
1. A new family

My name is Lesly and I am nothing special. 

You think after saying that would follow something like, 'only an assassin', 'a master chef', 'a miracle doctor', 'a world-renowned hacker', 'a gamer'.... stuff like that. But no. I am neither these things, I use an old folding phone instead of smartphones, can't understand Latin, although things I do in the kitchen don't burn it down, it won't turn out good either.

 And regarding assassin, I am unexpectedly unathletic, given that I work as a gymnastic teacher. 

So, I am really just average, thirty, single, don't have any expectations in life and just wait for the day to get over, the only little joy I have is letting the high school kids run a few rounds, now fully understanding that gym teacher are really nothing more than sadists, and that for an excellent reason: It is so much fun.

Today too, I should sit in my elevated chair with a cap on my head, baggy sport suit, sipping my juice while watching the kids run around, grinning evilly.

But not. The principal had called me out, I went into his office where I got to meet some kind of historical butler dude, who ushered me inside an expensive car, driving me to an even more expensive villa where I am currently sitting on the couch. The butler had taken away my whistle and my juice, and had changed his polite face, looking at me in contempt all over. No explanation till this moment whatsoever.

"What do you want?" I asked him for the third time.

"You are the heiress of the Dunken family, a family that is falling." He made a hand motion,

"All this here will be sold away soon, the company is also on its last breath."

Well, I haven't seen that coming. Looking around, I asked myself if it was manageable to pocket something shiny on my way outta here.

"However, an admirer of your mother had offered to save the family, if you become his wife." The butler continued.

I burst out laughing,

"You have watched too many soaps. Things like that don't happen in real life." 

The butler looked only more disgusted with myself and started to elaborate on how graceful and kind my supposed birth parents were, how they did only good and as their daughter I should be the same, stuff like that.

I was still searching for something that I could get out here in my jogging suit, having his speech completely blocked out.

He somehow noticed because the next moment he walked away. Now was the perfect time, so I reached for a golden apple that lay there as a decoration and put it in the pocket of my jacket. Leaning back a big more, I arranged a couch pillow so that the bulge would remain unseen.

I am no kleptomaniac, I just really like to collect memories from places I visit. When I go to a fancy restaurant I pocket a fork, or a small glass, innocent stuff like that, in a hotel the mandatory bathing robe was also a must. Here, everything, including this house, will be sold anyway, so one golden apple more or less shouldn't matter.

The butler came back and looked at the couch table, then at me, his eyes sliding to my sweat jacket.

I just levelled his gaze, and waited for him to mention something. 


The butler sneered at me and sat down on the couch across from me. He slid the bowl with golden fruits away while looking at me, as if to make a point, and placed the laptop in its place. I'm beginning to find the butler funny and just watched him, unfazed.

However, my face fell when I saw what was on the laptop screen.

"You have kidnapped my cat and are forcing me into a marriage with its life?" I asked him incredulously. There were pictures of my cat that was held by a man dressed in black, a knife in his hand.

The butler nodded, and I breathed out a long sigh, how annoying. Why hadn't they taken a kid from my class and blackmailed me with its life? The apple and myself would have reached the doorstep already.

"Give me the crap I have to sign, and don't do shit to my Baby." I told him, and he gave me a few papers and a pen, the look of contempt in his eyes had somehow lessened, replaced with one full of pity for the mentally disabled.

I didn't read through the tiny letters on the marriage document thing, and just went for the signing. Then everything went really fast.

The butler practically shoved me inside a car, and I was driven away. When I noticed that we had left the city, I asked for my cat and my stuff, but got no answer.

"Heyheyheyheyheyheyheyhey" I went on to annoy the driver until he finally looked at me through the rearview mirror, before asking again,

"Where is my cat and where is my stuff?"

The driver looked back to the road and I started again, this time at the second 'Hey', he finally reacted,

"Master will let the stuff bring into the villa."

"And the cat?" I narrow my eyes as I asked him.

"The cat as well." He looked peeved, but I got the answer I wanted and was satisfied.

"Who is your master?" I asked him with little interest while looking outside,

"Thomas Lennister, your husband."

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