

Walking outside I notice him, Cyrus,

standing across the the street at a local Italian restaurant and market. My heart started pounding again, I started sweating slightly from nervousness. Every time I looked at him it was like his looks were hand crafted but god himself. Why he still here? Didn't he leave?

I need to go before he sees me. I'll melt under his gaze if he looks at me again.

Quickly getting into my car and start looking back to grab my seat belt when I see his angelic features appear in corner of eyes.


When he knocked on my window I rolled it down.

"Can I help you?"

"I don't know, I feel I should be asking that question, seems everywhere I go in this small town I run into you." His voice seductive and deep. It was dripping with a silky sound.

"I'm just getting gas on my home from school. I live here, this is my town, so yeah you will probably see me often." I sneered rolling my eyes at him..

"You've got a mouth on you this time how about that?" He chuckled lightly.

"I've always had a mouth, every time we've spoken. There is absolutely no reason for me to be nice to you for the sake of appearances." My words felt harsh to even my own ears. Why did he infuriate me so much?

"You're right, you're right." He said sounding like he surrendered. "I'm leaving tonight so after today I guess seeing me wont be a problem."

"You already said that, yet here you are. Okay, can I move my car now? I'm trying to get home and you're the second asshat to stop me at my car today and frankly, its why I hate men, all of you suck."

"You might be the rudest person I've

ever met, and you dare to keep speaking to me this way, no one does, I won't keep letting you get away with it." He said furrowing his brows.

"I don't care what are you going to do? Kill me?" I laughed.

"I could, I am the leader of the largest mafia in LA and own most of the businesses there. So I could even pay to have it done. I just bought that Italian restaurant there and I made a large donation to the art department here and in three other cities near here. I was in Eureka buying the bar and visiting a friend." He sounded like he was bragging. "I could buy your town and you"

"Ha! All the money in the world couldn't buy me, I'm not for sale. Though if you want to waste your money on this shabby backwater town, by all means, be my guest." I said rolling my eyes. This guy is unbelievable

"Do I look like someone whose's short on money? I drive a freaking Porsche and I own a Jeep."

His face becoming unreadable again and devoid of human emotion. His silence annoyed me even more.

"Now if you could be so kindly as to move the hell away from my car. That would be Greatly Appreciated."

"What ever you say." He says shrugging his shoulder and walking away.

Driving home all I cared about was calling Josie and Brooke and telling them what happened, I don't care if they're working. They'll kill me if I don't interrupt them. And I prefer to keep breathing.

Pulling up to my drive I rush inside. My moms was working in the basement and my dad was at work. I climb the steps to my room and plop on to my bed and pull I phone calling the group chat.

Josie: Hey whats up?

Brooke answering: Hello?

Me: Sooo the weirdest things just


Josie: Spill it, I'll go on my break.

I hear Josie holler in the back ground.

And Brooke covers the phone and whispers to her coworker.

Brooke: Hold on I'm walking outside

right now.

Josie: Same.

Me: Sooo guess who I ran into?

Josie and Brooke: Who?

Me: First I saw the guy from the bar,

his name's Cyrus Ashborne. by the way, he was at the school with dean. And then Daniel

cornered me in the parking lot.

Josie interrupted me.

Josie: Daniel cornered you in the parking lot?

She sounded pissed and confused.

Me: Yes, I'll get there hold on. So after

Daniel, I stop to get gas and guess who's at the Italian restaurant across the street? Mr. Ashborne. Guess what he was doing I bet you can't guess. He bought the restaurant. He also informed me he's mafia. You guys he's a gangster. God even the word sounds insane.

Josie: Girl that's some crazy shit.

Brooke: Why was he talking to the dean?

Me: he was talking about art and he

boasted about me. Almost outing me.

Josie: Outing you?

Me: Yes outing me, my work is all

anonymous, no one knows what's my work.

Josie: What if I were to find your TikTok and instagram.

Me: I might make a new one and block you. Or block you on the old one.

Josie: That's mean. I'm your best friend let me see your soul. I found your channel and I'm in loveeeee with your work.

Me: you've seen my work?

I know they both could hear the immediate frown on on my face.

Brooke: Yes we're truly sorry, we crossed a boundary. But please its only because we love you so much we want see this side and love this side of you too.

Josie: you paint pain and grief and loss in a away that makes me feel like the painting is about me. Your sculpture work is eye catching its amazing how you get the camera angel to film only your hands on the spinning wheel molding the clay.

Brooke: She's right, Seri, I can't it explain it, but I think this side of you has only made me love you more. I see you more now.

The frown on my face slightly lifted.Their words made me feel safe.

Me: They mimic my nightmares.They express the pain and suffering I live with almost every night. Painting helps me deal with them helps me see them without living through it. It's like if I put it on a canvas it's not mine anymore, it belongs to the viewer.

Brooke: Thats so beautiful, I love the way you said that.

Josie: My best friend is an artist like no other. She is the light in our lives. So about Daniel first, then sexy stocker mafia man.

Me: Yeah so he practically jumped me as I approached my car startling me, then kind held my door open keeping me from shutting it while he spoke to me about not wanting me to reject him. It was really weird girl. And then with Ashborne, I have no idea what the hell is up with him. One minute he's hot, the next minute he's cold. I'm so confused by him, its like whiplash and we aren't even friends let alone an item.

Josie: holy shit you have two crazy stalkers? We take you out of town for one night and already three devilishly hot men want you enough to stalk you and a third that gives you a valuable painting for no real reason. What the hell is your secret?

Me: I have no idea. I'm literally just


Josie: Damn I already do that.

Me: Well maybe do it less?

Brooke chuckled from the other end of the phone.

Josie: Wow, well aren't you just the sweetest.

Me: Yes. I am. Thanks for noticing.

Brooke: So what are we doing about these two stalking guys? Im concerned about Daniel. He's your friend Josie.

Josie: He's my dads friends kid, not my friend.

Brooke: Okay whatever I don't care, this is serious, I'm concerned. Daniel doesn't seem like a good guy and the Ashborne guy seems off as well.

Josie: Agreed, I'll ask my dad to talk to Daniel's dad.

Brooke: I don't really want you being

alone right now.

Me: I know, oh also, my house was being

stocked last night and wonder if it's related to Daniel or Mr. Ashborne last night.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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