
Hestia is here! - 12

A few hours later…

I will never host another after-action battle report again. With an exhausted sigh, I collapsed onto my bed. At first, I thought a 3D analysis of the entire battlefield using my nanoswarm to create a miniature, synchronized map with recorded footage would be simple. And it was… almost too simple.

The results were incredibly detailed, but trying to keep up with the rapid pace of everyone's improvisations and tactics was another story. On the bright side, some of the creative solutions they came up with were truly ingenious. On the downside? The cost analysis was terrifying. The battle simulation cost $32,500—most of it from fortifications and grenade expenditures. Surprisingly, the primary weapons weren't nearly as expensive.

Amy, for example, brought her unique "aggressive" playstyle to the battlefield. While effective, it was absolute overkill. She had leveled skyscrapers as well as flush Helena out of the sewers, and her resource expenditure alone accounted for 75% of the total cost. At one point, she had combined eight grenades into a single bomb pack. Cost Efficiency? Zero. Results? …Admittedly, very impressive.

After all the analysis, we finalized the upgrades for the next battle loadout:

[T-Doll: Combat Model: 'Special Force' loadout]

Cost: $1020 x10 (wargirls)

Primary: Graviton laser Uzi, Graviton Sniper rifle, Graviton Assault rifle, Railgun grenade launcher, Corrosive Flame thrower

Melee: Data knife, Whip sword

Throwable: Corrosive grenade, Corrosive bomb pack

Blueprints: Trenches, barrier, gun platform, reinforcement barrier, tripwire trap, hidden camera, remote control weapon system, sensors perimeter.

Utility: Underwater set, Grappling hook, Jumppack, motorbike, Decoy, UAV, UGV.

The result? Two additional primary weapons, one more melee weapon, one new throwable, two more blueprints, and three new utility items. Oh, and the dirt bike, of course.

Amy's first prototype of the dirt bike looked more like an off-road bike, built to handle multiple terrains. The upgraded version I did while Amy helping me out, however, featured enhanced wheels, a reinforced engine, and a scaled-up rechargeable battery pack similar to those used in infantry weapons. It could climb mountains, traverse mud, and handle sand with ease, it top speed is around 250 km per hours, that speed due to we didn't put any thruster on its yet but I need combat model to be able to create it on a fly so no thruster.

As chaotic as the battle had been, it was fun to watch. Still, I had other responsibilities. I quickly checked the progress of our research projects for the day:

[Research box #1 'wisdom cube production' Estimated time left: 16 hours]

[Research box #2 finished research 'Water to Resources Transmutation']

[Research box #3 'Vertical farming' Estimated time left: 10 hours]

[Research box #4 'wisdom cube production' Estimated time left: 1 Day 8 hours]

[Research box #5 'Super Graviton Laser' Estimated time left: 16 hours]

[Research box #6 'Wave Front Armor' Estimated time left: 6 days 16 hours]

[Research box #7 finished research 'Railgun Slingshot']

[Research box #8 finished research 'Nanoswarm hacking']

"Three completed projects. Nice," I murmured, rolling around on my bed, my mind buzzing with ideas. It was time to assign the empty research boxes to new projects. After some thought, I decided to focus on enhancing our submarine capabilities.

[Research box #1 assigning 'Fleet wide Submarine hull integration' Estimated time left: 2 weeks]

"Two weeks?!" I groaned aloud. "All I want is for my Kansen to share submarine functionality across other ship classes. Why does it take so long?" Resigned, I redirected the remaining empty boxes to speed up Wisdom Cube production.

[Research box #1,4,7,8 'wisdom cube production' Estimated time left: 8 hours]

"Better." Satisfied with the progress, I finalized the design for the new Data Knife using the recently completed nanoswarm hacking research. It was then that a thought struck me. "Wait… should I worry about counter-hacking?" I made a mental note to assign a project for that once another research box became available.

Yawning, I let myself drift off to sleep, hugging a fluffy pillow formed from my nanoswarm. Before dozing off completely, I willed my nanoswarm to create a pair of comfortable hoodies and shorts for sleeping. Honestly, I really should start wearing something other than my default swimsuit... even if I am technically a submarine.

The Next Morning


The sound of my alarm jolted me awake.

"Five more minutes…" I groaned, stretching lazily before burying myself deeper into my fluffy pillow. I was definitely not a morning person.

Knock, knock!

The sound of knocking forced me to roll out of bed. Stumbling to the door, I opened it with a sleepy yawn.

"Aqua-chan! Here's today's Wisdom Cube!" Amy greeted me with her usual bright smile, holding out the glowing object. The Wisdom Cube resembled a tesseract, with a blue glow surrounding it and a vibrant yellow light shining from its center.

"Thanks," I mumbled, shaking off my sleepiness as I took the cube. Amy stepped aside to let me pass, following behind as I hurried toward the underwater shipyard where the Hestia-class submarine was docked.

As I approached the dock, I noticed Terra, Tessa, Tama, and Alya gathered on one side of the pathway. On the other side stood Helena and Pama. All eyes were on me as I willed my nanoswarm to carry the Wisdom Cube to the submarine's hull.

The cube dissolved into digital particles, and the Hestia-class hull vanished as if it were being rewritten. Slowly, a figure began to materialize—a tall girl with short black hair and glowing neon-blue lines tracing her sci-fi swimsuit, which resembled mine.

She opened her bright blue eyes and met my gaze. "Hestia-class Mobile Construction Vehicle, at your service!" she announced, bowing slightly before straightening up.

"Nice to meet you, Hestia. I'm Aqua," I said, smiling. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. My first Kansen, and she was an MCV. It felt fitting.

"Let's get started, shall we?" I said with a grin, pulling up a 3D holographic map to highlight the areas needing development.

"Absolutely, Aqua-chan! You already know me so well," Hestia replied, her enthusiasm infectious as she studied the map, her being exciting about building is probably related to her being MCV.

As I think, an idea struck me: I should update all my blueprints to include Water-to-Resources transmutation. Opening another design application on a holographic window, I began drafting the grid layout on the 3D hologram map. Every 500 meters, I designated a sensor tower, carefully plotting their locations. Once the sensor towers were accounted for, I added Fog Spires to shroud the area in mist and included Avalon laser turrets every kilometer—24 in total, not counting the base itself, which already had an extra four.

Next, I considered Graviton missile turrets and PD turrets for every sensor tower to counter potential submarine attacks or giant squid encounters. Then I paused. Wait, do I even have PD turrets? I racked my brain. Didn't the sensor towers come equipped with integrated PD turrets? That should suffice… right?

Shaking my head, I refocused on the design. With a few taps, I applied the Water-to-Resources tech upgrade to all my creations—including myself. Immediately, the nanoswarms went into a frenzy, upgrading everything: the girls, the buildings, the structures.

"Oops," I muttered, realizing I hadn't warned anyone. Hestia glanced at me, her amused smile reassuring. She returned her focus to the hologram, where I highlighted the specific locations for the new buildings and structures.

"Oh, by the way, Hestia," I said, breaking the silence, "you'll need a crew for this. I've got seven girls behind me already." I glanced back, spotting Amy smiling warmly, Terra nodding, and Tessa, Pama, and Alya offering supportive grins. Then there was Helena, looking as smug as ever.

The decision to allow each Kansen to assemble their own crews stemmed from three reasons. First, my social anxiety. While I understood that we need more people to win the war, I could only handle so many social connections. Ten to fifteen was my limit; any more and I'd struggle to manage. Second, having their own teams would enable the Kansen to operate independently during missions or when far from the main base. Lastly, assembling units directly on the frontlines was prohibitively expensive for my faction, especially with the x10 multiplier on production costs. By assigning trained and synergized crews to each Kansen, we could bypass the expense and bolster efficiency.

"Well, five to seven T-Doll crew members should be your limit," I calculated aloud, addressing Hestia. "As the MCV, you'll also have escort Kansen—specifically Shark-class or something similar, but that'll come later." I smiled at her.

"For now, let's discuss the plan. I'll start by upgrading the Wisdom Cube production facility, then join the perimeter-building efforts. You can begin after assembling your crew," I said with a nod. "If you have ideas for improvements, feel free to draft your own blueprints and send them to me for approval." With that, I issued a command to the underwater shipyard to begin constructing two Shark-class mini submarines.

"Aye, Aqua-chan!" Hestia saluted confidently before heading toward the barracks.

As she left, Helena suddenly hugged me from behind. "Master~" she purred. "I your crew now? Or is this another one of your teases?" Her smug aura was palpable, even without seeing her face.

"Helena-chan, shouldn't you let Aqua-chan finish her work first?" Amy interjected, her tone sweet but laced with an unmistakable edge. Reluctantly, Helena released me, allowing me to smile in gratitude toward Amy.

"Thanks, Amy." Turning to Terra, Tessa, Tama, and Alya, I said, "You can wait here or decorate the empty space around the dock—it's still pretty barren. I'll be back once I've upgraded the Wisdom Cube factory and reduced production times."

Amy and Helena exchanged glances before nodding. "You can follow me if you want," I offered, "or stay here. Either way, I'll need to gather everyone before joining the perimeter-building effort." Pama gave a quick nod before rushing off to stop Tama, who was dangerously close to falling into the water while using the nanoswarm's frictionless trick to slide around.

I headed toward the elevator, situated along the back wall near the residential buildings. Amy and Helena quickly caught up, walking alongside me. As we waited for the elevator, I assigned the now-empty research box to counterintelligence.

[Research box #2 'Counter intelligence' Estimated time left: 2 weeks]

Apparently, I'd cast the scope too wide. No matter—I still had three other research boxes. I decided to prioritize aerial surveillance or a satellite view next, followed by camouflage technology. Though the nanoswarm could mimic environments temporarily, managing it manually was exhausting. Delegating the task to the research box would save time and effort.

[Research box #4 'Spy Satellite' Estimated time left: 1 years]

[Research box #7 'Optical Camouflage' Estimated time left: 3 hours]

"One year?" I muttered, startled. It seemed I'd need to integrate knowledge bases from the USA and Soviet-era rocket programs.

The last research box would focus on gaining an eagle-eye perspective for on-field commanders. Just as I finalized the assignments, the elevator dinged open. Either Amy or Helena had called it for me—good. Now, it was time to retrofit the Wisdom Cube factory.

[Research box #8 'High atmosphere Stealth Surveillance UAV' Estimated time left: 1 week]

Hestia's POV

Standing in the barracks, I scrutinized the options displayed before me. Only two T-Doll models were available for production. Aqua-chan's reasoning for standardizing the designs was logical—it streamlined loadout compatibility and reduced maintenance requirements—but it felt a bit… impersonal. Maybe I could tweak their personality settings? Or set them to random for more individuality? Then again, random personalities risked creating conflicting dynamics. I sighed. That was a bridge I'd cross if necessary.

"So, I'm getting a Kansen escort later," I muttered to myself. "But for now, I'll start with four combat T-Doll models and one support model. They'll supplement my firepower and allow my escort to focus on more critical missions."

I queued up the production order, and the nanoswarm in the facility whirred to life, assembling the first T-Doll. Within moments, she emerged from the production pod, her sharp eyes scanning the room. When her gaze landed on me, she stood at attention and saluted crisply.

"T-Doll Combat Model, reporting for duty," she announced. Her voice was clear and authoritative, but her default outfit—a hoodie and shorts—clashed humorously with her formal demeanor. Suppressing a chuckle, I mentally saved the hoodie design for later use.

"Choose a name for yourself," I instructed her, simultaneously designing a tactical uniform. The outfit consisted of a streamlined tactical vest, a combat shirt and pants, gloves, and sturdy boots, all in a sleek camouflage pattern. With a command, my nanoswarm materialized the uniform on her.

Her eyes widened as her outfit changed, and her cheeks flushed. "Ah! You pervert!" she exclaimed, startling me.

"What?" I blinked in confusion, unsure what had triggered the outburst. "It's just your uniform!"

She pouted but quickly composed herself. "Protea," she said softly, her voice firming as she saluted again. "My name is Protea. Reporting for duty."

"Nice to meet you, Protea," I said, offering her a reassuring smile. "You'll be responsible for guarding me while we set up the perimeter grid."

The second combat model finished assembly and stepped forward. Her expression was gentler, more curious. "Hello?" she greeted tentatively, her voice warm.

"And your name?" I asked as she extended a hand toward me.

"Mosoom, miss," she replied, gripping my hand with an enthusiastic shake and smiling brightly.

I nodded in acknowledgment and summoned my nanoswarm to outfit her in the same tactical uniform as Protea.

The third and fourth combat models followed in quick succession, stepping out one after the other. The third introduced herself with a sharp salute. "T-Doll Combat Model, Archer, reporting!" Her confidence radiated as she stood tall.

The fourth mirrored her actions, her voice bold and assertive. "T-Doll Combat Model, Crusher, reporting!"

"Nice to meet both of you," I said with a salute, admiring their readiness. As I equipped them with specialized uniforms using my nanoswarm, I couldn't help but wonder why the assembly times varied between models.

Finally, the support model emerged. She stood out immediately with her white hair and slightly taller stature compared to the others. Her demeanor was composed and graceful.

"T-Doll Support Model, Belfast, reporting to the Captain," she announced. Unlike the others, she had already swapped out her default hoodie for a maid-like uniform. She curtsied elegantly before me.

"Nice to meet you, Belfast," I replied, feeling a strange sense of familiarity with her name. Something about it tugged at the fragments of the Creator's memories embedded in me. Usually, those memories were vague knowledge packages—nothing specific or personal—but this felt different.

I cleared my throat, clapping my hands to gather everyone's attention. "Alright, introductions are done. We'll have time to get better acquainted once we start moving. For now, our priority is to set up the perimeter grid. Afterward, I'll schedule a group battle to assess each of your combat styles."

With that, I led them outside the barracks. Protea, still sulking from earlier, followed reluctantly. Mosoom practically bounced with excitement, her steps light and lively. Archer and Crusher exchanged competitive glances before shaking hands firmly, a silent agreement passing between them. Belfast walked gracefully beside me, her presence calm and reassuring.

We arrived at the underwater shipyard, where I accessed the 3D holographic map Aqua-chan had created. Studying the layout, I decided on a starting point. "We'll begin at the northwest corner of the perimeter and work eastward to establish the gridline."

Summoning my submarine rigging, I willed it into existence. It resembled an underwater bike, but with multiple nanoswarm deployers secured beneath it. I gestured to the T-Dolls.

"Come on, it's not as intimidating as it looks," I said, encouraging them to touch the rigging. "You'll be integrated into the system and transferred into my hull."

Belfast was the first to step forward, nodding politely before touching the rigging. Her form dissolved into particles as she entered my actual hull. Seeing this, Protea hesitated for only a moment before following suit. Mosoom was next, her curiosity overriding any apprehension. Archer and Crusher exchanged glances, as if daring each other to hesitate, before simultaneously placing their hands on the rigging.

Once everyone was aboard, I dove into the water, propelling my submarine forward. The base quickly disappeared behind me as I aimed for the perimeter's edge, my T-Dolls safely housed within my hull maybe I should join in to socialize with them too via comm..

More crews.. I mean it make senses as these girls are Commando tier units so Mass production method like in normal RTS not gonna work, also cost and my inability to write lot of moving characters.

Although I ran out of name so I gonna need to get them from somewhere I familiar with so Belfast.. don't worry Enterprise will arrive when that Submarine hull intergration for other class research finished.

Dragon_M_Atlascreators' thoughts
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