roman Republic. War loomed on the horizon, and the Senate had already begun preparations to push the Dwarves back into the northern mountains. They were determined to conquer the lower mountains to build fortifications to protect the plains. However, this would remove vital agricultural lands from the Dwarves. For the Romans, this would be a simple territorial war. For the Dwarves, it was an existential threat.

The Dominatus Household prepared for this as well, rapidly building a great marine fleet. From the twelve vessels they had at 481 A.U.C (ab urbe condita), when I was four, under the rule of Adrian, they reached the incredible number of forty-four ships within twelve years. Given that it could take six months to a year to construct a single military ship, it required a serious effort to construct such a fleet without disrupting the region's economy. It needed nine shipyards to build this navy in such a short amount of time.

Of course, my warmonger uncle had grand ambitions. By the time the Senate declared war, the Dominatus House planned to strike Massalia! When the front-line war reached its peak, the Second Legion would attack from the rear. Massalia would be the best logistical point for the Second Legion, and its conquest would elevate the Dominatus Household to new heights. With the backing of one of the Big Three houses of the Republic—the Cornelii—Father would surely aim for a full year as a consul in Rome.

Thus, during these years as a military apprentice to my uncle, I learned much about Roman politics. The fast pace of this world helped me grow significantly. I even acquired my own retinue and a budget from the house for personal use. One of them was a personal friend, Vesperus. He was a tall young man from the Equestrian order, with short curly hair and an average build for a Roman man. With his sharp mind and expertise in trade, he made a skilled retinue.

At this moment, we were riding behind our horses toward the shipyard district, seeking a business matter. It had been some time since I sought to acquire the services of a Navicularii, but finding one in a city with shipyard business at full swing was a challenging task. After some time, news finally reached us.

- So, this guy, Belisarius, had acquired some debts with the Cinna Household to open a new shipyard, but his business did not do well. How so? Wasn't the shipyard business one of the most lucrative in the region? With military ships under construction, there should have been plenty of demand for merchant vessels. Last I checked, many were seeking my uncle's help to release some shipyards for the construction of merchant ships.

I said, confusion evident on my face. According to my projections, I would only have the opportunity to acquire such a business after the armada was concluded, and by then, it would be too late to secure experienced personnel for my original plan. New sailors would need time to be trained properly!

- Well, the shipyard is a small one, capable of building only one merchant ship at a time. He may be a skilled Navicularii, trained by his father. However, he is terrible at trade—horrible, even. He managed to get scammed twice. His first ship, though it wasn't of the highest quality, could do the job. Unfortunately, news of his ship sinking in a tempest left him without clients…

Vesperus said with a nonchalant tone.

- And for Neptune's sake, why should I buy a business from a Navicularii who managed to get his ship sunk on the first voyage?

I asked in a stressed manner, massaging my temples as a headache began to form.

- Well, buying the shipyard won't be difficult. We could refurbish it with better materials and bring in more people from the Equestrian order to supervise the work. You could manage the construction process, and with your superior designs, we could easily ensure quality. Why are you so concerned? Or is the mighty Sword of Mariana afraid now? Hohoho... I guess the thought of switching the sword for a pencil is too much for you. Who would've thought you fear a pencil as much as a woman's embrace… hahaha.

He laughed heartily.

My cheeks burned red with embarrassment. It's not that I dislike women—I just can't stand the depraved high society of Rome, where both men and women lie with whoever they choose, whenever they want. Truly abominable.

- Oh, my dear friend, I don't fear women. I fear the embrace of those who don't truly love me.

I said rhetorically, nudging my horse forward.

- Let's go, I don't want to be late and lose my new business.

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