
Chapter 23: TalkxWalk

I activate En at full range, while we walk through the starting point of Zevil Island, searching for the rest of the group. As we walk, our conversation shifts to his training.

"So, how many more abilities are there to Nen?" Hanzo asks, his voice full of curiosity.

I glance at him, "There are seven principles you haven't even touched yet, and one that's exclusive to me. In total, there are four basic ones, four mediocre ones, and 3 advanced principles, plus a whole bunch of other details I haven't gotten around to explaining yet."

"Eleven?!" Hanzo practically shouts in surprise.

"Yep," I reply with a smirk. "Wanna hear about them while we walk?"

"Sure," he says, eager to learn.

"Alright, so you've got a decent grasp of 'Ten', 'Zetsu', 'Gyo', and 'In', but there are seven more that you haven't heard of yet. Ren and Hatsu are basic techniques, Shu and En are on the same level as Gyo and In so they are mediocre, and then Ko, Ken, and Ryu are all advanced techniques."

"Okay, but... can you explain them in simpler terms?" Hanzo asks, looking at me like he's trying to wrap his head around it all.

"Of course. Let's start with the basics. You know that Ten is about letting your aura flow gently outside your body, right?" Hanzo nods. "Well, Ren is a step up from that. It's like releasing your aura explosively, pushing it outwards. You can send it into the air, objects, plants, animals… even people. In fact, the way I unlocked your aura was by injecting my own aura into your body with pinpoint precision."

"Wait, 'the way I unlocked your aura'? Are there more ways than one to unlock somebody's aura?" Hanzo asks, confusion creeping into his voice.

"Normally, a student has to learn how to open and close their aura nodes gradually through meditation, controlling the flow of their aura over time. It's slow but safe. What I did to you is called 'Gehou' and it is a fast and risky method. I forced your aura nodes open with a quick burst of energy. It's not the usual way, and most Nen instructors dislike it because of the danger it poses if you don't know what you're doing but don't worry I'm good at it so there was no danger posed."

Hanzo pauses, a little worried. "So, if there was no danger posed why do most instructors not use it, it only took a few seconds.?"

"Well Hanzo, If there is even a little malicious intent the receiving party could be burst apart and die, and if someone who can't control their aura yet has it used on them, they could burn out or suffer from aura leakage, exhausting themselves. But, if you're a prodigy, you catch on quickly and learn how to control it."

"Wait did you know I was a prodigy before you did that to me?" Hanzo half-yells, his eyes wide.

I chuckle. "I had an inkling. And even if I didn't, I taught you how to control your aura with Ten, so you would be fine."

Hanzo looks relieved, nodding.

"Alright, moving on. Hatsu is where things get interesting it's the way you project your aura to carry out a certain function also commonly known as creating a Nen ability. For example, my 'String of Fate' lets me use my aura to form a string that binds contracts and enforces them."

"Okay, that makes sense," Hanzo says, nodding in understanding.

"Good," I continue. "Now, Shu is an advanced form of Ten. It lets you wrap your aura around an object, turning it into an extension of your body. For example, I could use Shu to surround a weapon with my aura, strengthening it and protecting it."

"Can I use Shu on my body or clothes to protect myself?"

"Exactly," I reply. "That's called Ken. It's a mix of Ren and Ten, and you can train to use it once you're able to maintain Ren for a long time. To use it you must surround yourself in an aura bubble that's about ten times as strong as the aura output of Ten, so you've got a ways to go before you're ready for that."

Hanzo is clearly soaking it all in. "And En? You mentioned that one too."

"En is another advanced technique. With Ren, your aura usually only surrounds you in a small radius, but En lets you extend that aura way further. It's like you're wrapping your aura around a bigger space. I can extend mine to 135 meters which is far more than most. Anything within that space can be sensed, as long as it has an aura output. But if someone's using In, they can hide from it. I've also created another version of En that combines En with Shu to create an ability called Eko. By injecting my aura into everything my En touches, I can see everything inside my range."

"Wait, you made your own technique?" Hanzo's voice is full of disbelief. "How long have you been training Nen for?"

"Since birth," I reply, grinning. "You know, just regular stuff."

Hanzo looks at me nostalgically.

"Anyway," I continue, "Ko is the next one. It combines Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo. Basically, you concentrate all your aura into one part of your body, making it incredibly powerful while leaving the rest of you vulnerable. Gyo focuses your aura on a specific body part, Ten keeps it contained, Zetsu stops the flow of aura elsewhere, Ren amps up the power, and Hatsu lets you use your aura to carry out the function of combining it all to create a crazy powerful impact. Of course, it can be more powerful if you're a natural enhancer or if you use more aura into the attack-"

As I go off on a tangent I notice Hanzo's brow furrowing progressively until he finally interrupts me asking. "What's an enhancer?"

"Oh... Don't worry about that right now," I say, suddenly sensing the group of four we've been searching for. "I think I've found the group."

I start sprinting, with Hanzo quickly following. "So, what about the last one? You said there were seven you haven't explained, but you only gave me six."

I grin, picking up speed. "Don't worry, Hanzo. We'll go over Ryu another time."

(Sorry this chapter is just talking but I've read some reviews and I'm trying to put the story in more detail to interest more people)

ZGuncreators' thoughts
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