
Before and After Part 2

The girls exchanged looks, unimpressed by his boasting. They were ready to ignore him, but then he leaned in toward Elaine with a grin.

"Here, I got this for you," he said, handing her a small, glossy box. "I bought it from a newly opened gourmet chocolate shop uptown. It cost 5,000 credits."

The girls rolled their eyes at the obvious attempt to impress, and Elaine just turned her head, uninterested.

She wasn't in the best mood right now, and even if she were, she wouldn't accept anything from someone as arrogant as him. Had been bothering her for months, thinking that expensive gifts could win her over. But it was all just a waste of time and money. 

This irked Johnson, and if it weren't for Elaine being the most popular girl in school, he would have insulted her right then and there.

Just as the awkward silence between them grew, a loud engine roar echoed from outside the school building.


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