
The butterfly flap it wings - 24

Aqua's POV

That was just bullying... I rub my forehead and sigh. I'm pretty sure Helena would do better as a Support model than a Combat model. Now that I think about it, maybe she actually wants to switch classes?

Although, I still want to know how she managed to get those UAVs that disturbed the targeting systems. That's definitely not in the official blueprint design. If it were, I could easily bring it up.

As I walk into the simulator room to meet with Helena, Amy follows closely behind. As we enter her earshot, I call out.

"Helena-chan," I greet her with a smile.

"Master!" she replies enthusiastically, but Amy punches her arm playfully.

"You got a counter for me, huh? Wanna test it out?" Amy asks, clearly eager for a rematch. Honestly, I kind of want to see that too.

"So, first of all, how do you feel about bullying some newbies?" I tease as Helena looks a little helpless.

I shake my head and continue, "Anyway, would you like to switch classes to a Support model?" I ask. With how she operates, she might as well be a support model—she will has access to more resources than the Combat class.

"Ehh... maybe?" Helena replies, going into thought for a moment.

"Well, back to the topic—specifically, your drones," I say. "The ones with a spire at their base."

"Ahh, those? I made them based on Amy shooting me through a building," Helena explains like it's just a matter of fact.

"Elaborate, please?" I prod.

"Well, for starters, our aiming—or at least Combat T-Dolls'—use some algorithm of yours, Master~," Helena begins.

What algorithm? Aiming? Isn't that just the predictive algorithm that most of the Fleet of Fog uses?

"You mean the Predictive Algorithm?" I ask, still unsure.

Helena nods.

"Well, you see..." Helena starts explaining, and I can already tell this is going to be a very, very fun day of learning new things that I love—probably because my creations just one-upped me.

Premier Alexander Romanov POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE LOST THE MIDAS R&D SITE?!" I scream at the top of my lungs at the gathered generals.

They dare look helpless?! We only have 3 MIDAS vehicles and we just lost one of the MIDAS Vehicle!

"Do you even know how much I invested into that project?!" My rage boils over as I scream again.

I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder, as I force myself to calm down. Yeah, I'm rushing too much.

"Premier Romanov, maybe you should take a seat?" my trusted advisor, Yuri, suggests.

I nod and sit down in my chair.

"What do we know about our invaders?" I ask, still letting my frustration simmer.

"Premier Romanov, if I may," one of my generals steps forward, pulling out a case file.

I nod, and he hands me a stack of papers—pictures of the site, damage reports, and what they managed to scavenge from Sakhalin Island.

One picture stands out—a flying suit of armor raining hellfire down onto what appears to be our research base. The angle isn't clear, but it's enough to identify who's responsible.

"They know?! The Allies know! that why their raid our MIDAS project!" I roar, slamming the papers onto the table. The plan I carefully laid out—keeping things low-end—has been exposed. The Allies know all along! My invasion plan is at risk!


"Premier Romanov, let PsiCorps spearhead this war. I will order an infiltration into Japan to bring back what we lost," Yuri says confidently.

"You better." My headache flares up as I glare at him. Yuri simply nods and steps out of the room.

Yuri's POV


Proselyte is not yet finished training.

I need to pull him out of the program for a field test.

Spies in the Pacific Front and European Alliances are slowly being rooted out.

And that's concerning.

I shake my head and bring my hands together, levitating myself onto my floating podium.

I also lost the signal from the mini-sub I sent to Pearl Harbor. Destroyed? They had orders to self-destruct if detected.


I will deal with this later. For now, I need to give orders to my followers.

A few days later

(Author's note: Not much on Aqua's front has happened in the past few days—just blueprints, building expansions, and establishing infrastructures on Pearl harbor. Aqua still haven't introduced herself to the citizens at Pearl Harbor. So next chapter.. probably)

Proselyte POV (Epsilon's Player)

"Proselyte, welcome to the future. Yuri has plans for you and all his followers in PsiCorps, and we shall help make the world into something grand. An operation of utmost urgency must be conducted - Russian Premier Romanov has decided to start the war but before its can properly start. We promised the premier a success in infiltration in to Japan to steal what belong to Romanov.

The Midas project vehicle are being kept at Kanegawa Industries research facility in Japan. Capture it and deliver it back to Russia. Our agents are being rooted out but I activated the remaining agents there, and they are all you have to work with at the moment. Time is everything, but you have a secret power that Yuri has gifted us - the power to shape thoughts, and thus shape the currents of the future. Use them to make your way to the Base, and steal the Midas back." - Yuri

"We're arriving at Tokyo's basin dock in 10 minutes," one of my Initiates reports.

I smile, rising from my chair. I burn Yuri's note with a flame I summon through sheer will.

I make my way to the command post aboard the ship.

"Welcome, Proselyte. Battlefield command established!" the system announces. I connect my mind to the amplifier. Unlike the stationary beacons, this amplifier lets me direct my forces across the battlefield.

It's currently 1:00 AM—the perfect time for a stealth infiltration.

I have 20 Adepts and 4 Initiates under my command. The city's patrols are on high alert—dogs, power suits, and hover tanks are everywhere.

The animals are immune to my mind control, so they'll need to be eliminated first.

Japanese Commander's POV

I sit in my command seat inside the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV), sipping my late-night coffee. The general ordered this research site to be properly secured, so he assigned two commanders to guard it.

I glance at my communications officer, who monitors patrol routes surrounding the southern side of Tokyo. Another officer is directly connected to the other commander stationed on the opposite side of the city.

At first, I didn't believe what the General said either, but the MIDAS project is more than enough proof for me. We're guarding its research site with everything we've got.

The Japanese military underwent a full purge four days ago—something about mind-controlled spies. Every soldier had to go through intensive screenings. My men were tested and cleared, myself included. Some kind of psychological test. I don't even understand how it works—just looking at pictures, and basic anti torture training, apparently?

But generals did caught significant amounts of mind controlled soldiers.. as they swear something about "All for Yuri" while trying to break free or sudden violent reactions..

"Commander, we lost contract with Patrol-4A" The comm officer report.. as the screen cycle live feed from the entire patrols.. nothing just statics..

4A? That's the group patrolling the dock warehouses. "Order the Rocketeer squad to check it out. Prepare for combat," I command. Those flying guys have been idle for too long. "Instruct teams 4B, 3A, and 5A to hold position and keep an eye out for bald guys with weird symbols on them." I shake my head. Do we seriously not have a codename for these mind controllers yet I thought to myself.

"Order sent," the comm officer replies as the screen displays the live feed from one of the Rocketeers. Thanks to the airbase, I can access these live views from multiple angles.

Gunfire erupts below. The camera pans down—our own patrol groups are fighting each other. I sigh and turn to the other comm officer. "Report the situation to Commander Yuki and the General," I order. Then, addressing the first officer again, "Have the Rocketeers circle the area and keep searching for hostiles. Tell 4B, 3A, and 5A to assist in suppressing our friendlies."

The feed shows one of the six Rocketeers firing at his fellow flyers. I grimace. If the intelligence is accurate, these mind controllers need a 1-to-1 ratio to maintain control.

A Rocketeer spots one of the bald men hiding in the warehouse. They can't shoot in to building as their weapons are too weak to randomly fire in to the warehouse directly without risking friendly casualties. "Tell 4B to switch to zap pistols and disable our soldiers," I order. "Instruct 3A and 5A to storm the warehouse and clear it out."

The mind-controlled GIs aim at the Rocketeers, but a quick burst from the zap pistols drops them. These weapons, originally police-issued, were modified to handle this new threat. They knock out soldiers without causing major permanent damage, even piercing through their body armor although that mean that some damage still need to be done but it better then killing them.

So far, so good.


Damn it. "Report!" I bark at the comm officer, keeping my eyes glued to the ongoing dock operation feed.

"Sir! A residential building in zone 2D has been hit by a bomb. The nearest team is moving to investigate," the officer responds.

The western residential area? Reinforcements, maybe? I consider the situation while monitoring the warehouse cleanup—three downed GIs and one Rocketeer.

"Order the Rocketeers to refuel and return to patrol. Tell 4B to carry the downed GIs to the military hospital and resume their route. Send 5A and 3A to reinforce 2D," I command.

Switching to the 2D team's feed, I see them arriving at the scene and evacuating civilians. The fire still burns. The hole in the building looks small—probably a portable missile launcher.

"Deploy two Powersuits to guard the area," I order. I hesitate to send vehicles as these vehicles are manned our Robot forces still being development, but we need to show the civilians we're in control. These manned mechs are used by police and symbolize stability.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Explosions echo in the distance.

"Sir! Commander Yuki reports multiple bombings in northern Tokyo! We're under attack!" the comm officer shouts.

This isn't just infiltration—it's a full assault. "Send Code Red! Activate all units! Deploy Powersuits and Kappa tanks to reinforce the research site. Double patrols throughout the city. I want every available soldier out there. Now!"

Proselyte POV

I smirk.

Four more civilians fall under my sway. I give them temporary orders—nothing lasting more than five minutes, but that's more than enough to spread chaos.

I didn't expect them to know about the powers Yuri has bestowed upon us. Upon HIM.

It won't matter. The MIDAS will return to Russia, just as Yuri commanded.

This is one against two in commanders count, but I've already stacked the odds. I send two Initiates and a group of mind-controlled civilians storming down the main street toward the research site. They're just a distraction—a noisy spectacle to draw attention.

Another threat lies to the north. Eight Adepts infiltrate, seizing control of GIs and Powersuits. The Allies will show up to calm the civilians, and when they do, my Adepts will take command of their forces.

Now they scramble, deploying tanks and more Powersuits to intercept the chaos I orchestrated.

I shake my head and smile again.

The true danger isn't outside—it's already inside their research site. They forget that we can shape thoughts, bend wills, and twist reality itself.

Soon, Yuri's will shall spread.

So.. moving up the plot slowly but surely..

And I gonna need to make my own campaign..

Like it gonna be pain and fun at the same time..

My ability to write Epsilon's player POV is lacking.. like he is 1 of the 4 players based on Mental Omega.

Although all players AI choose Heavy Aerial approach as those are players (us) favorite thus their will spamming lot of air units in those missions.

Dragon_M_Atlascreators' thoughts
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