
chapter 23

Exhausted from a long day, Eileen found herself restless after Marlena's departure.


As the people gathered outside scattered following Michele's second gunshot, she, still clutching a few unripe oranges she had shot off the trees, grinned.


"From now on, if anyone comes here, they'll think twice about it, knowing they might get shot."


After dispersing the soldiers, Michele had dinner with Eileen, not forgetting to complicate Eileen's thoughts.


"But, Madame, when will the Grand Duchess arrive at the palace?"


"Well… I'm not the Grand Duchess…."


"Well, good is good, isn't it? I'll practice in advance. Madame, Madame."


After dinner, drawing on his experience as a former palace servant, Michele swiftly tidied the house and departed.

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