
chapter 16

Suddenly, a soft, calm, and melodic voice pulled Ouyang Jian out of his thoughts.

"I accept your help and protection at the Academy of Guides, but I want you to guarantee my freedom and keep those who desire my power away from me," Ling Ai stated firmly.

As Ling Ai finished speaking, a heavy silence filled the room. All eyes turned to her, and the only sounds that could be heard were her steady breathing and the rhythmic footsteps of Marshal Ouyang Jian as he confidently approached her.

He spoke in a deep, assured tone, "Then we have an agreement. I'll assist you in registering as a guide and ensure your protection. However, that alone won't be enough. We need a comprehensive plan for the future."

Ling Ai eyed him cautiously, her expression softening slightly now that she had agreed to his help. Since they were partners, she felt it was only fair to extend him a modicum of trust. With a curious and slightly puzzled tone, she asked, "What do you mean by a plan for the future?"

Ouyang's lips curved into a faint smile before he turned toward Bernard and Hua Rou, addressing them loud enough for all to hear, "As you know, your power is no longer a secret. After that dramatic display in the hospital corridor earlier, I'd wager that news of you and every detail of your life has already reached the major factions within the empire." His gaze flicked back to Ling Ai with a glint of amusement.

"Does he not realize he's the reason for that 'dramatic display' he's talking about?" Ling Ai resisted the urge to curse the handsome man standing before her. "How can a strong, stoic marshal have such a mocking expression? Sir, do you not worry about ruining your image like this?"

Though her thoughts were less than charitable, Ling Ai quickly composed herself. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that she was a mature and strong woman. She refused to take someone so mentally exhausting seriously, as it would only harm her in the end.

She asked seriously, "But isn't this a private hospital owned by the Ouyang family? Shouldn't all the staff here be under your command?"

Although Ling Ai didn't finish her question, Ouyang Jian understood her implication: how could information from within his territory leak out without his knowledge when he was the one in charge?

He sighed slightly, a trace of helplessness in his tone. "There are numerous factions and powers in the empire—the Southern Duke's faction, the Prince's faction, the King's political faction, and even the Ouyang family's faction. While these powers appear to cooperate on the surface, they constantly spy on one another. No matter how cautious someone may be, it's impossible to eliminate spies and traitors. By now, news of your powers and everything that happened has surely reached these factions, various nobles, and even the king himself. That's why attending the Academy of Guides is your best option. Once you enroll, you'll officially appear as a newly awakened Guide. No one will question why you kept your powers hidden, and your story will seem straightforward and believable. They won't have any grounds to accuse you of anything."

He looked directly at her and added, "You'll claim that you discovered your power only two days ago and didn't know how to handle it. That's why you came to your aunt for help. But when you saw her husband's critical condition, your Guide instincts kicked in unconsciously, leading you to heal him."

Ouyang Jian's explanation was well-grounded. It was common knowledge that Guides had a natural kindness and empathy toward Sentinels. This symbiotic balance ensured that Sentinels protected Guides while Guides instinctively healed and cared for them. Despite their strong spiritual abilities, Guides couldn't directly attack a Sentinel's spiritual sea without experiencing intense pain. Their compassionate nature made them feel overwhelming guilt and heartache if they tried to harm a Sentinel, effectively rendering such an act impossible.

Ling Ai narrowed her eyes, deep in thought. His words didn't surprise her much. Humanity has always fought over power and authority, even in the direst circumstances. Still, she couldn't care less about power, authority, or these nobles.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Ouyang Jian added in a softer tone, "I don't want you to include any unnecessary details. Keep your story concise and straightforward. Any inconsistency could lead to doubts about your credibility. Of course, I'll handle the arrangements and support you so that no one dares to question you directly."

Ling Ai asked skeptically, "That's it? I just say I'm a new Guide and know nothing?"

Ouyang nodded, his expression serious. "Not entirely. There's one more thing. We can't cover up the incident completely. It's fortunate you only used your fire manipulation ability. You'll claim that your power stems from your spiritual beast- -the phoenix. There aren't many records about this spiritual creature, so most people will accept the explanation.

"As for your other ability—ice manipulation—it must remain a secret. Keep it as your trump card and hidden weapon for unexpected situations. In this empire, secrecy can mean survival."

Ling Ai had the same thought. Without this man's recklessness, the existence of Xiao Hong and her fire abilities wouldn't have been exposed so quickly. In this world, weakness equated to death. Keeping certain secrets could save her life in the future.

Hua Rou stepped forward with a worried expression and addressed Ouyang Jian, "But Marshal, what about other risks? I don't think the Academy of Guides will accept Ling Ai's demands so easily. Even if they agree outwardly, I doubt they'll leave her alone."

Ouyang regarded Hua Rou calmly before replying, "That's why she won't only join the Academy of Guides. I'll ensure her enrollment in the Sentinel Military Academy as well." He then turned to Ling Ai, his tone sharp and commanding. "There, you'll learn to protect yourself and use your abilities more effectively. Having a strong power won't guarantee your place in the academy—you'll need to pass their exams. But you should know that this won't be easy, and gaining their acceptance will be even harder. Sentinels are proud and view themselves as protectors of Guides. There's bound to be some resistance."

Ling Ai smiled confidently and replied, "Why should I care whether they accept me or not? As long as they stay out of my way, that's all that matters. I don't care what anyone in this world thinks of me. As long as I live freely and well, let them say or think whatever they want."

Hua Rou was momentarily stunned by her niece's determination but quickly realized it was the right attitude. If Ling Ai feared societal acceptance now, she'd never progress and would remain cowering in her shell. Such fear would only lead to her eventual demise. It was better for her to face the world with courage and pride. With this thought, Hua Rou smiled slightly and patted Ling Ai's head lovingly, earning a warm smile in return.

"Ouyang Jian," Hua Rou began softly, "I will keep Ling Ai's ice ability a secret, even from my husband."

Ouyang nodded, satisfied with her promise. He then turned to Bernard, who was leaning against the wall with a disgruntled expression.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Do you think I'm bad at keeping secrets or that I have a loose tongue?" Bernard protested, placing his hands on his hips as everyone cast doubtful glances his way.

Ouyang raised his hand to silence any further remarks and said calmly, "Despite his chaotic appearance and eccentric behavior, Bernard is trustworthy. I can vouch for him."

Bernard hesitated, unsure whether to feel grateful for the marshal's trust or insulted by the "chaotic appearance" comment. Muttering under his breath, he said, "Oh, sure. I'll just stay the reliable guy everyone depends on, even if I'm the messy one. Thanks for the compliment."

Ling Ai let out a small laugh she couldn't suppress. For the first time that day, she felt a glimmer of light amidst the chaos.

When the situation calmed down, Ouyang Jian announced, "I'll take my leave now. I have some arrangements to finalize." Turning to Ling Ai, he added, "Stay here tonight. Tomorrow, I'll send a car to take you to the Academy of Guides."

Ling Ai watched him leave, her mind swirling with questions. This man had not only stirred her doubts but also her curiosity. Could he truly be acting out of pure goodwill? She had expected him to demand something in return for saving her uncle, yet there was no sign of such a bargain.

A short while later, Bernard also left, humming cheerfully as he walked down the corridor, leaving everyone wondering what had gotten into him. Little did they know, Ling Ai had given him a small vial of her blood for testing, and he was eager to rush back to his lab.

The next morning, Ling Ai prepared to leave with Hua Rou for the Academy of Guides. A sleek black car waited for them in front of the hospital. Ling Ai and Hua Rou climbed into the car...


After a few minutes, the car came to a stop in front of a towering building shrouded in mystery. This building was familiar to Ling Ai; she had seen it before when she accompanied the Ling family to a party. Back then, she had only glimpsed it through the window of the flying car. Now, standing beneath it, she couldn't tear her eyes away. This advanced technological world never ceased to amaze her.

"Here we are, Ling Ai. Let's just do as we practiced. Be strong. Everything will be fine," Hua Rou said, gently patting her shoulder. Ling Ai couldn't tell if Hua Rou was trying to reassure her—or herself.

Ling Ai took cautious steps toward the gate, each one feeling as heavy as a mountain. Truthfully, she had no idea what the future held for her in

this place.

 End of Chapter.



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Lan Tian Yi: Is it my turn to show up?

Yes! Finally, i can see my Yang yang (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)

Yang yang, wait for me (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)


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