
System update


‹Hey there Klyde, so I've been tinkering with the system and changed it a bit.›

‹That one's like a hundred years old.›

‹Would you like to update?›


"Is everything alright Klyde?" Aella asked.

"Oh, yeah. No problems here, hehe" he laughed nervously.

Aella raised her eyebrow, knowing he's hiding something but then just shrugs. "Eh, whatever."

Klyde took the payment and hurried to take a seat.

'A system update? It's only been two days since I've been using this thing.' Klyde thought. 'Will there be any downsides? Will my leveling progress be screwed? Maybe I should just go along with it.' Klyde then chose the Yes option.


‹Updating system…›


<System updated>


<Available Options>

<Menu|Shop|Skills|Stats|Inventory|Quests >


<Name: Klyde Tolan>

<SLevel: 7>

<Exp: 1030 3200>

<Health: 340>

<Stamina: 100%>

<Hunger: 100%>

<Mana: 200>

"Hmmm…The UI looks a bit different and my hunger and stamina are now percentages. My mana increase too. Wait, I just realized I didn't get my Exp from Emily…"


<Stat 0 points:>

<SLevel: 7>

<Health: 16>

<Strength: 14>

<Agility: 10>

<Magic: 10>

"My stats are different too, I'm guessing my magic power and mana are fused."


<Analysis: Lv1>

<Enchantment: Lv1>

"Enchantment… The skill I got from leveling up. Is it like that thing you do to gear on that old block game?." Klyde asked himself.


<Access at Lv10>

"Well, that's a bummer. I wonder how much has changed though. I haven't used the system so whatevs."


<Conquer Erina: —>

"Oh yeah, I still have this stupid quest. I wonder where Erina is though. It must be a province or something. I swear to God if it's a country or something I'm gonna freak out. Maybe I should ask Aella."

Klyde closed his system and got up to ask Aella. As he went to Aella, a screen appeared above her.

‹↓Aella ???›

<Neutral >

'Huh? What's this? It says neutral. I'm guessing it means she's not out to kill me. It has her name but question marks too. That arrow, what does it mean?' Klyde though. "Aella, do you know where Erina is?" Klyde asked.

"Oh, that wasteland of a country? You'll have to head north and cross the ocean to get there." Aella said. "Planing on going there?"

"Yes, I am."

"Do you even know about Erina?"

"No, but I'll do research."

"Well that place is full of monsters and recommend for Mid C rank."

"Ohh… Well thanks for the info."

"You're welcome, maniac."

"Hey, I'm not a maniac!"

Aella ignored his statement and went along with her job. Klyde decided to leave the guild and go back to the inn to get some piece and quiet while he studied, but Othen followed.

Klyde lied on his bed and took out his book from the inventory. He opened his book to a page on Erina. The page showed a circular island on one page with the name Erina above.

"It's an island? Maybe it's a just a distant county like Madagascar. Now that I think about it, where am I anyways. Like what county, or better yet, continent am I at?"

As he said that the book changed to a different section. The page now had a crescent facing left with a circle in the center and another that was moving along a path around the continent. It was divided into 7 parts tlike different countries, all with their own names and emblems.

"I'm guessing this is the continent. 'Rin Crescent' you say. Interesting name."

Right as he was about to continue, he heard a knock on his door. He went to open the door as saw Othen.

‹↓ Othen Quinlore›

<Neutral >

'Mh? It shows me his surname. Do I have to know it for it to display? That arrow's still pointing down though.' Klyde though. "What do you want?"

"Uhm… Have you seen my sister, Emily by any chance?" Othen said as he looked away.

"Oh, that bastard. I think she's still unconscious outside the town."

"Unconscious…? So you didn't kill her?"


"Oh, thanks for sparing her. I told her not to come after you but she wouldn't listen. Sorry about attacking you, our greed got the better of us. We were hoping to sell your book in order to buy medicine for our mother. It's rare illness so the medicine is expensive."

"Trying to make me feel sorry?" Klyde raised his eyebrow.

"No, no, no! That wasn't my intent. I just hope you can forgive us. What we did was selfish. I'll do anything to make up for it."

"You just guilt tripped me, of course I forgive you. Now hurry on to your sister you bastard."

"Really, thanks…I'll be on my way then."

"Oh, and one thing."


"I hope your mother gets better soon."

"Thanks…" Othen said, before leaving.

"I'm too soft sometimes…" Klyde sighed and lied on his bed again and looked at the map again. "Does interstellar want me to take over this place cuz it's full of monsters or something? Maybe it's best not to question the intention of God. Well, I'm gonna have to spend everyday leveling up if I wanna get there. Judging by the map it looks I'm on the bottom side of the crescent, so probably at Estrin or Rosefault. But Rosefault is at the end of the crescent so maybe not. I'll ask later."

Klyde then went back to the section about Erina.

Erina was once a thriving nation untill the grater dragon Phyrithius, settled there. It destroyed most of the civilization there and only a few humans are left there. The population is about 1000 there but slowly diminishing. The place is now a wasteland full of deserts, eternal flames, monsters and little plants and water sources.

"… A dragon, a flippin dragon! I'm gonna have to fight a dragon, for like a 1000 people that may not be alive by the time I get there. Gosh interstellar is annoying."


<Oh am I now~>

<Then you won't mind if I do this~?>


<Conquer Erina: 2mths>

Klyde looked at the screen in disbelief, he now had only two months to take over Erina.



"Hehe, now that's what you call annoying, Klyde. Now let's see what your bud Mark is doing."

Sorry for the late update y'all. I was sick and it's only now I felt better.

Exams are coming up but I'll at least try to prepare chapters in case I can't write.

I'll upload the map on my page, Pola Nexas for y'all who are interested, as well as other stuff there.

Pola_Nexascreators' thoughts
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