
A Cult?

James dragged Vela off after we left Flitwick's classroom.  The two had been getting more and more handsy as their relationship went on. I was a bit worried that Vela would end up a mother before we graduated. I relied heavily on Bellatrix and Narcissa to keep her out of trouble as senior members of her family. 


As I made my way over to the Gryffindor common room Lily joined me and walked in step beside me. She seemed happier than when I had left the Great Hall hours earlier. 


'Her conversation with Fleur must have gone well.' 


"So, did you talk her into that ménage à trios?"


Lily sputtered and glared at me. "No, I'll have you know that I made friends with her." 


"Relax," her eyebrow twitched. "I'm only kidding love. You're more than enough for me." 


"Pull the other one, I've seen how you look at her." 


"I'm only looking Lils." 


She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, so what's the plan?" 


We entered the Gryffindor common room, Harry greeted us as he left for his next class with Hermoine and Ron. I waved at them as the portrait of the Fat Lady shut close. Lily took a seat next to me. 


"Well? What's the plan for the Triwizard Tournament. You're convinced that it's still a trap of some sort." 


"I'm almost a hundred percent sure that it's a trap. I'll have to speak with Albus about it. I think we can set a trap of our own and if things go the way I think they will, then we just might be able to wipe out this cult before they get too dug in." 


"If they haven't infiltrated society already." 


"Well… their actions thus far point to the fact that there are Death Eaters in their ranks. I didn't kill them all after I obliterated the dark idiot. So the chances of that are high."


"A mistake then?" 


"One that I didn't realize I made until it was too late. I was counting on all of them to be cowards. I didn't think they'd rally under someone else." 


"So you're sure that it's someone completely unrelated to Voldemort at the top?"


"No, not entirely. There's always a chance that they're one of his former 'inner circle'. Though I am curious as to why they chose to attack Hogsmeade instead of the World Cup, plenty more targets at the World Cup." 


"I don't think they wanted too many casualties. Hogsmeade should have given that away with how much of the damage was structural." 


"That grenade is a bit concerning too, they've either lost a potentially powerful weapon or they've got more."


"Maybe they didn't realize it was reusable." 


"Possibly, they have never been the smartest. That title goes to you." 


"Flattery will get you everywhere." She smiled as she moved so that she was straddling me on the couch. 


"Hermoine is a close second though." She rolled her eyes. 


"Shut up and kiss me." 


Red haired women, the one thing that I carried over from all my different lives was the soft spot I had for them. Lily had snuck her way into my heart. To be quite honest I had never expected my 'vacation' to turn into this. I pulled back from my errant thoughts as I stood in front of the gargoyle at the entrance to Dumbledore's office. The statue jumped out of the way and revealed the door. Knocking I entered when the old man called me in. 


In the time that I spent here, Albus Dumbledore had proven himself to be a changed man. He had been nothing but honest to me about his past plans. He eventually even took the role of someone who I could count on for advice on topics I had no skill in. I was still cautious of the man, he was a chronic manipulator after all. But I had began to see him as more than just a chess master playing a game. 


"Theseus, what do you have for me today?" 


"Not much I'm afraid. Just more speculation and observations." 


"That is still something, perhaps there is something between those lines?"


"Perhaps… did the other Headmasters mention my presentation of our school pride?" 


"Yes, they were quite impressed with the display of school pride as you called it. Madame Maxime was taken a back by the charms work." 


"Fantastic, I'm glad they enjoyed it. It's much better than the song you had planned." 


"Now now, I think Hoggy Warty Hogwarts is a great song." 


"Don't fool yourself Albus, you've got to find a way to at least petition for a change to school anthem. That song is painfully embarrassing." 


The man chuckled, "I admit you are not the first student to complain about the song. But let's get back to the matter at hand." 


"At least you admit it. Fine, Lily and I have discovered that the cult behind the attack at Hogsmeade is also behind a plot to hijack the Triwizard Tournament." 


"That is grave news, what do they plan?"


"That is unconfirmed, I suspect they seek to bring back Tom Riddle." 


"His horcruxes are all gone are they not? That would be most difficult for them to accomplish." 


"Difficult, not impossible. As much as I hate to say it, there's a chance, slim as it may be, that they could succeed."


Dumbledore's face darkened, he put his hands together and leaned forward as if deep in thought. 


"What do you suggest?"


"If the tournament is a trap then we set our own. I can ensure that only my name comes out of the cup as the Hogwarts champion."


"Are you truly willing to put yourself in danger?"


"I will hardly be in any danger. Besides, their plan is to use Harry somehow. I plan on preventing that." 


"Very well, I shall assist in any way I can." 


"Thank you Headmaster." 


"No, thank you Theseus. For being the savior this school needed even when you had no obligations to it." 


"Pleasure is mine, tell Fawkes I said hello when he gets back. I miss that fiery rascal." 


The old wizard laughed, I closed the door and made my way back to the Gryffindor common room. With Dumbledore informed and willing to help, Lily and I could proceed with our plans. 


I had to admit, living like a normal human was addicting. I could see why Zeus and Poseidon came to the mortal realm so much back in their world. The magic was a huge bonus now that I had lost the reality altering powers of the Infinity Stones. I still didn't really understand how they could have taken them from me. Though a part of me knows that I gave them willingly. Still, I did miss being able to travel through time easily. A year later and I still hadn't discovered my true domains. 


Lily was waiting for me once I got inside the common room. The Marauders were also there sitting around the fireplace looking at me expectantly. Bellatrix and Narcissa had also snuck in somehow. Harry stepped forward,


"Well? What's the news?" 


"Lily, did you tell everyone?" 


"Nope, just the ones that would stand to be affected by this the most." 


"Fine, Dumbledore is willing to help. We suspect that the Triwizard Tournament is going to be hijacked at some point. Harry, I'll send Dobby over with a memory for you to watch. It's what would have happened originally had we not arrived. Since we're all here, you'll all have a part to play. Whether that's watching certain people or relaying information back to others. 


"James, you and the Marauders keep eyes out where you can. As animagi you guys will have an advantage at sneaking around. Remus you can relay messages if you want. The tournament 'committee' consisting of Bagman, Crouch Senior, and the Headmasters will possibly have meetings. See if you can sneak into some to give us a chance at planning around tasks." 


"Right, Peter can do the sneaky stuff. Vela and I can use our family connections to do some digging." 


"I'd prefer it if you didn't. We don't want them to know that we're on to them."


"Fine, we'll keep our eyes out."


"Next, Bellatrix and Narcissa. As Slytherin you have unique opportunities to spy on Snape. He hasn't done anything yet, but don't rule him out. That man is up to something. Karkaroff as well, see if you the two of them discuss anything involving the cult that attacked Hogsmeade. Death Eaters are potentially involved with the cult." 


The Black sisters just nodded, determination lit up behind their eyes as they both shared a smile. 


"You can count on us, we've been watching the slimy hit since we got here. He still has an unhealthy obsession with our dear Lily over here." 


Lily shuddered at the thought. "Gods no! Sev- Snape might have been my friend in the past. But not this version, he's… quite an eye sore." 


"You know there's stories about you two getting together instead of James in another world out there. They even called you two 'Snilly'. I think there's even a story where you have a s-" 




"Yes love?"


"If you don't stop talking, you're sleeping on the floor tonight." 


"Right, sorry love." 


She rolled her eyes, "Can we get back on track please?" 


"Where was I, oh yeah. Dumbledore has agreed to let me rig the cup so that it can't be confounded." 


"Okay that's a start when are they bringing it out?" 


"The end of this month. Halloween as usual something funky is supposed to happen but I'm going to prevent it by being the funky thing that happens." 


Lily raised a delicate eyebrow at me, "Oh? What do you have planned and why wasn't I informed?" 


James mock winced and 'oooh' behind her back barely dodging the stinging hex Lily shot at him wandlesly. 


"Sorry Lils, it was spontaneous. I promise it's nothing bad though." 


"Fine, I'll be watching you though. Don't think I won't hex your bits if you do something stupid with these idiots." 


"Hey!" "Oi." "What did we do?" 


"She has a point lads." 


"Shut it Moony." 


Remus raised his hands in surrender. "I'll have you know, that it's going to be a magical night Evans." 


"Whatever you say Potter. Let's all go off to bed, we have double classes tomorrow."


"Yes mum." I bit back a smile as everyone responded to Lily. She huffed and dragged me up to the boys dormitory. 

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