
Chapter 028:

Chapter 28: Slow and steady

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Planetside - Biggest Ionite Mines 'Meerian Ionite Ventures'

Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi POV:

"Sigh, Master… were sitting here a while now… let's just cut through the doors and continue on." Kenobi complained with a sigh

 "Patience my young Padawan, if you can learn the art of meditating, you are one step closer to becoming a master." Master Qui-Gon said, sitting with eyes still closed

Kenobi could be seen being restless, getting up and walking around again, and eventually going in circles repeatedly.

"Sigh, clear your mind Obi-Wan, what is truly worrying you to this extent." Qui-Gon requested

"I don't like this Master, why did we join this mission? We could have dealt with the Mandalorians and taken Master Gallia back home." Kenobi said, walking left and right

"Have you forgotten what happened during the war, when we protected the Duchess? How often did we barely get away from Deathwatch hunting us at every turn?" Master Qui-Gon asked

"Do not forget that you always have to think about everything. Take these doors, they are to protect, and the fact we have not been attacked means the Meerians are still in control, meaning…" Qui-Gon left the sentence hanging and Kenobi after a while finished it

"...Meaning they make us wait, but for what? It makes no sense for them to do this." Kenobi stated in annoyance.

"Is there? now sit and clear your mind and calm your turbulent emotions, I'm sure the answer will come to us soon." Qui-Gon said, pointing his hand in front of him

"...yes Master." Kenobi reluctantly sat back down to meditate

— — — — — 

Jack's POV:

There are metal walls everywhere you look. If we had not received the map, we would have also walked around in circles. We are lucky we got a map.

It is slow going since we checked every room we came across for enemy presence, and all but one room did have some, even if these guys were just plain stupid… taking a nap.

[Use knives] I ordered, watching how Hound and Wolf's men stalked forward to the sleeping pirates with knives in hand.

[Now] I said watching in macabre interest how all of them in perfect sync put their knives through the soft tissue under the chin into their target's brains killing them outright.

[Sir, it seems they have been using death sticks and drank themselves into a stupor.] I hear 'Wolf 4' report kicking some bottles and pointing at the death-sticks in question

"Pirates will always be scum like this." I said, thinking about the rooms on my ship when I toured it being filled with so much trash and junk it was more garbage dumb than a room

[Keep moving, we are wasting time here. Line up at the door to 'Level 3'] I ordered and watched my men quickly do so

Just after we entered 'Level 3' I heard some soft noises of a firefight happening, making me look at the map and not finding anything worthwhile on the map, 

'Wonder what is going on over there, are the miners fighting back, or are pirates fighting among themselves… or, did one of those beasts manage to get up here?' I thought in wonder that turned to apprehension and slight worry

[Be on guard, we move towards the sounds of battle, if there are miners we assist otherwise…] I told everyone after starting to walk in the direction in question with everyone moving along, even though I left the last part unsaid

While we moved and kept our guards up, I never expected to find what I did, what we found was none other than two groups of pirates trying to kill each other.

All of us just stood there watching from the high ground, since 'Lever 3' starts there with a long circling route winding down to the bottom floor where this fight was happening.

[Not sure why there fighting among themselves, but I do know this is sniper paradise, Sera you and the team's snipers are up, enjoy.] I said over the comes watching Sera and the other snipers move towards the ridge.

— — — — — 

Down on the bottom ground of 'Level 3' a big fight was happening with a spread-out group of armored Mandalorians on the edge at the top of the level.

"Fire when ready." Jack in his green armor said, not using his coms due to the distance with the enemy not needing it

After these words, three men in Deathwatch colors and one fully brown-colored trooper started firing down.

After the first few dropped with holes in their heads a few others called for retreat after looking up.

While looking down everyone saw how the pirates stopped trying to kill each other and rushed through the opening to 'Level 4'.

"Jet-packs then down in quick order. Time to hunt." Jack ordered jumping over the edge quickly followed by Rin and the others with Sera and the other snipers being the last to jump down.

After a nod from Jack two troopers drew their pistols and walked around finishing off the injured, after a few shots they rejoined the others.

"Slow and Steady, move out." Jack stated before ordering his troopers forward

— — — — — 

While Jack and his Mandalorians slowly moved further, the pirates were running for their lives.

"Shit! if they are already here the ships must be lost!" a blue-skinned Rodian yelled not stopping running

"Fuck this shit! We should have never come here!" a light-brown Zabrak cursed saying

"..." a Human did not say anything while running with a contemplating look on his face, what he was thinking only he knew.

"Did you see their colors? There Deathwatch!" another Human yelled, making everyone panic and run even faster.

'No that green and brown did not look like Deathwatch, and the two without armor… wonder who they were, need to rejoin the boss around 'lever 20' he needs to know.' the calm silent Human thought to himself

— — — — — 

The group of Mandalorians slowly moved further, checking every corner for traps or enemies and every room along the way.

In one such room stood a Trandoshen with a big hammer waiting for the doors to open so he could take someone down before his end

However, he never got the chance when the door slowly opened and a small orb was thrown in his way.

After it exploded he heard the words, "Flash Out!" making him scream in pain due to his eyes burning due to the quick flash in the low light mines.

When he suddenly felt lots of pain, with the last thing seeing albeit vaguely the outline of a man suited up all the way.

"Enemy down." this trooper said putting two more shots into the Trandoshen's head before joining the others and continuing on

— — — — — 

The running pirates though, heard the echo of the small explosion followed by a horrible scream.

"Shit that fool!" the blue Rodian cursed while running

"Beter him them us, think he got one?" the Zabrak asked

"...No…" the silent Human answered before sprinting past all of them

"What the!" a green Twi'Lek says in shock, watching him and the other humans started sprinting away following his lead, no longer saying anything

However, their shock was short-lived when a green Rodian dropped to the floor without a head

Quickly followed by a blue Twi'Lek.

This made everyone panic and start sprinting after the humans.

— — — — — 

"Got one, the Humans are sprinting while the others are mainly jogging… they are sprinting now though." Sera was heard saying

"Good, keep moving, and keep your eyes and ears open." Jack said as everyone started moving again

In the back of the group, the two female Jedi were seen speaking to one another.

"Master Ti, I'm not sure about the situation, those beasts… they looked like what Librarian Nu spoke about in the past, I always thought it was a myth of old to scare the younglings into becoming better." Master Gallia whispered

"No need to whisper dear, they will still hear us. But you are correct she knows a lot that we do not know… she banished Master Windu once from the Archives since he went there without telling her… many things are hidden and we are not ready to learn them." Master Shaak Ti answered back

"...You mean the argument between them and had Master Yoda needing to step in was true then?" Adi Gallia asked

"Yes… it almost came to lightsabers clashing, it was years ago when Master Windu was just a Master after a horrible mission bringing many Jedi to be buried, however those beasts… let us hope it is not that." Shaak Ti answered before looking forward to seeing Jack turn his head and look in front of himself

"I understand, let us hope it has nothing to do with Darkness." Adi Gallia said also looking in front once more

— — — — — 

Jack's POV:

'Interesting, they must be talking about the time I was saved, Windu must have wanted to know more about the force and dark elements due to the object used on me. and the beast being part of the Darkness… if so I rather hope it is not the case we would need way more troops and weapons to deal with them.' I thought

'...and with the Jedi now if those beasts are like that… they won't stand a chance, wish they were closer to the Jedi order of old… but we will see soon enough.' I finished my thoughts

These thoughts made me think of my 'Old World' where there were some games, and comic books showing true Dark horrors but also true Jedi of old, making the once today pale in comparison making them look like amateurs

"Sir! many life signs inside, oxygen levels are low almost gone, and the door control is busted." I heard 'Hound 2' report

"'Hound 3' get to it, do a bypass or whatever it is, and get that door open." I ordered watching the trooper in question rush to the door

"Let us hope we will be in time and save the miners inside, rather not have too many Meerians die if I can help it." I mumbled thinking back to the information I read up on about Bandomeer and the Meerian situation and their low numbers

If we can save many of them, they will see Mandalorians in a good light meaning we could potentially trade favorably with them, maybe even work side by side.

But to do so we need to work hard on showing them we are their best option, that we are willing to fight and die for them, the chances will be small but with many things added in the end, I hope at least it will work out.

A bit like chess, a two-player game in my 'old world' where you have many pieces on a board black and white to move around to checkmate the enemy king being the end goal.

So basically even with tons of pieces on the board, things could still go badly if the pieces are used wrong or too quickly what would happen in the future if I don't mess with Canon too much, forgot the dude's name but he worked so long on his plan that he blind sighted anyone.

'When this is over I need to sit down and try to remember not just the events I know about but all the players and their names, then make a list and figure out how and what, what could I change or what could I subtly do to assist someone… could I save some Jedi that would die before Canon began? or during that nasty bit that would kill close to 90% of the order all in one go?' I wondered and thought about things

I knew I only had a few years to go, so needing a plan that is easy to adjust and improve would be good to have lying about.

Maybe bed a few ladies as well, but doubt I'll get to that part any time soon, things have been going in a rather quick tempo, hope things will calm down soon but after these mines those small bases, and that fortress… doubt we will be done anytime soon.

"Sir! I'm opening the door… now!" I heard him say after my nod to him

The big door slowly opened with a cracking sound, denoting something wrong with the hydraulics when the doors flew open soon after due to the Jedi using, the force.

[Shit… are we too late?] I heard a trooper say looking at all the Meerians inside the room lying on the ground.

"Check the vents! 'Hound 3' override the room's vent system and get the oxygen running!" I yelled around

"Rest of you check them Meerians, I need to know if they're dead or alive." I ordered in a harsh tone

I watched team three rush into the room to do just that, likely tired of not doing much.

I'm sorry for the late update, work suddenly took off and it became exhausting stuff.

I was at least able to make some notes for a small draft so I hope the chapter came out alright.

I feel it could have been better but it is what it is.

More chapters will soon follow.

Thank you all for your patience.

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts
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