
Chapter 15

A/N: Random question/Rant. What is people's obsession with Daphne Greengrass? The girl was only mentioned once in the books and it was just a passing mention. She was never even shown in the movies but yet every author that writes about Harry Potter always uses her as the main pairing. Why?!


Do I really care that a bunch of dead witches are trying to muscle their way into my field of view? Only mildly. It's more of a nuisance than a problem because while they can't really do anything to me, they can affect anyone I deem fit to resurrect. 

I remember the New Orlean ancestors fracturing Davina's soul so it's not a leap to say they can do the same. I'll deal with them soon enough. 

As for my deal with Sheila, admittedly I don't really need them but what is life without some leisure. Just because I can do everything by myself doesn't mean I want to do everything by myself. Just the important stuff. 

Plus I can always have my own fun. Sheila will do what makes Bonnie happy. If what makes Bonnie happy is me, well, it's all fair in the game of life. Why do this? Because why not. 

And also because I'm bored. Klaus is delayed, even though he doesn't know it yet, Katherine will come back all the way to Mystic Falls for nothing…I'm not too sure what she'd do when Mason can't find the moonstone. She'd probably come back to get the job done by herself. 

I have half a mind to keep a fake moonstone in Richard Lockwood's vault just to see Klaus' face when the ritual doesn't work but I digress. 

Silas is in his tomb and will be there for a while so I don't have to go there now…but I want the cure. Procrastination, my dangerous friend. This is exactly why I want people to do stuff for me, so I don't have to do them myself.

With a sigh, I got off my couch and tossed on some clothes. A moment later, I apparated away. 


Sitting on the couch in the Salvatore Boarding house, he couldn't help but frown as he poured himself a glass of bourbon. 

It's been a bad week for him. Hell, it's been a terrible month. After waiting for over a hundred years, he finally got the tomb open only to find out that Katherine wasn't in there all along. 

That was strike one. Strike two was being turned into a cancerous old man on the floor searching for death. 

The very thought of it made his anger bubble but as much as his anger rose, he could only, just barely, put a lid on it for now. As much as he wanted to rip someone's throat out, he couldn't because the big bad warlock was in town and he didn't fancy being reminded of the feeling of having tumors. Or dying for that matter. 

Nathan was…strong, he'd admit. Stronger than Emily definitely but the woman was a backstabbing bitch so he had no points in his book. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that she knew Katherine wasn't in the tomb and still allowed him to search for her. 

His immense dislike for Emily aside, he had to play it cool for now. All witches had a weakness, they were still weak to everything humans were. As powerful as Nathan is, there's nothing he could do if he was caught off guard. 

Despite that thought, he couldn't shake the aversion he had when it came to him. He definitely wasn't scared of some highschool brat, witch or not! He wasn't. 


Nova Scotia, the Canadian province I know nothing about. Fortunately, that's not my destination. The island Silas is held captive is 200m off the coast of Nova Scotia.

As expected, the island is empty sans the energy signature I can feel deep underneath. Even if the exact route to the well leading to the tomb wasn't shown, I went in the direction I sensed him. I already passed the campsite team Gilbert stayed in during their trip here.

The tomb is actuallly a mountain, while the upper part inside is the mine. Of course, I don't have the spell to open the tomb but that isn't necessary. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. Focusing on Silas' energy signature, I lock onto it. Instant Transmission, a classic ki technique that allows the user to teleport to an energy signature they can sense.

The feeling is almost instant, my surroundings changing. The sunny sky is gone and I'm looking at the rocky interior of the tomb. In front of me is an elevated platform where the fossilized immortal laid. Instantly I feel his attempt to enter my mind. I say 'attempt' because my Occlumency shields kept him out.

I already knew I'd be coming here eventually so I'd been working on my shields during classes and some leisure time. I grabbed his hand that clutched the box containing the cure. In his state, it's like trying to move stone but between my biomancy enhanced physiology and reinforcement magecraft, I easily pried his hand open. The cracking sound of stone was music to my ears. Sadly, his fingers didn't break off due to his indestructible nature.

His attempts to penetrate my mind increased in intensity immediately.

"Don't bother. You're not getting out of here alive." I said with a chuckle.

Prying his mouth open, I forced the cure down his throat. Elongating my nail, I poked my finger hard enough to draw blood. With the cure and my blood pouring down his throat, the fossilized bits around his skin fell off, his skin gaining color.

Silas rose once more, but as a human, stripped of his immortality. I didn't give him enough blood to allow him function anywhere close to his full strength but he still had his magic. As soon as I sensed his magic being used, I grabbed him by the neck tugging on his magic and absorbing it into myself.

Any magic he mustered slipped out of grasp before he could utilize it. "I-isn't this a s-surprise?" he managed to mutter. "Are you one of the little hunters?"

"Not even close. I'm something of a collector and you had something I wanted." I said, draining what magic the former immortal had. "Well you still have something I want."

I pulled out the syringe in my pocket, a smile on my face at the panicked look he had. His blood is now the cure so with this, I can extract the cure and kill him when I'm done. 

"But first, a little trip down memory lane." I said, utilizing legilimency at an intensity higher than I'd ever done before. Let's see what I can learn from a two thousand year old witch.

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