
Encountering a Wild Garp

As the morning sun arose to signal the start the beginning of a new day, it woke up everyone that partied on the Oro Jackson the previous night. The adults had it rough has they all had a hangover from drinking.

On the other hand, the kids woke up without incident and noticed how groggy the adults were. Raven and Viktor realized right away that this was an opportunity to tease Professor Jones and the rest of the adults.

Raven and Viktor tag teamed to hit Professor Jones in the shoulder, " Rise and shine Professor, the day is awaiting you. "

Raven continued to tease Professor Jones, " I mean, you are ready to size the day, right? It's not like you drank to much last night, right? "

Viktor added on, " Actually I think he did drink too much. "

Viktor then nudged Professor Jones's shoulder, " He can't even respond to our taunts."

Then, Professor Jones finally responded, " Ugh, my head hurts. What are you brats doing? "

Viktor said, " Teasing you of course. You gave us the perfect opportunity."

Professor Jones then sobered up a bit and gave Raven and Viktor fists of Love. They both yelled, " Ouch!"

Professor Jones said, " Alright, alright I'm up, and somewhat sober. "

Viktor then said, " Dammit, the moment has passed. "

Raven said, " Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. "

Shanks and Buggy noticed how Raven and Viktor harrased Professor Jones and did the same to Roger and Raleigh. Of course, they got a beating afterward, but they thought it was worth it in the end.The rest of the Roger pirates got up as well.

Roger noticed a dot in the horizon and pulled out a telescope to see who it was. He saw a navy ship with a dog's head on the bow. Garp had arrived!

" Get ready boys, we got a wild Garp incoming!"

When Viktor heard this, all he could think was, ' What the hell? Why's Roger making that Pokémon reference. Is Pokémon an actual thing here?'

Hearing that Garp was on his way, the crew stood at attention and readied the ship to leave.

Roger then informed his guests, Raven, Viktor, and Professor Jones, " Sorry, I meant to get you guys off the ship before Garp arrives. "

Roger then laughed, " Ha ha ha ha, Oh well, we'll just do it like last time. It worked then, so it should work again. Probably, maybe. Well, let's find out. "

Viktor then said, " To be clear, when you say like last time, your mean-"

Roger responded, " Yep, your now our hostages. Garp's an idiot, so it might work again, even though one of the people is the exact same. "

Viktor then said, " Uh, OK. If you say so. I guess if our acting is good enough, it might work. "

Raven then said with sparkles on her eyes, " This is my chance to shine. There's no one who can resist my cuteness. I'll have that marine hero eating out of the palm of my hand."

Professor Jones said, " That's the spirit. All right guys, let's do this. "

As Garp approached, he started throwing cannonballs at the Oro Jackson, laughing while he did it," Bwa ha ha ha ha. Hey Roger, do you like the presents I gave you. "

Roger and the rest of the crew sprang to action, intercepting the cannonballs before they could hit their ship.

After Garp's first volley failed, he laughed. " Bwa ha ha ha. It seems you didn't like my presents Roger. Men!! Bring out the big one!"

It was then revealed than underneath Garps ship was a massive cannonball, the size of an entire ship.Garp held onto a massive chain attached to the cannonball and prepared to throw it," Bwa ha ha ha, Here's your present Roger, I hope you like it! "

Roger panicked, " Garp, wait! I appreciate all the thought and effort you put into your present, but we have hostages. "

It was then that Raven, Viktor, and Crocus were presented to Garp with swords across their necks.

Garp responded, " Wow Roger, I can't remember the last time you used hostages. Kind of a cheap shot. "

Raven then cried out. " Please save me navy hero Garp, I'm too cute to die. These big meanies want to sell me as a slave. "

Raven's tears intensified, " Can you imagine what'll happen to me? A cute, defenseless little girl at the mercy of her noble master. Oh, the horror! The Horror!"

Then Raven smiled maliciously,"By the way, after you save me and capture these guys, could you leave them to me? I need to teach them what happens to naughty boys."

The Roger pirates collectively shuttered at the thought and the one holding her at sword point released her, " Sorry captain, I'm not dealing with her. Why don't you hold her hostage? "

Roger responded, " And what makes you think I want to? Tell you what, hey Garp! As a show of good faith, you can take this little menace. These two are staying with us. "

Garp picks his nose while looking bored," Nope, I'm not feeling it. You can keep the little girl. "

Upon hearing this, everyone die the classic One Piece surprised face, " What?!!! "

Garp then replied, " That girl's such a nuisance that even Roger doesn't want her, so why would I? As for the slavery thing, that's bullshit. Roger would never sell someone into slavery. "

Garp then preceded to moon walk over to the Oro Jackson.

Professor Jones then got loose and gave Raven a fist of Love, " Goddammit, you completely ruined it! "

Raven then relied, " Hmph, it's not my fault that the famous hero of the marines is a big meanie that disregards a cute little girl's plight based on vague hunches. "

Raleigh sighed, " Well, it seems that the plan failed. Turns out Garp isnt as idiotic as Roger thought."

" Maybe not. " Viktor then yelled at Garp, " Please help me, these stinky pirates want to force me to join their crew, but I don't wanna be a pirate. They already got to Shanks and Buggy. "

Shanks then replied offended, " Hey, we're proud to be part of the Roger pirates."

Buggy agreed, " Yeah, what he said."

Viktor then sighed, " Oh sweet summer child. Stockholm syndrome got to you didn't it? Please Garp, I dont want to suffer the same fate as these two."

Roger was offended by this, " Hey, I thought you valued freedom like I did. Do you really not what to be a pirate? "

Garp laughed, " Bwa ha ha ha ha, You heard him Roger, he doesn't want to be a stinking pirate. He wants to be a marine, right? "

Viktor then replied incensed, " Hey, don't put words in my mouth. I don't wanna be a marine either. "

Garp and Roger then said at the same time, " Why don't you wanna be a marine/pirate? "

Viktor replied, " Being a pirate sounds like such a hassle. Just look at Roger, he's chased all the time by Garp and even if he defeats Garp, more marines and other world government agents will chase him. The only place that you would have breathing room would be the New World. I do value freedom, but I don't have to fly a jolly Roger and say fuck you to the world government to be free. Although, I might end up being labeled a pirate anyway, I'd like to avoid that if possible. "

" As for being a marine, that would mean I'd have to take orders and follow the chain of command. Even if I became an admiral, I'd still have to be at the beck and call of the Celestial Dragons, which is very unappealing to say the least. "

Garp then said, " Well you don't have to take orders. Look at me, I don't take orders and say fuck you to the celestial dragons all the time. "

Viktor then replied, " Oh, so everyone can do that? I thought it was because of your long standing status as the naval hero along with how op you are. "

Garp then laughed, " Bwa ha ha ha ha. Yes, that's pretty much it. "

Viktor replied, " So, yeah the navy is a no go. And like I said before, being a pirate is a hassle. Being a bounty hunter, at least in the beginning is a decent path. I'd be able to collect pirates bounties and their plunder. In other words, I'd be able to rob people without being chased by the navy."

Garp replied, " Alright, I get your point kid, now back to the matter at hand. Roger, Ill let you get your hostages to a boat and once they're a sufficient distance away, I'll attack."

Raven, Viktor, and Professor Jones said their goodbyes and boarded a rowboat. They rowed to the navy ship and Garp threw his ship sized cannonball at the Oro Jackson.

Since they had time to prepare, the Roger pirates narrowly avoided the attack. Garp then used Geppo to get closer and unleashed a devastating Galaxy Impact before they could get away.

Roger countered with a Divine Departure. The two attacks collided and the resulting shock wave split the sea and sent Garp and the Oro Jackson flying in opposite directions. The Roger pirates used this opportunity to escape from Garp yet again.

Garp yelled, " I'll get you next time Roger!"

Garp then performed his signature sleeping while standing up technique that he's perfected throughout the years.

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