
CH.8 The Aftermath and The Darkness of Humanity part 1

Here you go, a new chapter hope you all enjoy.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment. Please enjoy

I had some free time so enjoy a second chapter for this week ;


Early The next morning:

Hiruzen Sarutobi is sitting on the Hokage chair giving orders to ANBU and shinobi alike to stabilize the crisis that has fallen upon them. He was trying to get the situation under his control as quickly as possible to be able to make an emergency council meeting without everything going south more than it already is.

Hiruzen sighed tiredly. The situation is very critical and need to be solved quickly. A lot of shinobi have fallen victims to the Kyuubi's rampage but losing Minato Namikaze The Yondaime Hokage and His wife Kushina really stung. Both were S rank shinobi and the only Seal masters in the villiage by Uzumaki standards.

Hiruzen called back a few hours ago when he reached the forest clearing that the Kyuubi was in, only to find, much to his surprise and deep sadness, Naruto carrying a baby while silently crying looking at the dead bodies of Minato and Kushina.

At that time he gave orders to the shinobi with him to inspect he area and retrieve the bodies of their fallen Hokage and his wife while he took Naruto and the baby to Konoha's hospital. He tried to get some information gently from Naruto who only told him that Minato took him from his home to seal the Kyuubi inside him and all he knew is that Minato and Kushina were attacked right after childbirth leading to the rampage of the Kyuubi.

Hiruzen rubbed his eyes while thinking. Kushina's date and place of her delivery was kept a secret that only very few trusted people knew about it. So how could one Person plan and commence an attack of this magnitude alone. He will need to wait for the full investigation report to make up his mind.

The situation with Naruto is also a problem. From what he could understand from the boy is that Tsunade has no idea that Minato brought him here. Now he has to call her back to the village and tell her that Minato took her son out of the safety of their home in the fire capital and brought him to Konoha which was under attack and he made her son the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi without her knowledge or consent. 'Haaaaaa, this is bad' sighed Hiruzen mentally.

(Bro is cooked.😂😂) 

"Hawk" called Hiruzen to his ANBU Commander.

"Yes, Sandaime-sama" said a man with a Hawk Anbu mask who appeared and Kneeled in front of Hiruzen.

"I need you to send ANBU operatives to call all council members for an emergency meeting ASAP" ordered Hiruzen.

"Consider it done Sandaime-sama" said Hawk who then flickered away.

Ten minutes later;

Inside a dimly lit room, there is a long table with its two sides filled with people sitting and quietly talking to each other. One side was the civilian side with the other being the shinobi side who has majority number of seats. All prominent clans had there heads present except the Senju as Tsunade wasn't there. The chair at the head of the table was currently empty, beside it there was 3 chairs. Sitting on them were the village elders Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane and Danzo Shimura.

The muttering stopped when the room doors swung open. Hiruzen entered the room with the doors closing behind him. He walked to the head of the table and sat down.

"Now that we are all here, I anounce that this emergency meeting has officially begun" said Hiruzen.

"Where is Yondaime-sama, Sandaime-sama?" asked one of the civilian councilors

Hiruzen sighed sadly then said: "With great regret and sadness I confirm that The Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, died fighting the Kyuubi and protecting the village. It was a victory with a very heavy price."

The silence that followed was deafening and took a while to sink in as the news spread a wave of disbelieve and sad on mostly everyone.

"What is needed to be done now Sandaime-sama?" asked Inoichi the head of the Yamanaka clan.

" To begin I retake The Mantle of The Hokage again until there is a suitable candidate. I already sent a notification to the Daimyo. Does anyone disagree?" stated Hiruzen.

"No Hokage-sama." was the collective reponse heard with Danzo saying it a bit forced as he clenced his fist.

He longed to take the Hokage's seat.

" Now that this is out of the way. Firstly I am putting Konaha under military lockdown. No one enter ore exit the village without my word." said Hiruzen getting a collective nod from everyone present.

"Next, I need shinobi clan leaders to figure out the amount of damage and causalities from their clans. I already notified the Anbu and the hospital to give me a report on civilians and civilian ninjas causalities" said Hiruzen getting conformation from the Ninja clans Heads.

"As for the civilian council members I need you to figure out the amount of damage to the civilian infrastructure and how much it is going to cost to fix. Anbu is going to to do the same to military facilities." said Hiruzen getting a nod from the civilian council members.

"When we get full information we will have a meeting again. until then anyone want to add anything?" asked Hiruzen

"What happened to the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki Hiruzen?" asked Danzo

"For now I don't have details, when I have them then we can discuss it. For now meeting is adjourned." said Hiruzen dodging the question. If anything happened to Naruto because of him he won't live to see the next day when Tsunade find out.

(Don't poke the Mama bear.😂)

Hiruzen was walking back to the Hokage office after leaving the Council room. "Hiruzen" called a voice from behind him

Hiruzen stopped and turned around only to see Danzo approaching him.

Danzo is Hiruzen's old teammate. He is a man of 56 years old with short black hair and bandages covering his Right eye and arm with his arm carried by a sling.

"what is it Danzo?" asked Hiruzen. He really isn't in the mood to deal with Danzo as he always left him with a headache.

"Is the new Kyuubi jinchuuriki one of the two children you brought to the hospital?" Danzo asked. It wasn't really a question, it was a statement that needed conformation.

"What if it is Danzo, What do you want?" said Hiruzen as his face started to darken. There is no need to beat around the bush with Danzo. This guy gets the informtion one way or another. Hiruzen sometime regret giving him permission to start the ROOT. Although the are useful, most times the are a thorn in his side.

"Give the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki to me. I will Mold them to become the perfect weapon for the village." stated Danzo with a blank face

Hiruzen's face scowled, darkening more as he said: "That won't happen Danzo. Stay away from these children for your own good. This topic is over." then turned around and continued his way to his office.

Danzo scowled and called out: "You will regret this Hiruzen." which Hiruzen paid no mind to.

Danzo turned away to leave when a Root operative kneeled beside him who Danzo ordered: "Spread around the villiage that these kids contain the Kyuubi. If Hiruzen won't give me the Jinchuuriki willingly, I will pressure him too." 

After giving the order he proceeded to leave the Hokage building. 


One hour later;

Hiruzen stabilized his work load enough for him to go and visit the hospital. There he got confirmation that all the midwifes that helped Kushina in the childbirth process including his wife Biwako were all killed. The deep sadness he felt didn't show on his face but kept it inside him. As the leader now in a middle of a crisis he can't show weakness in front of all the people who depend on him.

He decided to go visit Naruto and check on him. While walking to Naruto's room He meet a young girl in her 15-16 years of age wearing a doctors looking a bit tired.

"Shizune" called Hiruzen.

Shizune turned to see who was calling. when she saw Hiruzen she straightened up her posture and approached him saying: "Good morning Sandaime-sama"

"Good morning to you too Shizune, How are you doing?" said Hiruzen

"I am fine Sandaime-sama, just a bit tired which is to be expected. Last night was violent." said Shizune to which Hiruzen nodded.

"How is the two children I brought to you?" Asked Hiruzen

Shizune smiled and said: "Little Mito is fine, the cutie is in perfect health."

She then became sad and said:" such a shame that Kushina-sama die. She was looking forward to being a mother."

Shizune was Kushina's personal doctor during her pregnancy. She is trusted by Minato, Kushina and Hiruzen so she knew Kushina's full record.

"Yeah real shame" said Hiruzen sadly . He then said: "what about Naruto?"

"He is fine. But Sandaime-sama can I ask something?" asked Shizune

"Go ahead." said Hiruzen

" Just who is this boy Naruto. From what I diagnosed from him he took Kushina-sama's place as the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi which explain the massive chakra amount he has that even exceeds you Sandaime-sama" said Shizune as she took a breath before continuing: "what is confusing me is that he can control that amount of chakra very well to the point that he can use medical jutsu. In addition his knowledge and techniques are of a high level that he may be better than me if not for his lack of experience. He even helped us by using shadow clones to help with the less serious injuries leaving us to attend to the seriously wounded."

Hiruzen smiled slightly before saying in wonder: "he is that good huh."

He looked at Shizune and said: "I will tell you who he is but you need to keep it a secret until it is officially announced"

"You have my word Sandaime-sama" promised Shizune.

"He is your sensei and mentor's son" said Hiruzen almost giving Shizune a heart attack.

Shizune sensei is Tsunade whom took care of her since her uncle Dan, who was also Tsunade's lover, died.

When she became about 6 years old Tsunade sent her to the academy in Konoha to become a ninja but also left her with enough learning material to become a medical ninja. Tsunade even mentored her during the war only for Shizune to find later on that it was shadow clones. She thought at the time that Tsunade will come take her after the war ended. But it seems that her sensei has been busy.

Hiruzen left Shizune to her thoughts and approached the room that Naruto stays in. As he opened the door to the room he found himself looking at a heart warming scene.

Naruto is sitting on the bed with his baby sister laying on his lap while he used a baby bottle that was getting empty to feed her. He had a warm smile on his face mixed with some sadness as he looked at his sister.

Hearing the door open he looked up only to see Hiruzen standing there with a small smile.

"Hey grandpa saru." Said Naruto with a small smile.

"Hey naruto how are you doing?" Asked Hiruzen.

Naruto pulled the now empty bottle from Mito's mouth putting it aside. He stood up and carried his sister onto his shoulder before starting to get her to burp if she had ingested air while saying: "I am fine grandpa considering everything that happened"

"That good to hear. Also I already sent a massage to your mother she should be here in the next day or two" said Hiruzen.

Naruto was laying his now asleep sister in a crib near the bed before turning to Hiruzen and said: " That sound great grandpa"

There was a brief silence that was broken by naruto asking: "Grandpa, why do you feel very sad?"

The question was out of no where which surprised Hiruzen who then asked: "why do you say that Naruto?"

"I can feel the emotions of every living being that is capable of expressing emotions near me." Said Naruto surprising Hiruzen as this was an ability that Mito Uzumaki was know for.

Hiruzen sighed before saying with deep sadness: "I just got news that my wife died in the attack."

Naruto understanding approached Hiruzen and hugged him: "my condolences grandpa. I will be always there for you."

Hiruzen return the huge with a small smile feeling a little better. After the hug was broken Hiruzen excused himself to leave as he has still a lot of work to do.

After Hiruzen left by sometime, there was a knock at Naruto's door.

"Come in" said Naruto.

"Excuse me" said a nurse

 A nurse followed by a child who looked about 6 years old accompanied by a woman carrying an infant.

"Excuse me Naruto-san, this is Mikoto Uchiha, she asked to meet Mito-chan as she said she is a friend of the parents" said the nurse

"Thank you for bringing them, you can leave now" said Naruto

The nurse nodded before leaving.

Naruto stood from the bed and approached the visitors. He pulled a chair near the bed to sit down not before he said: "Welcome and thank you for visiting please have a seat." pointing at a couch near the door.

After the visitors sat down. Mikoto proceeded to say: "Hello, Nice to meet you, I am Mikoto Uchiha, this is my first born Itachi Uchiha and this is my new born Sasuke Uchiha."

"Nice to meet you too Mikoto-San, I am Naruto. Pardon me if I sound rude but can I know why is the Uchiha clan head's wife and heir are visiting newly orphaned baby." Asked Naruto with his eyes slightly narrowed

Mikoto was surprised that he knew of her. She proceeded to say: "I was childhood friends with Kushina so I was devastated to hear that she died leaving her daughter. So I came here with hopes to adopt her."

Naruto stayed quiet for sometime while looking at her before smiling slightly: "It is very nice of you to offer to adopt her but that won't be necessary as she has a legal guardian who will be back to the village soon"

"Can I know who it is?" Asked Mikoto.

"You will find soon enough" said Naruto with as small mysterious but mischievous smile.

"Can I ask who are you to Mito-chan?" asked Mikoto.

Naruto gave her a sad smile before saying: "Kushina-nee san asked me to protect and take care of her. So I am doing that."

Mikoto nodded in understanding.

Mikoto and her children kept Naruto company for sometime. Naruto allowed Mikoto to carry Mito for awhile which followed by Mikoto giving Sasuke to Naruto to carry him. Sasuke giggled in Naruto's arms which surprised Mikoto and Itachi as Sasuke usually cries in the hands of stranger even sometimes in his father's arms.

When night fell Mikoto said goodbyes and left.

Naruto got told that he and Mito would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and he needs to go meet the Hokage after leaving.

In the land of tea;

Tsunade had finished healing the person she came her for. Now her favor to him was payed and she is getting ready to go home in the fire capital.

As she getting gathering ready to leave, a small monkey appeared in a puff of smoke. The monkey gave her a scroll before disappearing.

When Tsunade read the contents of the scroll she had to keep herself from destroy everything around her from how furious she felt .

She finished packing her things and rushed on her way to Konoha.

From what she read in the scroll, her sensei told her that Konoha was attacked, Minato brought her son to Konoha but he is fine. Her sensei didn't go into details but urged her to come back to Konoha quickly.

When she return to Konoha she is going to break every bone in Minato's body.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment.

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