
A Promise with a New World

My name is Michael Bianco, a Writer that lives in Oklahoma, well, "Writer", most people don't consider My job as true literature since most of My works are Fan Fiction of other books or comics

It pays well putting a New character and writing a complete new story of an existing franchise Even if some people don't like it

Now....i don't know Where i am, i remember going to sleep and now i am in a empty space, well, it's all Black but My body it's pretty much visible

I remember some of My histories start like This after The protagonist die and...wait...i Died while i was sleeping?

-No You did not-

A echo resound in every part of This not Ending space, a figure of a human is in front of me

Well... "human" is pushing it to much, that Thing is bright, so much that is The only source of light in the whole space, The only feature visible is a White smile, maybe more bright that The body itself

-hm, who are You?-

I ask, My voice is The same as ever, good

-They Call me, The One Who Wanders-

He says making Emphasis in his name, a little to much if You ask me

As if he reads My mind he Clears his throat and starts again

-Well, maybe it's a little bit to much, Call me The Wanderer, I travel between written stories to experience The creation of The Human brain, and i came here to make You a deal-

At This point i was wandering if i eat something that make me have such a weird dream, but since its not common having a lucid dream i decide to roll with it

-So, Wanderer, what is deal You have in mind -

-It seems that You are very good at changing other people stories, and people are not satisfied with a certain Ending, i thought You could change it-

I made a confused expresion as The Wanderer start explaning how he is capable of bringing Stories to Life, and representing that certain outcome in paper, i didnt undestand a damn thing, but anyways

-So...that "History" You have in mind, Which is it?-

He makes a weird pose opening his arms and tilting his head to The Non-existent sky

-My Hero Academia!-

He screams with emotion, and i can just stare him in disbelief


I Say with quite dissapointment as he looks at me surprised

-What do You expect?-

-Well, a better history....a book maybe-

-You are not that good-

He says while moving his hand in a negative way

Ouch i Guess

-Anyways, i know that You You've been having a Lot of financial trouble so, like i Said, i'm here to make a deal-

Ok, now This is interesting.

Yeah it's true that sells are low and rent is eating My savings very, VERY quickly, so if This is real or not, does not change that much

-Im listening-

I Say, hoping that if This is real he pays me a Lot of Money for whatever he Thinks i can do

-So, it's very simple actually, im going to create The escenario of My Hero Academia and drop You inside of it, if You reach a better Ending that satisfieds not only me, but other people You Will get 100% of The Royalties-

Wait, This has to be a Dream, 100%? Thats insane, but, drop me down? What The fuck that means?!

-Oh and Even better, Half The money You make inside of The story Will be deposit inside of your account-

Oh... A New type of emotion grew inside me as he Said that, Greed, a Lot of it, Half? That means that if i make 2 million of dollars....oh My god...

-But, there are rules, a Lot of it, but i Will make it simple -

Like an Ice bucket, that last phrase stop me for looking at The future and start paying real attention, if This turns out to be a Dream, i am going to cry, really really hard

-So, lets get started

1st Rule-The "Change" Will be given a Random Quirk inside of The MHA World, This ability cannot be used outside of The Universe

2nd Rule-The "Change" Will start in The worst scenario possible

3rd Rule-The "Change" Will have Meta-Knowing of The original timeline, but if The plot starts to change Radically The meta Knowing Will not

4th Rule- The "Change" has to be involved in The Main Plot most of The time

5th Rule-If The "Change" tell anyone inside The World about The reality of Said World or gives up, The "Change" Will forget everything related to The scenario and Will return to The original World-

Well, there was about other 20 more rules but The first 5 are The most important, Even if being trapped in a hostile World sounds Bad The part of The Quirk thing and The money keep me on

-So, are You sure You are okay with This? If You die in This World You Will die in Your original -

Well, i have nothing to lose anyways so i Will give it a try, Even if things goes wrong i can just give up to Ensure My safety

-Yeah, lets do it-

I says as The Wanderer touch My forehead, a sudden pain comes to me and i start losing conciente, i violent shake and before i know, i See Black


I feel some squishy hands pulling me out of somewhere, the hands must be big because involves My whole body inside, after some time it finally pulls me out, i breath for The first time, i didnt Even notice i wasnt breathing, anyways, My vision is not clear and something hits My butt, i try to analize The situation but My brain cannot form any complex thought, before i notice, i start crying

...That was like 3 months ago, turns out that i "reincarnated" as a baby, not sure if counts since i am not really dead in my original world but thats another history

When he told me that My start was going to be difficult i expect a Lot of things, but living in a abusive household was not one of them, we are poor, like poor poor, My family is only My mother and My grandmother, and we are broke

My mother "works" all night, she spend everything in alcohol, cigarrets and one or two drugs, man, i love My original parents

My grandmother just stick around to make sure i eat, she gave me all This time some cheap milk formula, but i think it's better than nothing

While i was busy doing nothing more than baby stuff i trained My brain to work properly so i can plan something

The Main reason i came here is to change The Ending, so i have to stick to The Main Plot, obviously The Best choice is to become an UA student, but also i am planning to involve with The League of Villans

Speaking of which,My Two Secondary Quest, saving some people and mainly, Make some Money

Yeah, Call me All for Money

Hi! I was currently writing other book but i decided to write This fanfic first, i hope You like this

InmortalAzteccreators' thoughts
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