
The External Locus

All my life, I've never been able to decide for myself.

I've been tied down, bound by strings all around me.

Veto hadn't realized it at first, but he had forced Haruto to bring out a power he never wanted to use. Sensing the energy surge within Haruto, Veto instantly knew what Haruto was about to attempt. He lunged forward, hoping to end things before Haruto could finish—only to be too late.


Haruto Myogu's Perfect Manifestation,CRIMSON BINDING, is the ultimate form of his STITCH CRAFTING TECHNIQUE allowing him to create threads of fiber spun from his own blood. To activate this Manifestation, the caster must injure themselves, linking to the Nexus to draw on its power. The intense pain it causes is one of many reasons Haruto dreads using it.

When activated, the Crimson Weave Shroud erases a designated area around Haruto and his opponent, creating a small, isolated space where the technique functions at full potency. A barrier forms around this radius, trapping its victims within. The size of the erased area varies with the user.

In this case, a Shroud was created which erased a small radius around Haruto and Veto. Needle swords sprang from the ground within the zone, wrapped in crimson threads that streamed from the stitch wounds on Haruto's hands. Before Veto could react, these threads coiled around him, binding every part of his body, locking him in place.Before Veto could have time to react, the crimson color threads restrained and bound every part of his body and prevented him from moving.

Veto: (to himself) TSK!! A Perfect Manifestation!! But it's no different from what he was trying to do before!! I can just break free again!!

Haruto: (noticing Veto's resistance) I wouldn't do that if I were you.

As Veto strained to free his left arm, the threads tightened around it, tightening more with each movement until his arm was crushed and severed.


Haruto: (sighs) I tried to warn you. The more you resist, the tighter the threads get. If they can remove an arm, imagine what they could do to your neck.

Veto glanced down, realizing a strand of threads was already wrapped around his throat.

Haruto: Your best option is to surrender now. I don't enjoy keeping my Perfect Manifestation active—it drains my Lighter energy and hurts like hell. (pouts) Damn it, I hate this technique!

Veto: (to himself) A perfect manifestation like this is insane! Just what kind of Hunter is he?

Haruto: So, do you surrender? I'll need to stitch up your injuries, or you'll bleed out.

Veto: (sighing at his bleeding wound) Looks like I don't have a choice.

Haruto: Glad we're on the same page.

Veto: Sorry, Zero. I let myself get captured

With the Manifestation released, Haruto bound Veto and stitched up his injuries, then began stitching his own. As he worked, Haruto reflected on his deep resentment for the very technique he wielded.


In many cases, a Shadow or Lighter may inherit a technique similar to their parent's due to their bloodline connection. However, in situations where parents have no technique to pass down, offspring may awaken abilities of their own. Often, these abilities arise from what they love and desire. But sometimes, they are born from what they despise.

Unfortunately, for Haruto Myogu, it was the latter.

Haruto's POV:

"I grew up in a household where I never had a say in my own life. Any objection I made was swiftly dismissed."

My mother…

My father…

They would always remind me that I had no right to make decisions about my own future; that responsibility was theirs alone. Most of their decisions were beneficial, yes, but I felt bound and unable to think for myself. As a result, I grew dependent on them to guide every step of my life. It was from this resentment—of being tied down—that my Stitch Crafting Lighter Technique was born.

The threads that bind me to others' decisions…

I hated myself for having such an externally controlled mindset. Eventually, I broke free and chose my own path, joining the HFA against my parents' wishes. But even though I broke free, my technique was created in those years of dependency, and every time I use it, it reminds me of who I used to be. I despise it because it represents the life I led, shaped by others' choices, a constant reminder of that anger.


Carrying Veto back to the HFA headquarters, Haruto couldn't shake the memories that surfaced, nor the resentment that lingered.

Shadow Bug is now available on Tapas, Royal Road & Scribble Hub too

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