
Team Rocket’s Second-in-Command! [16]

The Gyarados roared, absolutely livid.

It had been napping peacefully, only to nearly get cooked by a giant fire vortex! As the lake's undisputed ruler, it would not tolerate such an insult.

With its blood-red eyes fixed on the source of its fury, Gyarados zeroed in on Charmeleon, who was standing by the lakeshore.

The intense glare made Charmeleon pause. It hadn't expected its Fire Spin to summon such a colossal creature, and for a moment, Charmeleon seemed uncertain.

Gyarados, however, had no such hesitation.

With a bellow that shook the air, Gyarados opened its mouth, gathering energy into a destructive sphere. The energy pulsed, generating ripples across the lake as it built to a dangerous crescendo.

If that attack hit, the outcome wouldn't be pretty.

Charmeleon, freshly evolved, struggled to withstand the sheer pressure emanating from Gyarados's attack. But just then, Luo Yuan's voice cut through the tension, reaching Charmeleon's ears.

"Charmeleon, hit it with everything you've got!"

Charmeleon wasn't entirely sure why Luo Yuan would give such a risky order, but after so many battles together, they'd forged an unspoken bond.

Even though they hadn't been together long, Luo Yuan's fire affinity helped strengthen that bond, building a trust that allowed Charmeleon to take a leap of faith.

With a fierce growl, Charmeleon's hesitation melted away. It took a deep breath, its belly glowing faintly red.

The temperature around Charmeleon rose sharply. Grass withered and curled, flowers shriveled, and faint wisps of smoke drifted up from the ground.

Charmeleon's ultimate move was charging up, but it seemed like it might be too late...

Gyarados's Hyper Beam had already reached full power, the energy crackling with terrifying intensity.

"Look out, Luo Yuan! That Gyarados is about to—" Misty's warning died in her throat as Gyarados released its Hyper Beam.

Just as the massive beam of energy was about to hit Charmeleon, a heavy thunk echoed across the lake.

Misty froze, eyes wide.

Somehow, a massive boulder, glowing with an eerie blue aura, had slammed into Gyarados's face, hitting it at an angle and throwing off its aim.

The Hyper Beam went wide, missing Charmeleon by a hair and gouging a deep trench through the forest beyond.

"I don't take fights I can't win," Luo Yuan said with a grin, glancing over at Misty.

The surprise blow had thrown Gyarados off balance, cutting its attack short. And with its head still ringing from the boulder, Gyarados's fury grew tenfold, but it was temporarily paralyzed by the aftermath of its own Hyper Beam, unable to make a move.

Seizing the opportunity, Charmeleon's charged attack finally ignited. Flames erupted from Charmeleon's mouth, forming a fiery symbol in the air. The surge of flames transforming mid-flight into a blazing "大" shape—the Japanese character for "big."

"It's Fire Blast!" Misty shouted, recognizing the massive flames.

Fire Blast was the new move Charmeleon had mastered after evolving, a powerful fire-type attack.

The fiery blast hit the paralyzed Gyarados squarely, sending its massive body flipping backward before it crashed into the lake with a tremendous splash.

"Did we get it?" Misty watched the lake nervously.

Luo Yuan kept his eyes on the lake's surface as well. If they'd been fighting a grass or steel-type, he'd have declared victory by now. But…

Everyone knew Gyarados was a water-type Pokémon, with special defenses that made it highly resistant to elemental attacks.

Seconds ticked by, and a low growl rumbled up from the lake. Gyarados, scorched and battered, struggled to right itself, but it was still conscious.

Yet Luo Yuan had anticipated just this.

"Charmeleon, hit it with another Fire Spin, then finish it off with Fire Blast!"

As Charmeleon prepared its attack, Luo Yuan focused his mind, exerting his psychic energy to further suppress Gyarados's movements.

This psychic power is handier than I thought, he mused as he wielded the boulder-crushing force. If I can immobilize Gyarados like this, I could probably handle most wild Pokémon alone.

So this is the thrill of being a psychic…

While Luo Yuan pinned Gyarados with his psychic hold, Charmeleon didn't waste a second.

The boosted Fire Spin and a powerful final Fire Blast struck Gyarados in quick succession, the intense heat and flames forcing it down once more.


Despite its thick scales, Gyarados couldn't withstand the repeated onslaught. As the smoke and steam finally cleared, Gyarados's massive form lay bobbing at the water's surface, unconscious.


Charmeleon puffed out a few remaining embers and struck a triumphant pose, claws raised in victory.

"Dratini!" Dratini, still coiled around Luo Yuan's neck, chirped happily.

Luo Yuan pulled an Ultra Ball from his belt. "Here we go!"

The ball sailed over the water, capturing Gyarados in a single flash. After a few seconds, the ball stilled, signaling a successful capture.

Using a final nudge of psychic power, Luo Yuan pulled the ball back to his hand.

As for why he wanted a Gyarados? The answer was simple.

With water and flying types, Gyarados was a natural fit for his team's elemental balance. And with Dragapult temporarily off the table, Gyarados could be a solid backup. Plus, it'd make a great aquatic ride if the need arose.


T/N: Fire Blast!

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