
chapter 3 Reason for the destruction

      The association masters asked Zel if he was able to fight and Zel said yes and at that moment Roy asked the association masters if they know where the dragons are going to attack next, one  of the association masters a named Cleo Rains woman with skin clear like glass bright gold eyes white hair and white skin, responded saying they are probably going to go and kill the person that they think is a treat to them Roy asked who? and the association master said it's Jean, Jean Kate is the one they think is a treat to them or at least someone from his family because Jean is a descendant of the Great and the most powerful wizard in recorded history Magnus Kate the one that created the barrier in the forest of Nevers and weaken them so much they were unable to come out, I assume as of right this moment the dragons are tracking anyone from Magnus's bloodline starting from the most powerful and right one Jean is the powerful of all the Magnus Kate's descendants, Roy said okay, so their main objective will be to kill Jean so Jean are you scared? Jean replied of course not it would be almost impossible to kill me or even give me a permanent injury I have read all the grimoire written by the God of knowledge Silos and I know every spell there is, upon the mention Silos's name Zel had an angered look on his face but no body noticed he quickly adjusted his face and asked so where is Silos? Jean replied saying he disappeared after he wrote the books all the gods has disappeared without a trace or recorded  sightings of their corpse, Zel thought to himself I absorb all the Gods except Silos and Sarah, Sarah got disintegrated and if what I did to Silos affect him, well then he should be dead I rid him if his immortality after all if I remember correctly he came down from the heavenly then he created a prism dimension and put me there but not before I was done with him.

        There are three association masters and another which was a named Nicky Ventura woman with long straight hair brown eyes and full chest big butt and curvy waist and brown skin said now the ten of you should go and defeat and dispose those dragons it is what you all are being paid for right then Anna and Grace started sensing a swarm of dragons head in their direction, the dragons are going to us said Grace, Morphine one of the most powerful people in the association said okay, if the dragons are coming then someone should take the masters out of here they are the ones paying us after all we can't let them die now can we. Zel said in that case Anna and Grace teleport the association masters out of here because I don't think both of you have the power required to beat them. Anna and Grace both agreed and and did a teleportation spell and took them to the house that Zel, Anna and Grace were given to stay as accommodation for joining the association.

          In that time right after Anna and Grace left one of the dragons punched the ground and it destroyed the entire underground ruin, everyone present in the underground ruin teleported above the ground flying in the air Jean asked the dragons what is your objective in destruction, I can see you all can assume a human appearance so that would mean you all have intelligence so why your do what you do?. As Jean was talking the dragon that punched the ground, with speed that made him invisible to the naked eye punched Jean's body so hard his body disbursed in all directions, but then Jean was behind him saying I'm just trying to have a civilize conversation why are you trying to kill me?. In confusion the dragon just stared but he still tried to attack again and his time he used magic that disintegrated Jean's body, after Jean's body was disintegrated Jean appeared again saying I guess you all don't know how to speak, the dragon kept killing Jean in several different ways but Jean just was not staying dead like nothing even happened until Jean got tired then he expanded the insides of the dragon and explode the dragon from the inside out leaving the dragon dead. Jean then said I was only trying to make a conversation and seeing as not a single one of you tried to save your friend, you all were just looking I think you do have intelligence or you all would have tried to attack me blindly, so why are you trying to destroy the world. Kiono the leader of the dragons replied we do have intelligence, and we don't just want to destroy the world oh no we plan on destroying this entire universe. Jean began to laugh thinking it was a joke, then he said you can't destroy the universe and even if you can, even if you succeed there will be nowhere for you to go, you will be destroyed with the universe. Kiono responded saying you see that is were you are wrong you forget that we are from another dimension and not just any dimension but the dimension at the beginning of time, and if you want to know why we want to destroy this universe it's quite simple, this universe is expanding at rate it's beginning to destroy our dimension and if our dimension gets destroyed countless universes will stop to exist, no not countless universes the multiverse and so now your universe has to go for countless to exist. Zel towards Kiono and said what does our universe has to do with your dimension and how does it expanding affect your dimension. Kiono responded that is because your universe is the original universe of the multiverse so that makes it linked to our dimension the dimension at the beginning of time. Zel still does not understand what is so special about their dimension so he asked Kiono what is so special about the dimension at the beginning of time and she said it is the beginning of time, the beginning of life and the beginning of everything in the universe and multiverse as a whole without it time will start spiraling past, future and present until it goes to the time nothing exists. She proceeded in saying originally the Gods were supposed to make sure this doesn't happen but they are all gone now. Zel couldn't help but to feel somewhat responsible for what is happening at that moment Morphin came out and said why can't you all just go to the past and make the God to have never disappeared in the first place instead of destroying the universe Kiono responded saying because when the Gods disappeared they were gone past, future and present therefore erasing them from the records of time she proceeded in saying now that I have explain it to you I really hope you understand why we have to destroy this universe you all just have to make this little sacrifice for the multiverse.

              Non of them agreed with what she said saying that they can't just allow the dragons to destroy the universe but Kiono said fine have it your way even the most powerful wizard Magnus Kate could only manage to seal us in the forest of Nevers non of you stand a chance and she looked at Jean and pointed at him then said as for you do you really think no one will understand what you are doing you are just undoing the event that caused your death that is impressive but it will not save you from me and the rest of you so be prepared because I will end every last one of you, non of you will be surviving this not you or your universe.

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