
you’re so rude

I clutch my chest, trying to steady my breathing.

Act cool girl.

"I just need some air, wait for me I'll be right back." I leave before they can disagree and urgently head for the door.

When the bouncer who was putting wrists bands on saw me, he opened the door for me, I was blasted in the face with crisp cold air. Instantly, I felt the air fill my lungs once more. A wave of a relief washed over me. Bathing me in the chill of the air.

What the fuck happened back there? Why did he make me feel that way. What was it I was even feeling? The tears in my eyes were building at the corners. Quickly, I try tonblink them away, not wanting to ruin my make up.

Why did he have such an impact on me? I walk over to the side of the bar were there was no one and lean back against the wall. Putting my hands in the pockets of my denim jeans, I breathe slowly in and out. Grounding myself once again in reality. When suddenly a shadow approaches me, I look up my breath is once again sucked from my lungs leaving me with no air.

There was the man I saw playing billiards

standing right in front of me.

Did he follow me out here? Why?

How could anyone be so sexy? It's not even fair, in his white collared button down shirt, he was wearing a grey vest that buttoned in the middle, complete with matching grey pants.

I was afraid to look up and see his beautiful disappointed face up close.

"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here." His voice was thick with seduction, but a bit of anger and pain too. It made every hair on my body stand up, drying out my mouth.

"Excuse me?" I was taken back by his question and his tone.

"I asked you, why are you here?" His voice

Sounding more annoyed.

"What business is it of yours?" I snap back "Who are you, who do you think you are?"

I was angry immediately, with all that beauty you'd think he'd have some respect or maybe a good personality.

He seemed a bit shocked by my reaction.

I mean how did he expect me to react?

"Fuck off now, bye."

"You shouldn't be here, you need to leave." His facial expression flat, his voice sounded so familiar and unusually aggravating.

"Excuse me. No. I'm sorry, but it's you who should leave." I said now matching his intense stare with ferocity.

We stood staring deeply into each others eyes,

neither one of us blinking, neither of us giving in. Tension was thick in the air. Almost palpable, tasting like bitterness in the air.

"Fine, if you don't leave I will." I said pushing off the wall.

He shoves my back against the wall, pinning me between his arms. His breath smelling of mint and liquor was warming the top of my head.

I quickly shut my eyes and flinching as a reaction, instead I should yell, scream for help. But I couldn't move his eyes held me frozen in place. His minty alcohol breath warming my face now. His expression was tense, like he was holding something back. Restraining himself.

It drove me nuts. I felt an ache in my chest that reached between my legs.

I've never looked at a pair of lips and wanted to kiss them so much before. Taking a hard gulp, one I'm almost positive he could hear.

"This is a little too close. For my comfort"

It was hard for me to breathe, having him such close proximity.

"You shouldn't be here." He repeated again his voice was a little softer.

Does he know any other words?

"Listen man, is there someone I should

call? You look like you've seen a ghost or that you drank way too much."

Slamming his hands into the wall behind

me again. Cracking the cement. I recoiled at first. Then coming to my senses I reacted.

"Back the fuck up." I said shoving him

off me. Fuck his chest was a brick. How could someone have muscles that hard?

What would that chest be like bare?

Get your head out of the gutter girl.

"You and your friends need to leave, this isn't the place for you and I won't tell you again." He said with a deep low growl.

Wow, what the fuck?

"What's your problem, I don't even know you."

"You don't belong here. Look at you." He said "you look like a spoiled princess."

His words hurt, worse than they should have, why was he going out of his way to be so mean? What did I ever do to him?Why did I even care?

"Move." I say pushing him hard. He stands up letting move, I needed to get away or he'd see the tears that were forming.


I leave quickly without turning around

and back to my table. Blinking the tears from my eyes.

What was his deal? My heart ached, but

I was infuriated, by a stranger. Did he really just go out of his way to say all that to me? Why?

Huffing, heated and angry now, I needed a drink. When I approach I see Josie standing next to two men chatting.

When I approach the conversation ends and Josie turns around loudly says. "That's the birthday girl!" She pulls me in for a hug. "Cheers!"

Clinking our cups and taking a drink.

"This is Daniel my friend whose hosting this party." Josie said introducing us "And this is his friend Zack"

"Hi, I'm Seri." Shaking their hands.

"Are your eyes real or are they

contacts?" Daniel asked.

Both men were pretty attractive, but nothing like the man from before. I look over to the pool table again and he back already watching me, his eyes never straying. Not even when I catch him staring with that pissed off look.

Seriously what is this dude problem.

Why is he so mad?

"They're real. So is my hair, and I

don't have carpet I have tile flooring." I say.

Both guys stare at me for a second, I look over and smirk at Josie and its all she can do to hold her laugh in waiting for it to click with the guys standing with us.

"Ha! Oh my God I get it now." Daniel busts out laughing.

I notice the silver eyed man by the pool table leaning back against the wall was staring hard frowning deeper. It almost looked like he was jealous.


"You're pretty funny Seri. I like funny girls." He gave me an angelic, but dangerous looking grin.

Josie give me 'the look' to tell me he's flirting in case I missed the very obvious clue.

"Glad I fall into that category, the ones of girls you like, that is." I give him a slightly flirty smile, making sure He see's me give it to Daniel.

"Do you want another drink I see you're

almost done with yours." He asked seductively.

"Yeah I'll take another one."

Daniel looks to the bartender and gives

him a hand signal. "When he's done he'll bring it over to us."

"Thank you." I say sweetly.

The lights dim and the colored light lit up and a hard guitar rip hits the speakers.

The whole bar screams, clapping and

stomping their feet.

"How are you doing tonight Eureka?"

The crowd yelled back "GREAT!!!"

"That's what I like to hear! It's great to be here with you guys in such an intimate environment. Tonight's concert is at a personal request of a friend of mine.

The bar erupted with applause.

I could feel my skin heating up and my face turning red. I can't believe they just said my name. to a whole crowd. Oh my god.

Everyone was looking at me, I tried to give a confident smile, but it couldn't have looked more like a Jin from Josie's scary stories. I was insanely anxious, I can't believe this right now. Today is so totally crazy. I met such 2nd most beautiful man I've ever seen and was gifted a valuable painting. I made a friend at a cat café. I got verbally assaulted by the

hottest guy I've ever seen. Oh and Bad Wolves members noticed me.

"This songs for you." The leader Tommy Vext said starting off with their famous cover of Zombies by the Cranberries.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

devonanycreators' thoughts
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