
Chapter 20

"You have yet to answer my question, child," the strange man supposedly named Maveth said neutrally while looking down at the scared and confused Asha.

"Um, what question?" she asked, a little scared but also curious about the stranger.

"I asked if you recall the way to escape these woods. Do you have a poor memory?"

"Hey! My memory's fine, you just scared me is all!" she shouted back, a little less afraid and more annoyed at the rude comment.

"You have still not answered the question," Maveth said, acting as though he didn't register the girl's yelling.

Asha got to her feet and spoke with audible sass, "Of course I know the way, but why should I tell you?" Her confidence soared despite the fact that she was also lost in these woods.

"Hmmm. You are correct; I have little I could offer you. Apologies." The stranger then turned in a random direction and began to move, leaving a flabbergasted expression on Asha's face.

"Hey, wait! Where are you going?" she called while chasing after the walking man.

"You asked for compensation for directions. As I don't have anything of value, the negotiations between you and me have ended."

"What's compensation?"

"It's a form of repayment like money or a service."

"Oh, well, you could have just asked again."

"Why would I do that? Your response would be unlikely to change."

"Why do you talk weird?"

"You dislike my manner of speech?"

"I don't dislike it; it's just weird."


Without either being aware of it, the two had begun to walk together in a seemingly random direction. Asha really couldn't make heads or tails of the guy in front of her. Who was he? Why was he here? Due to her ignorance and innocence, she was direct in her line of questioning.

"So, Maveth, why are you in the woods? Do you live here?"

"No, child, I do not, and currently my objective is to leave this place and find a settlement."


"I am injured."

"How'd that happen?"

"In battle."

At those words, Asha's eyes went a little wide, and she got very excited.

"Wow! What kind of battle? Did you win? Are you an Awakened like Zoran?"

At those words, it was Maveth's turn to be surprised and confused.

"What is an Awakened?"

Asha's pride rose by a few levels as she confidently explained what she had been told by her mother.

"Awakened are like super powerful people who can do anything they want to. And what's the most awesome part is that they're all different. Some can fly, others can run really fast or are super strong; they can even use magic!"

"I see. And how does one become an Awakened?"

Asha's arrogance left her like air from a balloon as she visibly deflated.

"I don't know; my mom won't tell me."

"I see. Tell me, child—"

"It's Asha, not 'child.'"

"Very well, Asha. Have you ever heard of an Awakened who can raise the dead?"

Asha's face took on a serious expression as she shook her head. "I don't think so. If there was one, I'd like to meet them."

"Why is that?"

"My dad died when I was really small."

"I see. You wish for that Awakened to bring your father back?"

Asha stopped walking and looked at Maveth for a moment before laughing.

"Haha, you're really weird!"

"I do not understand."

"Whenever grown-ups hear about my dad, they get all serious and stuff like 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'May the heavens receive him' or something."

"I see, so in response to death, people console each other."

"You say 'I see' a lot. So did you win?"

"Win what?"

"The fight. Your arm looks hurt."

"It is unusable, and yes, I did emerge victorious."

"My mom's a doctor; she may be able to help."

Maveth slowed down for a moment and looked at the little girl for a long, silent moment before returning to his stride.

"Which way?"

"Alright, follow me! I know these woods like the back of my hand; just try not to get lost!" Asha said with confidence as the sun fully retreated from the now night sky.

Asha continued to barrage Maveth with countless questions as the two moved forward together. Maveth's responses were usually only one or two words and didn't elaborate on where he came from. Asha didn't mind; she actually found the man very easy to talk to, and in between her questions would often give details about herself and the quaint little life she lived. She spoke of her mother and Zoran but chose to keep what she remembered about her father to herself.

The sound of a snapping twig woke Asha from her happy conversation. She tried to look behind her, but before she could react, she was scooped up in a princess carry and realized she was being kidnapped.

"LET GO OF ME!" she yelled as she tried punching, kicking, and even biting her kidnapper.

"Ouch! Quit it, Asha! It's me, Freir!" her abductor cried in pain as he had his arms bitten.

"Freir? Put me down! What are you doing?!" she yelled back, still being held in his arms.

"No can do, Zoran's orders."

"Zoran's here? Where?" she asked while looking around.

"Don't worry about it; I'll get you home soon. Just hang on tight."

"Wait, what about Maveth?"


Asha grew angry at the situation and kept hitting Frier in the face, blocking his vision.

"Put! Me! Down!"

"Fine, fine, just stop hitting me!" Freir relented after countless attacks to his face. He let the girl down on the ground and looked back at where he had picked her up from.

Two men looked at one another: one was Zoran, the other the stranger Maveth.

"I don't know you, stranger; it's best if you move along," Zoran began the dialogue.

"I mean you no harm. If you direct me out of this forest, I will comply with your demands," Maveth responded, while his normal grey eyes slightly changed color.

Most would miss it, but not Zoran. Without another word, a spear came dangerously close to Maveth's neck.

"I don't know what you were trying to do with those eyes, but I'd suggest you stop it before you get hurt. Now I'm gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna answer, right?" Zoran's deadly serious expression and gaze were ineffective against the stranger's air of indifference.

"Very well, I'll answer whatever queries you may have."

"Good, let's start with the basics. Who are you? Where'd you come from?"

"I am Maveth."

"You not hear me or something? Where'd you come from?!" Zoran asked more forcefully, while moving the spear closer to his neck.

"I do not know my origin; thus, I neglected to elaborate on details I don't possess." Maveth spoke so matter-of-factly that it was hard to argue with him. Still, Zoran wasn't satisfied.

"Amnesia, eh? Might convince the gullible, but you'll have to try harder than that."

"I speak the truth; I have zero memories from before a day ago."

"So you've just been wandering around the forest 'til now?"

"That's correct."

"'Pose I believe you. What happened to your arm?"

"I was attacked by a beast on my journey."

"And you escaped?"


"What if I don't believe you?"

"That would be unfortunate."

"Funny, but I'm in no joking mood at present."

"Both of you stop fighting!" Asha, who heard the conversation, came over to try and end the conflict.

"Freir, you had one damn job!" Zoran called while never letting the stranger out of his sight. Zoran didn't know why, but this guy gave him a terrible feeling. Bad memories resurfaced in his head, and the grip on his weapon got tighter.

"Zoran, leave him alone! He's a good person!" Asha cried but didn't move. Right now, Zoran had a really scary presence, and she thought getting too close was dangerous.

"Asha, go with Freir," he commanded without turning around.

"But he's injur—"

"NOW!" Without letting the girl speak, Zoran roared, and Frier, who was watching silently, decided to butt in.

"Zoran, don't lose your cool. He could have hurt the girl or taken her hostage but didn't. His arm's also pretty bad; let's let Silvia take a look at least."

"Freir, you don't know what you're talking about. This guy's dangerous," Zoran retorted as the situation became more and more tense.

"If I may, I'd like to reiterate the fact that I mean no harm. I have answered your questions and endured your threats. So I'll say this simply: if you're going to make a move, make it." The strange man in question finally spoke, causing different reactions from everyone present.

Asha tried to move in between the two to prevent the conflict from escalating, while Frier moved to stop her.

Zoran, meanwhile, just looked into the other man's eyes wordlessly, waiting and thinking while it seemed the world paused around them.

Hello! I've decided to increase the daily word count around 1500, so enjoy longer chapters. As always there may be sometimes shorter chapters due to my daily life, but I'll do my best to hit around 1500 from now on.

Shout out to Agent Clark CIA for his comment. I appreciate the advice. I'm still new at this and sometimes get bogged down in the details. All of these characters will be every important moving onwards I promise and this chapter marks the return of the protagonist so hurray!

See you all tomorrow, sincerely Skelly

SkellyTheSkeletoncreators' thoughts
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