
Hermione's Vision

And froze.

Even writing something this universal was going to be difficult. Hermione sat with her quill poised over the page, trying to think of something, anything to say. It was then, and only then, did the shock and excitement of becoming Prefect really take hold. Hermione, for once in her life, felt invincible. She was the Gryffindor Prefect. She could do anything she put her mind to! And if she wanted to write this letter, she most certainly could. It would be best to keep it to the facts and remove most of the emotions - a skill she would definitely need to be a successful prefect. With that in mind, she finally put the quill to the parchment and started to write.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Amazing news! I just found out a few minutes ago that I was named Gryffindor Prefect this year! I know things have been rocky between us, but you were the first people I wanted to share this news with.

I understand that our worlds are quite different, and sometimes, it's challenging to reconcile the magical with the non-magical aspects of our lives. However, being selected as a Prefect is a moment that I believe we can all appreciate. It reflects not only my personal growth but also the values and principles we share as a family.

While we may approach magic and the Wizarding World from different perspectives, I am grateful for your unwavering support throughout my time at Hogwarts. It means the world to me.

I hope this news brings a smile to your faces. I miss you both immensely and look forward to the day when I can share more magical moments with you.

All my love,


Hermione gave the letter a once-over before tucking it into the envelope. It was definitely to the point and devoid of emotion, but that was exactly what she wanted it to be. Before she could second-guess it, she handed the letter to Hedwig and watched her take flight through the skies of London.

With that task off her plate, it was time for Hermione to prepare for the next chapter of her life story: Prefect.

As she sat back down, her thoughts turned to S.P.E.W. Perhaps she could use this experience to her advantage.

"Maybe," she mused aloud, "if the other students experienced just a fraction of what house elves go through daily, they'd understand why SPEW is so important."

She decided to propose a "Day in the Life of a House Elf" event at Hogwarts, where students would take on various cleaning and maintenance tasks. It would be a practical, hands-on experience, much more effective than just handing out flyers or holding meetings. Her new strategy would be to show rather than tell, to make them feel the grind and understand the injustice.

Her mind raced with ideas. She would talk to Professor McGonagall and the other Prefects to get their support. Maybe they could even make it a house competition – the house that raised the most awareness and support for S.P.E.W. would earn extra points.

Hermione smiled to herself, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Being a Prefect wasn't just about enforcing rules and maintaining order; it was about leading by example and using her position to make a real difference.

With her plans for S.P.E.W. solidifying and her confidence growing, Hermione felt ready to tackle whatever challenges the new school year would bring. She stood up, looking around her room, feeling more determined than ever.

She whispered to herself, "I can do this. I will make a difference."

And with that, she started preparing for her new role, not just as a Prefect, but as an advocate for change.

Down in the kitchen, Mrs Weasley had hung a scarlet banner over the dinner table, which read:


Mrs Weasley looked so proud Hermione was afraid she would burst. "I thought we'd have a little party, not a sit-down dinner," she told Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Fred, and George as they entered the room. "Your father and Bill are on their way, Ron. I've sent them both owls, and they're thrilled," she added, beaming. Hermione saw Ron puff out his chest with pride. She was so happy for him. She wished they could have had a chance to chat about being Prefects together that afternoon, but he was too busy with his new broom.

Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, and Kingsley Shacklebolt were already there, and Mad-Eye Moody stumped in shortly after Hermione, Ron, and Harry toasted each other with Butterbeer. After writing her parents the letter, Hermione started to think about what it would be like working so closely with Ron as the Gryffindor Prefects. She didn't want to get her hopes up necessarily, but leading together in that role would undoubtedly change the dynamic of their relationship and bring them closer together… perhaps being a Prefect Team would provide some opportunities to explore becoming something more than friends. Hermione's mind flashed back to the rejected kiss, but maybe it wasn't the right time.

"Oh, Alastor, I am glad you're here," said Mrs Weasley brightly as Mad-Eye shrugged off his travelling cloak. "We've been wanting to ask you for ages – could you have a look in the writing desk in the drawing room and tell us what's inside it? We haven't wanted to open it just in case it's something really nasty."

"No problem, Molly." Professor Moody's electric-blue eye swivelled upwards and stared fixedly through the kitchen ceiling. Hermione watched in morbid curiosity. "Drawing room…" he growled as the pupil contracted. "Desk in the corner? Yeah, I see it. Yeah, it's a Boggart. Want me to go up and get rid of it, Molly?"

"No, no, I'll do it myself later," beamed Mrs Weasley. "You have your drink. We're having a little bit of a celebration, actually!" She gestured at the scarlet banner. "Fourth prefect in the family!" she said fondly, ruffling Ron's hair.

"Prefect, eh?" grunted Professor Moody. His normal eye was trained on Ron, but his "mad eye" was fixated on Harry, probably judging his state of mind. "Well, congratulations," said Moody, still glaring at Ron with his normal eye. "Authority figures always attract trouble, but I suppose Dumbledore thinks you can withstand most major jinxes, or he wouldn't have appointed you…"

Ron looked rather startled at this view of the matter but was saved the trouble of responding by the arrival of his father and eldest brother. Hermione made a mental note to discuss it with him later. Mrs Weasley was in such a good mood she did not even complain that they had brought Mundungus with them; he was wearing a long overcoat that seemed oddly lumpy in unlikely places and declined the offer to remove it and put it with Moody's travelling cloak.

"Well, I think a toast is in order," said Mr Weasley when everyone had a drink. He raised his goblet. "To Ron and Hermione, the new Gryffindor prefects!"


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