
27.How many tiers are there?

After I finished fucking Kibir while she licked Sviesos's pussy clean, I felt like I wanted to explore these powers more.

I left my five monster girls panting on the bed, Lana Fulmine in the middle, and padded back to my vault where the Void Crystal waited hovering up in the air.

The Soul appeared. She sat down atop of her crystal and smiled at me. "Well, you will need a large room to do some practicing before you go to town to buy some supplies."

"Practicing?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"With your magic. You are only at the lowest tier of magic, the Beginning Tier, but there are still things you can do with it. I know a few spells, and you might always discover more all on your own."

"Okay," I said. "How many tiers are there?"

"Four tiers. The more veins of magic you have flowing through your dungeon, the greater your power. You'll need two to access the Intermediate Tier and four to get access to the Expert Tier."

"And, let me guess, sixteen to get access to the Ultimate Tier?"

"I'm starting to wonder if you need me," the motherly Soul said. She shook her head, a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, I still don't know any spells."

"True." She smiled. "You need a large space. Your throne room should suffice. A nice, big room. You should start by making that."

I grabbed the Void Crystal. "A throne room, huh? That's a little prestigious."

"Lord Leo, you're a dungeon builder. You were brought to this world. Chosen."

"By whom? For what?"

"I told you I don't know." She gave me a helpless look. "I would tell you! I would! Maybe you have to figure it out for yourself."

I sighed and focused my awareness into the Void Crystal. A throne room... Maybe it would be fun to have one.

I suddenly was aware of all my monster girls. I smiled as I could feel what little I had built, aware of every nook and cranny. I focused on changing it. The nearest exit to the surface was to my left.

That was west since I seemed to be facing north. I was in a mountain. I could sense it rising above me. I decided to expand east for now. I could loop the tunnels back to the exit when I was ready.

First, I created a doorway on the other side of my bedroom. I "drew" the floor plan for another room there, a little bigger one to be like a living room. I could put some furniture in there, couches or something, later.

Then I attached a hallway to this new space that led off to the east. I went about thirty or so feet and put in another doorway.

Then I pondered about the throne room.

I settled on a space that was wide but then would narrow to a small plane. There I put the door. It was a big room, easily able to hold the other rooms of my dungeon. I put double doors at the entrance just to be ostentatious.

Fancy ones for a little extra cost. I put in a throne, carved of wood with a cushion to sit on. A raised dais lifted it above the room.

Then I sent out the power and made it real with my will.

The gem pulsed with its black light. It bathed over me, washing across my skin. I could feel the rocks changing, the new tunnels I created replacing the stone that had been there before. Doors popped into place.

"Ooh, I wonder where that door goes," one of the will o' wisps said from the other room.

"My throne room," I said and released the Void Crystal. "So, time to Hogwarts it up."

The Soul blinked at me. "Is that a word? Hogwarts? What does it mean?"

"That I read too much when I was a kid." I turned around and marched out of the room.

Lana and my will o' wisps were sliding off the bed, all of them curious. I smiled at them as they fell in beside me. I opened the door onto the unfurnished living room. I crossed it to the other door. It opened into a corridor.

It was a little tight. It was the size of a regular one, but we were underground. The lights in the wall helped, but I still felt all that mountain weight over me.

I swallowed my unease and headed down to my throne room.

The hallway ended at the doors. They were the same style as the others--wood. Nothing fancy. I could hear the patter of feet as Lana and the will o' wisps followed. They murmured, their words echoing down the hallway. I smiled. They were adorable.

I opened the door onto the throne room. The dais with my throne stood before me. The large room spread out beyond. It almost made me forget we were underground with its size.

Other than a few Doric columns, it was open. The door at the far end was more ornate. A double-set of doors that, currently, led nowhere.

The floors, ceiling, and walls were the same stria of stone as the rest, though in some spots there was a mix of darker grays and brown throughout; pockets of stone different from the cloud-gray that made up most of the mountain.

I stepped up onto the dais and plopped my naked ass on the throne's padded cushion.

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