
War of the Poor (1)

Half a year before Togo Heihachiro landed at Incheon, when Japan's bond issuance began to rapidly increase, the imperial government had already entered wartime footing.

"...So it's war after all."

"At earliest before this year ends, at latest by early next year, they will declare war."

"Who knows. They might launch a preemptive strike without even declaring war."

At a meeting with all ten department ministers, the Prime Minister, Lower House Speaker, several relevant Senate members, and key army and navy commanders, we carefully examined the upcoming war.

"Who do we have in the Far Eastern Navy?"

"In the navy, we have Admiral Romen as Far Eastern Fleet Commander and Admiral Evgeny Alexeyev, who's been Naval Commander-in-Chief since the Black Sea Fleet's transfer."

"No more needed. Those two are enough."

Naval battles would be at most one time, or perhaps none at all.

"The really important ones are the army commanders..."

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