
Ember Lake Arena

The rules for the Ember Lake Arena were straightforward: doubles battles, with each team required to defeat a pair of official trainers to qualify for the finals. One team had already secured a spot, leaving just one qualifying round open.

Today's event was running as a special "University Freshman Edition," with participation limited to high school grads in town for university entrance exams. Many of the fresh recruits had underestimated the challenge, assuming this was just a fun way to show off their budding skills. But the arena's official trainers quickly exposed their inexperience; most had barely a month of Pokemon training, and in doubles battles, teamwork was a skill they were sorely lacking.

After a few quick eliminations, the announcer's voice boomed over the crowd: "Now welcoming Trainers Grace and John to the field!"

As they stepped up, Grace gave John an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I've got this," she grinned, exuding her usual confidence.

Across the field, the official trainers—a pair of brothers—shared a quick exchange. The younger brother nudged his sibling. "Looks like we've got a couple this time."

The older brother shot John and Grace an irritated look. "Great, I hate couples flaunting it. Let's give 'em a taste of a real battle."

"Yeah, let's see if their little 'duo' can handle us," the younger brother added with a smirk.

The referee cleared his throat, looking bemused. "For today's qualifier, Trainers Ligma and Ballz will face Trainers Grace and John. Each trainer may use one Pokemon, and the match ends when both Pokemon on one side are unable to battle."

He raised his flag. "Trainers, release your Pokemon!"

All four tossed their Pokeballs high into the air, where they burst open with flashes of light. The brothers' Krabby and Horsea appeared on the floating platforms that dotted the lake's surface. On John and Grace's side, Frogadier and Croconaw readied themselves, eyeing the opposition.

Grace glanced at John with a raised eyebrow. "A Frogadier? Since when did you evolve it?" She looked impressed, her teasing softened by a touch of admiration. For a breeder-in-training, John was full of surprises.

The referee looked to each side, then dropped his flag. "Let the battle begin!"

"Horsea, use Twister!" Ligma called out.

Horsea began spinning, whipping up a small cyclone that spun across the water's surface, growing into a dangerous waterspout that veered toward both Frogadier and Croconaw.

"Dodge it!" John and Grace shouted together.

Both Pokemon sprang away from the swirling vortex, diving into the water. But the moment Croconaw resurfaced, it was met with a flashing silver claw to the jaw—Krabby had crept in during the chaos and landed a sneak attack that sent Croconaw sprawling onto a nearby platform.

"Croconaw, Bite!" Grace called out, not missing a beat.

Croconaw shook off the blow, eyes flashing as it lunged forward with its jaws glowing dark. It snapped down on Krabby's pincer, locking its teeth tightly around it.

"Krabby, use Metal Claw!" Ballz shouted confidently.

But before Krabby could respond, Horsea released a thick black mist, rolling it over the battlefield with a Haze attack that obscured the field and isolated Croconaw from Frogadier.

In the fog, Frogadier held steady, waiting for John's signal. John decided to play it cool, keeping Frogadier ready to counter any surprise moves.

On the other side of the Haze, a fierce battle ensued. Horsea and Krabby ganged up on Croconaw, throwing one blow after another, but Croconaw refused to back down. Teeth clamped firmly around Krabby's pincer, it started slamming the crustacean down against the platform repeatedly, each impact sending shockwaves across the lake. Finally, after one last resounding smack, Krabby went limp.

"Krabby is unable to battle!" the referee announced, signaling the first elimination.

John grinned. With Krabby down, his confidence soared. Even if Croconaw couldn't hold on, he trusted Frogadier's speed and skill to carry them through.

When the haze finally cleared, the field revealed Croconaw charging forward in an Aqua Jet, closing the distance with a powerful bite that hit Horsea squarely. Horsea staggered back, and with one final tackle, it dropped, defeated.

"Horsea is unable to battle! The winners are Trainers Grace and John!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd as the referee stepped forward. "Congratulations to Trainers Grace and John, our second qualifiers for the finals!"

Grace turned to John with a bright grin and raised her hand for a high-five. "See? We make a pretty great team!"

John laughed, slapping her hand. "Not too shabby for round one."

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