
Save the Savior

*The NSFW is hardcore. I've put a warning before the scenes come up.*

After catching his breath, the man slowly stood up, groaning from the cut on his back, and walked over to his son who was just awkwardly standing there and staring at the unconscious body of Aspen who was wearing a tattered mech pilot G-suit and a severely damaged helmet with a cracked visor that had pieces missing. Once he was standing in front of his son, the man knelt down and pulled his son into a hug.

"Hey bud," the man said to the boy, but the boy refused to meet his father's eyes. "Look, I'm sorry about that son, I promise never to put myself in harm's way again." The boy finally looked at his father in the eyes when he said this. "I can't afford to leave this mortal plane of existence and leave you all alone. I'm terribly sorry," he said as he pulled the boy into his arms for a fatherly hug.

"It's ok Dad," the boy said as he patted his father's head. "Mom would be smiling seeing you rescue a stranger," as the boy spoke these words, the man looked away in the direction of the sun. His eyes looked glassy and a tear threatened to fall down his cheeks.

"Yes, she would… yes she would…" he said over the boy's ear. He then stood up and walked over to a hovering cart that was filled to the brim with mech parts and inspected a few of them. After a little while, the man smiled to himself and nodded. "Alright boy, it seems like we've made a good amount today. We're going to have to make a trip back home to drop this haul off and then return to pick some more parts apart from the other mechs."

"What about the pilot?" questioned the little boy.

"Hmm, let me take a good look at him," the man responded and made his way to Aspen. He then knelt beside him and checked his pulse. "Well, his pulse is strong, so that's a good start." The man then started pressing on different parts of Aspen's chest and abdomen before putting his ear to both sides of Aspen's chest. Finding nothing out of the ordinary to his knowledge, the man stood up and said "He'll… I think he'll be alright. He's in surprisingly good shape for a pilot who seems to have just looked dead in the face. Let's just leave him here in the meantime."

The man and the boy walked away from Aspen's unconscious form and behind them trailed the floating cart whom the boy seemed to be talking to excitedly. They made their way to a clearing where their vehicle, a pick-up truck-style armored vehicle was parked. It had 30-inch airless tires made of a rubber-like material that also contained. (Think of an armored version of a GMC Sierra).

They got in the truck and sped away only to return about 30 minutes later. They made 3 trips to their home, checking on Aspen every single time they returned, seeing that he was still unconscious but still breathing. They were now on their 4th trip and where about to get in their truck when suddenly, multiple engine roars were heard.


A caravan of about 7 armored trucks, cars, and a vehicle that resembled a 450 MRAP in the middle of the caravan, were barreling toward the parked truck of the man and child. All of the vehicles made a semi-circle surrounding the truck and blocking it from getting on the road and then about 13 men stepped out of their vehicles. Meanwhile, the MRAP made its way around to the driver's side of the truck and opened its doors. A burly man of about 6'1 hopped out of the driver's seat and immediately started cackling.

"Now, now, now, looky here boys, look at what the wind dragged in. If it isn't Michael Sullivan himself." The man opened his arms as he spoke and then reached into his holster pulling out a futuristic revolver and aiming it at the little boy. "Now give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill both you and your boy this very moment after the stunt you pulled?"

The man, who we now know is named Michael, pulled his son behind him and stepped in between him and the revolver, "Typhon, whatever it is that's got you so angry, you leave my boy out of it. And whatever it is, I know I can make it right."

Typhon looked at Michael and gave him a crooked smile. "Oh, can you now? Well let's see, I lost 12 men and about 50,000 credits worth of equipment because the information you provided me was off!"

Michael was shocked at this and stammered over his words, "W-what? B-but how c-can that be? M-my information is n-never wrong."

"Yeah, well it was. The security was about triple what you described and it was as if they were waiting for us," Typhon paused for a second and looked down at the ground before before stepping closer to Michael. "It was as if someone had tipped them off about our heist!"

Typhon then got really close to Michael and his figure making the skinnier Michael appear insignificant in front of him. "The only person outside of my crew who knew what we were planning to do was you!" Typhone said as he whacked Michael across the with his revolver, knocking him to the ground.

Michael, a little disoriented by the sudden blow to his head looked at his scared son, who was on the verge of tears, and then back at Typhon who was standing over him with his revolver aimed at his head. "I- I can make this right." Michael stammered.


Typhon seemed to think for a second and lowered his gun before standing up straight. "Pick him up!" he commanded. He then walked over to Charlie and stroked his face. "Well you figure out how to make things right, it would be a shame to put a bullet through this kid of yours."

Michael, witnessing Typhon caress his son's face was overcome by anger, "YOU GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY SON OR I SWEAR BY THE G- urgh." Michael was cut off by a punch to his stomach from one of Typhon's subordinates.

"You swear what? As a matter of fact, this kid's face is nice, I like it, and his pretty little long hair does make it soft on the eyes." Typhon said as he caressed Charlie's hair. He then threw the boy on the ground and lowered his pants revealing his penis to the scared boy who was now shedding tears of pain and fear.

"NOOOOOOO-blergh" Michael roared out but was once again punched in the gut, causing him to vomit the little he had eaten in the day.

"Oh yes, he's quite something. Boys, force him to watch," Typhon said as he started stroking his penis and getting closer to Charlie. "I'm going to enjoy tearing his little ass open. Now hold sti-"



*Humm mum mum mum... ping-ping*

Typhon's words were cut short by a sound that scared the surrounding wildlife. Species of birds never seen before on Earth flew off into the air as a shot came piercing through the air and blew his head clean off his shoulders sending brain matter flying as a pink mist covered the air. His body when limp and buckled under his weight and behind him 2 of his subordinates had their heads split open like a piñata. Their bodies also went limp and dropped to the ground as what remained of their brains came sliding out of their heads and flopping onto the ground.

Before anyone could register what had happened, another shot rang out.



*Humm mum mum mum... ping-ping*

This one took out 4 other subordinates though it wasn't as clean as the first shot. 4 men who were standing next to Michael's truck were struck by the shot with one of them having a basketball-sized cavity for a chest, two of them who were leaning on each other had the left and right sides of their upper chests, respectively, disappear as what remained of their arms came flopping down to the ground, and the last one had his right leg blown off.

"SNIPER!" One of them shouted out before his head was turned to a mist by a 3rd shot. The two men who were holding onto Micheal quickly threw him aside and ran for cover behind his armored truck while 3 more took cover behind Typhon's MRAP.

The last two of the remaining men tried to make a run for their vehicles just for one of them to trip and accidentally knocked the other one down. "WHATS YOUR PROBLEM? YOU TRYING TO GET US KIL-"



*Humm mum mum mum... ping-ping*

His words were cut short as a 4th shot rang out, decapitating him. The man that had fallen down was scared shitless and didn't move from the spot he was on as he instead curled up into a fetal position.

"Where is he?" One of the other 3 bandits hiding behind MRAP asked, his voice shaking with terror.

One of the two hiding behind Michael's truck peeked his head out to try and scout, "I- I, he's over by the rid-" A 5th shot rang out and his headless corpse just flopped down to the floor.

"FUCK!" Screamed one.

"I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die," repeated another

By now, out of the original 14 members, Typhon included, only about 5 remained, with 1 still in a cradling position, clearly out of it. Michael had also grabbed Typhon's revolver and dragged a quietly sobbing Charlie under the MRAP.

"Hush boy, I got you, nothing will happen to you, I got you," Michael repeatedly reassured his son while hugging him tightly under the MRAP.

"We have to do something, we have to get out of here," the last bandit hiding behind the truck called out to the other 3.

"Give us some cover fire and shoot in the general direction of that ridge so we can get to you." One of them responded.

"Are you crazy? That will get me killed!"

"Just do it! Blindfire if you have to, but cover us!"

"Ok, Ok."

Just when the 3 hiding behind the MRAP were getting ready to run, one of them stopped the rest. "Wait, where's Michael and his brat?" They heard some ruffling in the bushes behind them and turned to see.

*Bang, Bang… Bang, Bang… Bang, Bang, Click, Click, Click, Click*

The 3 bandits that were hiding behind the MRAP suddenly dropped lifeless to the ground as a series of gunshots rang from right under their feet. Michael had slowly crawled to the back of the MRAP and fired two shots at each then turned the revolver to the 4th one hiding behind his truck, but he had run out of bullets.




*Humm mum mum mum... ping-ping*


*First Person POV*

I woke up on the cold ground with my body aching. "Jarvis… are you there?" I say out loud.

"Yes, Host."

"Urgh, you never warned me it would be so painful," I complain.

"Well, Host, it would be a given that having all your physical abilities doubled in a matter of hours would not be painless."

"Yeah, yeah," I say, dismissing the slyness in his tone. "Show me my stats."

"Yes, Host. Displaying Stats:

STR: 60 (Normal Human Average 15-20)

END: 100 (Normal Human Average 15-20)

AGI: 80 (Normal Human Average 15-20)

PER: 35 (Normal Human Average 15-20)

INT: 45 (Normal Human Average 7-10) The Host has the most brilliant mind to ever exist, however, he hasn't developed it. The Host needs to learn information about this universe to increase intelligence.

MRES: 95 (Normal Human Average 10-15)

PS: 60 (Normal Human Average 0-10).

TECH: 45 (Normal Human Average 15-20)"

I whistle as I see that my strength and my agility are through the roof. "Quite the stats, don't ya think Jarvis?"

"No, Host, not really."

"What? Explain yourself."

"Although your stats are exceptional when compared to those of a normal human, you still lack a lot. For a more accurate description of where the Host stands in this universe, please learn more information about the universe, such as Mech Pilot rankings and examinations of other pilots."

"Wow, well that's a bummer," I say.

"Ding! System Shop Unlocked: Utilize CSP (cleansing soul points) to shop and purchase items, structures, mechs, or upgrades to existing items. This also applies to the Nanobots in the Host's body, their functions can be upgraded to help the Host heal faster.

Ding! Special Quest Assigned!

Quest: Save the Savior

Description: The man who put his life at risk to save you from your mech before it self-destructed and his child are in peril. Find a weapon and save their lives from extreme trauma and/or death.

Reward: 100 CSP"

"Oh, well I'll be damned. I got a quest as soon as I'm out of the mech." I pat myself down and realize I'm as naked as a chick in a porno, not a single thing to defend myself with. "Well, I guess it's time to look for a weapon. Jarvis, could you help me find a suitable weapon around me?" I ask Jarvis as I take off my helmet and clip it to my waist by my lower back.

"Certainly, Host! Ding! Suitable weapons highlighted!"

As Jarvis said this, my eyes suddenly lit up and I was able to see the marked locations of all suitable weapons all around me. "Can you highlight the strongest and more assassination or long-range-styled weapons for me? It feels like that is what I'll need to rescue someone."

"Done, Host!" As Jarvis said so I realized that my eyes were now only highlighting one location. I made my way over to a destroyed mech who was lying on its back. I could tell this one had been hammered with rounds as its gray paint was full of scratches and streak marks. I climb up its legs and make my way to the cockpit.

As soon as I open the cockpit's hatch, a hiss comes out, and the strong odor of blood assaults my senses. Inside is the slumped body of my second-in-command. She was a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair and a wolf cut. Her gray eyes were still open as her lifeless corpse stared off into the void. A shard of glass from her HUD had been dislodged and pierced right through her heart.

I put my hand over her eyes and closed them. "You can rest now Jess, I swear I'll take revenge for you," I say, my voice tinged with sadness. I paused for a little bit and leaned forward, kissing her on the forehead as the memories of this life took control of me, the brotherly love this Aspen had for her was overwhelming.

"I'll take revenge for you all," I said, determination filling my voice as I felt my eyebrows furrow and my fists clench. I then look around and find the railgun sniper rifle strapped on the side. I take it and then remove the pistol from her hoster and put it in mines.

"I'll make sure to take care of these two," I say, with a bittersweet smile on my face. "I'll be back to give you the burial you deserve." I then climb out of her cockpit and start to full on sprint in the direction Jarvis has marked in my eyes.

Once I get close, I start to scout around for a vantage point where I can take the attackers by surprise. I find a ridge and set up on it. I look through my rifle's sights and see a burly man pistol whip a skinnier man who drops to the ground. I try to line up my shot and when I'm about to pull the trigger, I get a warning.

"Warning! Dear Host, firing at this moment will put the life of the child in peril. This is a highly advanced military-grade railgun sniper rifle that can pierce through a human body like an APFSDS tank round from an Abrams tank can pierce through a piece of paper. Please wait for a more adequate shot."

"I understand," I say as information about the weapon I'm aiming floods my mind. "I'll wait for a better shot."

As I wait, the man who rescued me gets punched twice and keels over vomiting. Then the burly man grabs the kid and throws him to the ground before unbuckling his pants and lowering in front of everyone, clearly about to rape the kid.

"I'm taking the shot," I say.

"Host, I would advice against it as the-"

"I'm taking the fucking shot, Jarvis!" I say and squeeze the trigger. In a fraction of a second, 3 lifeless bodies drop to the ground. I then switch my aim to 4 men who are standing one behind the other, except for 2 who seem to be leaning on each other. Now everyone realizes what's going on and they start to scramble. I pick them off one by one, sparing one who appears to be having a full-blown panic attack for questioning.

I know that I can just shoot through these vehicles and kill the enemies behind them, but I have no clue of where they're standing, and this thing's only got about two more shots before it overheats and has to go on a cooldown. So I quickly run along the ridge and make it to some bushes behind the enemies. I line up my shot to kill the 3 grouped together when suddenly.

*Bang, Bang… Bang, Bang… Bang, Bang, Click, Click, Click, Click*

The man who saved me takes them out with a revolver. I freeze for a second when I hear the last one start yelling at him. "YOU MOTHERFUCKING RA-"

*Thir Person POV*

A 6th shot rang out, this time much closer than before and from the direction of the bushes. After a little bit of rustling of leaves, Aspen made his way out of the bushes with a smoking railgun sniper rifle in his hands, his tattered G-suit a sight to behind while his helmet was now strapped to his waist.

He tactically looked around and ensured that there was no longer a threat before making his way to Michael in a stalking manner, keeping his railgun trained in the direction of the 14th and only surviving bandit. He then reached his right arm out to Michael while asking "You okay? You hurt anywhere?"

"N-no. T-thank you, for saving my boy," Michael responded.

"There's no need to thank me, I was only doing what anyone in my shoes would've done at the sight of a little boy about to get… at the sight of the situation," Aspen said, his voice deep and reassuring. "Your boy… I don't think he's going to be okay for a while after what he just went through."

Michael looked down, his eyes watery and his hands clenched into fists. He then punched the back of the MRAP before breaking down and falling to his knees. "It's my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm sorry Isa, I couldn't keep our boy safe."

Aspen looked down at the man and swallowed hard, he felt his heart going out to this man, not to mention, the memories and emotions he felt due to what had happened to the two daughters and wife of this version of himself, he was barely keeping himself together.

"It's not your fault," he said while kneeling next to Michael. "There are many things out of our control…" he paused for a second, his eyes watering and the dam holding the ocean of emotions within him finally gave way. "And there's nothing we can do but powerlessly watch…" Aspen said and then he stood up and tried to walk away from Michael.

He made it a few steps from him before he collapsed to his knees and let out a primal roar. "FATHER WHYYY?" He sobbed like a child, unable to control the emotions flowing out of him. "WHY!?!"

Michael could only watch, his own tears drying up as he stared at Aspen kneeling a few meters from him. This was a sight that left him speechless because he recognized it. He had seen this very reaction from his father when he got the news that his mother and little brother had been killed by bandits. This was the sight of a broken man, the sight of a man who had lost it all, the sight of a man with nothing left, the sight of a heartbroken and lost father who's dam of emotions had finally given way.

Word Count: 3524 🙂

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