
Combat Station! - 15

Gawr's POV


Prey found! Prey destroy! Nothing left. More prey upward?

"No, Gawr-chan!" one of her crew members… friends? said

("Good work on the Piranha. Just dive deeper for now. If the situation above blows up, you're free to hunt.") The Creator? Owner? she said… Trust Owner. Gawr will dive and wait.

Lib's POV

So that explosion rock the islands, lot of land slide all around the area.

At least the origin point of the landslide was a few kilometers away from here.

Scaling the cliff using my grappling hook and jump pack, I reached just below the cliff's top. No sound came from above. Just to be sure, I willed my nanoswarms to create a hidden camera and scan the area. Nothing. Not even defensive turrets or a guard post—just a sheer cliff face with a simple handrail.

"Process," I whispered, activating my jump pack to get over the top. Sakura and Danielle followed close behind.

Scanning the surroundings, I noted this side of the island seemed wild. A dense canopy of trees, dirt trails, and no visible buildings.

("Captain, the LZ is clear,") I reported to Rupture. Moments later, I heard the sound of her thrusters. She landed with her submarine rigging at full throttle, the rough descent kick up a lot of dirt. As she unsummoned her rigging, she shook dirt from her uniform.

"Never again," Rupture muttered.

"Your orders, Captain?" I asked while scanning the area. Sakura prepared a UAV, its quadcopter blades whirring to life, and Danielle conjured her sniper rifle, already scoping distant targets in the direction of the city.

"Scout the area. Get intel on important buildings, then relay it to Commander," Rupture ordered. Sakura launched her drone, its tiny frame disappearing into the canopy. Rupture's eyes glowed faintly blue as she synced with its feed.

"The island is large. Lots of buildings, installations, and fleets stationed here. Ah, hover tanks too." Her gaze suddenly locked onto something distant.

"Okay, Commander confirmed… We're at Pearl Harbor." A pause. "Our objective has been updated: capture the Mercury satellite uplink. No intel about us is to be leaked."

I nodded.

"Gawr's team has orders to build Fog's Spire underwater, near the island. Once it's operational, all non Wargirl's communication within an 8-kilometer radius will be cut off," Rupture added. "Our team will clear the rest of the island where the fog won't reach, striking isolated groups first. From the UAV feed, our first target is here." She send the 3D hologram map to all of us then highlighted a base outside the Fog's Spire shroud zone, on the other side of the island.

I willed my nanoswarm to form a Graviton Assault Rifle in my hands as Sakura summoned her assault rifle. Danielle nodded, her sniper rifle already at the ready.

"Lib, make me a sniper rifle," Rupture requested. "My armaments are mostly missiles, and they're too loud. Also, give me the hoodie."

I created a Graviton Sniper Rifle for the Captain and handed over a default hoodie equipped with optical camouflage.

"Switch to optical camouflage uniforms," she commanded. "Then move out. Lib, create one more UAV for aerial surveillance. I'll command Sakura's UAV to scout the entire island."

We moved quickly through the dense forest. Mountains loomed in the distance, and an asphalt road cut through the woods to the north, roughly 700 meters away. Something resembling a small mech was walking along it, heading in the same direction as us. Rupture linked to my UAV feed.

"Mech?" she asked. I took up position on the left flank, Danielle secured the rear, and Sakura guarded the right as we advanced. About 12 seconds later, we reached the road. Rupture held up her hand, signaling us to halt.

I crouched behind trees overlooking the road. The slope down to the asphalt was reinforced with concrete and metal to prevent landslides. Rupture raised her sniper rifle and prepared to fire. Laser weapons were silent, but the shot would be bright.

I scanned the area with my UAV. It was a lone walker, likely a patrol unit. The nearest checkpoint was two kilometers down the road, and its winding path meant the flash of light wouldn't be visible. It was daytime, too.

Rupture took her shot. The mech collapsed instantly, the pilot's head pierced clean through. She raised her hand and spun it in a circle—a signal to secure the perimeter.

"Lib, you're needed at the mech. Commander wants a scan. Sakura, take over Lib's UAV for now," Rupture ordered. Danielle crossed to the opposite side of the road, watching for incoming threats, while Sakura took my UAV position. I rushed to the downed mech and willed my nanoswarms to scan it.

The damage was minimal, meaning the Commander could likely reverse-engineer it with ease. As I finished the scan the unit is call 'Tsurugi Powersuit' it is a Pacific Front's equivalent to Allies IFV, Rupture gave another order.

"Clean the scene."

I directed my nanoswarms to consume everything—the mech, the pilot, and all traces of the encounter. It took a minute, but the area was spotless.

("Move out,") Rupture commanded.

We resumed our advance through the forest. Sakura and Danielle rejoined us, and I regained control of the UAV. The rustling sound ahead made me pause. An alligator? In the forest? Odd, given there were no nearby water sources.

We reached a checkpoint visible down the road. Beyond it lay a runway and several buildings.

"We'll circle around. Vertical isn't our issue," Rupture said, marking the map. Our route would take us left, avoiding the checkpoint and scaling a mountain before descending near the enemy base's rear.

The climb was uneventful. Security seemed laughably low. We even passed an Allied missile turret on the cliff overlooking the military base below—completely unguarded.

"Sakura, disable it and see if it affects the other turrets on this cliff. We'll scale down and blend in. Lib, check for aircraft near the runway. Danielle, set up cloaked bomb packs at each vehicle parking spot. Don't get detected, but if you do, eliminate the threat before they can report back," Rupture ordered, Danielle nod as she activate her cloaked uniform and left.

Sakura approached the turret while I guided my UAV around the base. Hover tanks and mech walkers were scattered throughout. A few destroyers were docked at the port. It was smaller than the main port, but still formidable. Several buildings filled the space in between.

A peculiar-looking tank with a long barrel caught my attention. It was heavily guarded. Most vehicles remained stationary, likely due to not affect by recent explosion and landslide caused by Gawr. Still, security felt insufficient.

Scanning the runway, I noticed a blue-gray plane equipped with two lasers mounted on its arms. Laser tech, here too?

"Done, Captain," Sakura reported. The turrets on the cliff were disabled. Rupture nodded.

"We'll wait for Fog's Spire to activate. Gawr's team reports 80% completion. In two minutes, that side of the island will lose all communication." She turned to me. "Lib, your mission is to infiltrate the communication hub, gather intel, and shut it down."

I nodded, running a mental checklist: grappling hook—unlikely to be needed due to the lack of vertical structures; jump pack—check; assault rifle—check; UAV connected—check. Four airbases were scattered across the area, each guarded by tanks and infantry. Bunkers with machine guns poking through were spread out as well.

Engaging the cloaking hoodie, I leapt off the cliff without hesitation. The nearest airbase was just a kilometer away, and with my nanoswarm ready to cancel the fall, there was no need for a dramatic impact landing that would create unnecessary noise.

As I neared the airbase, I slipped behind a patrol—a pair of guards armed with a machine pistol, a machine gun slung over their backs, and a dog at their side. Their lack of awareness worked in my favor. I paused at a junction, pressing against the shadows as a tank rumbled past. Once it passed, I darted toward one of the bunkers near the base, where two armed guards stood vigilant by the door.

Knocking them out without alerting the base was too risky. Instead, I circled to the other side of the airbase, deploying my nanoswarm to scout the interior. Within moments, the swarm provided detailed intel: a few dozen personnel, a secure data center, and a general layout of the facility.

Calculating time until Fog's Spire activation: 30 seconds.

The countdown was tight, but manageable. With precision, I commanded my nanoswarm to disassemble part of the wall leading to the data center. The nanites worked silently, the metal and concrete eaten away into nothingness.

"What the f*ck?" exclaimed one of the two personnel inside, frozen in disbelief as they watched the wall dissolve before their eyes.

The other—a man with glasses—was equally stunned. They didn't even notice me. I knocked them both out with quick strikes to the head and moved to the terminal. Pulling out my data knife, I pierced the system, extracting its contents.

"Let's see..." I muttered to myself, scanning the files. "'Pearl Harbor Aerial Control,' 'Mercury Satellite'—this one's for Commander, I gonna need to scan the stationed plane for Commander too huh?"

I uploaded the data to Captain for relay back to Commander.

Through my UAV feed, I saw a dense fog rise from the sea, covering the island's far side. Using the confusion, I hacked the comm channels and disabled the control systems of the other three airbases. Their operations were now effectively locked down.


An explosion echoed from outside. I turned to see Rupture walking brazenly down the main road, her missiles materializing mid-air before launching toward various structures, 3 more smaller booms echoes as the park vehicles got blown up by Danielle.

The hover tanks reacted quickly, but Rupture was quicker. She shouldered her sniper rifle and fired a precision laser shot straight through the cockpit of the leading tank, incapacitating it instantly. Despite its advanced tech, it was still a manned tank.

"Okay, Caption's causing her chaos." I muttered to myself, turning my attention to the troops converging on the data center. Creating a laser Uzi, I aimed at their weapons, melting the barrels before they could fire.

The two nearest troopers panicked as their machine pistols disintegrated. I stepped closer, still cloaked, and used my knife to disable their machine guns.

"Would you be so kind as to surrender?" I asked, my tone calm but firm. They threw their hands up without hesitation.

Shaking my head, I moved on to clear the rest of the airbase—and maybe take a few hostages.

Sakura's POV

Boss really went all out this time. I took aim and fired, dropping another soldier trying to make a run for the Stormchild plane. My nanoswarm scanned it as I provided cover.

Cloaking? Not my style. A group of soldiers charged toward me, so I leveled my Uzi and let loose a hail of lasers. Most of them went down easily; a few managed to dive for cover. Not that I cared—I wasn't here to finish the job, just to get blueprints.

With the Stormchild scanned, I moved on to the Kappa tanks. After that, the weird artillery pieces would be next. As I dashed toward the nearest Kappa tank, I noticed destroyers in the distance turning their guns toward Boss's position. This was going to be fun to watch.

On the other side of the island

Gawr's POV

Hunting prey is fun! Surrendering prey? Not fun! There's still more prey to chase!

I heard prey whistled a small prey as I swam through the fog-shrouded waters. Another yummy prey—a fast one! But not fast enough to escape me.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Another prey? This prey shoots back? Fun! My little pet sharks will eat through their metal hulls.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Prey can shoot back?! Fun! here let my little pet shark eat that metal hull of your!



Rawr's POV

"She's going crazy..." I muttered with a sigh, my gaze fixed on my sister—another support model like me. I didn't get to choose my name; Gawr had picked it for me.

Quasia, my sister, gave a small shrug. "It's not so bad when she's just staying in the water," she replied, her voice calm. The reason Quasia got to name herself was simple: Gawr couldn't come up with anything, and apparently naming me was effort enough.

Gawr, though... she was a whole other issue. Turning my head toward the sea, I watched her in action. She had boarded a Trident Battleship and, after launching her torpedoes, was now eating the ship. Sure, it worked—she was nothing if not effective—but still...

Quasia's voice broke my train of thought. "Anyway, the database from this naval base is fully downloaded," she said.

"Good," I replied, glancing at the combat model, Triple, who was standing guard at the control room's entrance. "I bet the other teams are having a lot of fun right now," Triple remarked, her rifle resting casually on her shoulder.

"Oh, don't worry," I said with a faint grin. "Our fun's about to begin, too. Commander wants us to capture the Mercury Satellite uplink and secure the top brass here. That'll force the island to surrender."

Triple's eyes lit up. "Can I volunteer to find the Allied commander? You know, cut to the chase?" She summoned her sniper rifle into existence, its sleek barrel gleaming ominously.

"Be my guest," I said. "Just don't take too long. I've got turrets to set up. Graviton missiles will keep any Allied ships from slipping away." I looked over at Quasia, and she gave me a curt nod of acknowledgment. With that, I dove into the water, the cool embrace of the ocean welcoming me.

From beneath the waves, I could see the faint outline of Fog's spire, towering few hundred meters beneath the ocean's surface. It was time to get to work.

Allies Commander POV (random Allies Commander, not Player)

"Sir, we've tried everything, but no communication channels are working!" one of the comm officers reported, their voice strained.

"What's the situation at the harbor?" I demanded, trying to maintain control.

"It's chaotic, Commander. We can't get in contact with any of our ships," another officer chimed in, equally frustrated.


An explosion echoed in the distance, likely from the harbor. My fists clenched. Nothing was working. The satellite uplink was down, the maps offline, and every form of communication—radio, even hardline—was flooded with static. To make matters worse, an impenetrable fog blanketed the entire city, extending far out to sea. Visibility was reduced to mere hundreds of meters. Worst of all, I couldn't issue commands to any units outside this immediate area. The radio jamming made sure of that.

"What about the runners I sent to the airbase to reestablish communication?" I asked, my tone sharp.

"No response, sir," another officer replied. "The fog... it's behaving like a Gap Generator. No signals are getting through."

I exhaled heavily, the weight of the situation bearing down on me. "Call all nearby troops and vehicles. We're packing up the MCV and moving out of the fog. We'll set up a new base of operations outside its reach."

As I issued the order, a tremor rocked the base.

"What was that?!" I barked, rushing to the viewport. Outside, a crater now sat where an automated turret had been moments before. Panic spread as soldiers scrambled to locate the source of the threat, but the fog made it impossible to see.

"Code Red! The base is under attack!" I shouted. Before I could issue further orders, the MCV shook violently as something rammed into it. A moment later, the wall cracked open, and a figure rushed through.

"Ah, found you~" came a sing-song voice. A girl, her glowing blue eyes practically piercing through the haze, stepped into the room. My instincts kicked in as I pulled out my machine pistol, but before I could fire, she summoned a weapon—a pair of Uzis—and let loose a torrent of lasers. Soldiers around me fell like flies. Some were shot clean through, while others screamed in agony as their limbs melted away.

My pistol was sliced in half, and a powerful kick sent me crashing into the wall. Pain shot through my body as I felt several bones crack. The girl now stood before me, her weapon aimed directly at my forehead.

"Who... who are you working for...?" I managed to wheeze, blood dripping from my lips.

Her smirk widened. "Oh~ wouldn't you like to know?" she said, her tone almost playful. "Maybe I'll tell you... after you order the surrender of this entire island, Mister."

Her forces—they were behind the fog, the jamming, the devastation. Superior technology, overwhelming force. Not much choices really. I coughed, blood splattering onto the floor. "Fine..." I croaked. "We... cough... surrender."

"Thank you for your cooperation~" she replied sweetly. Then, with a swift motion, she struck me on the head, and everything faded to black.

Triple's POV

Well, that was easy. I pulled out my communicator and connected to the control hub's speakers. It was time to announce the surrender to the rest of the island.

As for cleanup? Hestia had already arrived, as Rawr had relayed to the team. Knowing her, she'd be building perimeters to secure the island and prevent anyone from escaping first before actual clean up.

With the message broadcasted and the soldiers disarmed, I focused on rounding them up in one central location. I'd need to request a healing kit from the Commander later—prisoners of war weren't exactly my specialty, and I couldn't heal them myself. That was going to be a problem.

Quasia's POV

Destruction. It was the natural consequence of standing against me. Fires raged, craters dotted the landscape, bodies lay strewn about, and automated turrets were reduced to smoldering wreckage.

I stood before the massive satellite dish that served as the Mercury laser satellite's uplink. Placing my hand against its cold metallic surface, I willed my nanoswarms to hijack the system. Support models like me didn't rely on data knives; our nanoswarms were far more versatile.

"System downloaded and transmitted back to the Commander," I reported through the network link.

("Good work. Rendezvous with your team. Hestia is nearly done securing the perimeter and will handle cleanup shortly,") came the Commander's response.

("Affirmative,") I replied. Turning toward the city, I activated my fog filters to get a clear view. Triple was already gathering surrendering troops near the Allied MCV, she work fast.

The battle was effectively over. All that remained was the cleanup.

As I glanced toward the harbor, I noticed that Gawr had finally stopped her rampage, lot of ships slowly sunk around her. Good. At least something was calming down.

So I just realize how much more effort I need to write combat sequence that tactically sounds.

Lot of POV shifting.. sorry for that.

edit: this is myself from next chapter.. I hate writing Consequence of said action.

Dragon_M_Atlascreators' thoughts
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