
Female Super Saiyan. Trunks Vs Bra

"And now let's welcome our two contestants. Contestant Trunks Brief and Contestant Bulla Brief." The announcer said as Trunks and Bra got up to the stage.

Trunks was wearing a pale green gi without any undershirt while Bra was wearing a sleeve red shirt and Purple pants.

Trunks take on the fighting stance that he used which is the same as the one that Vegeta and Goten used.

Bra took on the fighting stance that Android 18 used.

"And begins." as soon as the call was made the two started to engage in an intense battle.

Their fists clashed and punches and kicks flew all over the place.

The fight was so fast that normal people were unable to keep up with the speed of the two kids.

"Amazing. They were fighting at the same level." Krillin commented.

"No. The bra is winning the exchange." Android 18 said.

Bra was overwhelming Trunks despite not looking like she was even trying.

She seems to be enjoying beating up Trunks as she slowly breaks him down.

That is despite Trunks having a higher base power level.

That is because of a simple reason, Bra was not in her base form.

She was using a transformation called Ikari during the exchange.

She does not have enough power level to keep up with Trunks.

Their base power levels are not that different.

But in the end, Trunks has a higher power level and is a more expensive fighter among the two.

But that all goes down to drain when one can tap into a power that allows her to use an ability that multiplies their power by ten times.

"Is that? Ozaru. No, how? How is she using the power of a great ape without transforming?" Goten who was watching the fight from the tunnel that leads to the ring was shocked.

"Bra is really strong." Marron also said as she watched the fight from the stands near Krillin and Android 18.

"What is that power? How are you this strong without using Super Saiyan?" Trunks asked.

"As If I would tell you," Bra replied.

Ikari is a transformation that allows the user to use the power of the Great Ape in their human form without having to become a giant ape.

However, it is hard to control and it harms the body physically.

Bra is not very well trained and her body is still unpolished so she has to find another way to use it.

The way Bra bypassed it was by only using the power for a few seconds whenever she was about to hit her enemy.

This allowed her to manage the power increase without harming her body much as she deactivated it immediately.

Because she only active it for a short while she also won't lose control over herself.

Of course, having to use it like this was exhausting to both her mind and body but she would have lost control if she had used it any other way.

"Big Tree Cannon." Trunks said as he launched a powerful ki blast at Bra.

Bra flew towards him. Activated Ikari dodged his attack kicked him in the arm and knocked Trunks away.

Trunks wipe away the blood that appears near his lips.

"I should apologise to Gohan later. But it seems that I cannot defeat you without using Super Saiyan." Trunks said as he started to charge up Ki.

The aura that appeared and surrounded his body when he started to charge his ki turned golden with his hair as he became Super Saiyan.

Bra didn't look scared when Trunks transformed into Super Saiyan.

She also transformed into a Super Saiyan to fight against Trunks.

"Ready for Round Two." Trunks said to Bra.

He then flew towards her and tried to kick her.

She dodged the attack and backed away from him as she launched numerous pink ki blasts at Trunks.

"Infinity bullets." She said.

"Haaaaaaa." Trunks emitted a large amount of ki from his body to cancel out her attack.

He then grabbed her by the leg and threw her into the air.

"It's game over." 18 said as she realized that Bra had lost.

In terms of power, Bra is stronger than Android 18 who is her master but that does not mean anything if you are going up against someone as strong as Cell Saga Vegeta.

The difference in power is too much.

Bra was not very experienced with fighting so she was easily thrown into the air by Trunks who immediately capitalized a few seconds of opening that she exposed.

He transformed into grade 2 and grade 3 Super Saiyan in an instant as he charged up a powerful attack.

"What is he doing?" Bra was shocked.

"Heat dome attack." Trunks said as he launched a huge finish Buster at Bra who was still in the air.

"Photon Rain," Bra said as she tried to counter-attack Trunks's heat dome attack.

However, she was quickly overwhelmed.

Trunks not only has a higher base power level than her but also a higher multiplier with his grade 3 form.

The only reason why she was able to beat him in base form was because she was able to tap into Ikari in her base form.

However, when she can use Super Saiyan form she is unable to keep up with Trunks as Trunks is already stronger than her in base form.

She was unable to stack Ikari with her Super Saiyan form as it was too painful and she was still unable to control her power.

If she could use the two powers together the fight would have turned out differently and Trunks would have struggled more.

There is a possibility that he could even lose.

Before the Heat Dome attack hit Bra, she was saved as Vegeta appeared and moved her away from the attack.

He was watching the whole fight from beginning to end.

He was not going to risk her getting hurt so he was planning to save her if things got out of hand like the current situation.

"Are you alright?" Vegeta asked Bra.

She turned back into her base as she fell asleep in Vegeta's arms.

"Dad." Trunks said.

He was worried that Vegeta was going to scold him for using such a dangerous move on his sister.

But Vegeta didn't say anything.

"Congratulations on reaching the final," Vegeta said as he walked away.

Trunks didn't know what kind of face Vegeta was making at that time.

But Goten saw a proud smile on his face.

He might love his daughter more than his son. But in the end, he still loves his son.

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