
The Missed Kiss

It took a few moments for Hermione to be able to speak. She feared her voice would betray her emotions, so she whispered softly. "It's not stupid, Ronald. It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Ha!" Ron laughed awkwardly. "Even the stuff that Vicky did for you?"

Hermione knew he was using humour to mask his feelings and wasn't going to let him off that easily. "Yes, especially all of the stuff Viktor did for me." Driven by an overwhelming urge, Hermione did something she never thought she'd have the courage to do. She rose from her chair and leaned over the table to kiss Ron.


Hermione opened her eyes to see Ron splayed on the floor.

"What happened? Are you alright?" she asked.

"Erm, no," he said, his voice shaking. "I mean, yeah. Sorry. I just saw you and—I just—I wasn't sure—And I got—"

Hermione immediately sat back down, mortified, as Ron stuttered incoherently. It was quite clear what happened. She went in for a kiss, and Ron tried to dodge it and fell off his chair.

"Listen, 'Mione, I—"

"It's fine," Hermione said shortly. "I'm getting tired again. Good night."

"'Mione, wait, it's not—"

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hermione said as she sprinted up the stairs. Thankfully, she made it to her bed before the tears started to fall.

Hermione did her best to avoid Ron the following day. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she couldn't meet anyone's eyes without feeling the sting of mortification. She wasn't sure whether or not to tell Ginny but eventually gave in. Ginny tried to console her, but all she could offer was, "He's a stupid git," with a sympathetic shrug.

Eventually, the two friends fell back into a friendly rhythm, but Hermione built a wall around her feelings, determined to see Ron only as her best friend, no matter what. Ron seemed relieved they didn't have to talk about what happened and acted like it had just been a dream.

Speaking of dreams, Hermione still had them most nights but refrained from going downstairs. She had no idea if Ron was still using the alarm clock and didn't want to find out.

At the beginning of August, Hermione helped Mrs Weasley prepare dinner. Suddenly, Mrs Black's screams once again filled the house. "What on earth," Mrs Weasley muttered, wiping her hands on her apron, her brow furrowing with concern as she headed towards the stairs to see what was happening. "Tonks isn't due today."

"Molly! Molly!" Mr Weasley was yelling over the top of the Black matriarch.

"Arthur, what on earth!?"

"We have to call an emergency meeting of the Order," Arthur said, breathing hard.

"Why? What happened? What's wrong?"

"It's Harry," Mr Weasley stuttered. "He performed a Patronus Charm in Little Whinging, and Fudge is trying to expel him from school and seize his wand."

"What's that now?" Sirius asked from the doorway.

"Hermione, dear," Mrs Weasley said. "Go upstairs with Ginny for right now, please. We need to have a meeting."

"But what happened to Harry?" Hermione asked.

"We need to find all of that out," she replied, shooing Hermione towards the door leading to the staircase. "You can ask Ron and Ginny to help with Mrs Black."

Just as Hermione turned to object, Mrs Weasley closed the kitchen door behind her.

"Where is everybody?" shouted Ginny over the screams of Mrs Black. "Are we going to just let the old hag scream?"

"Here, help me get it closed," Hermione shouted back.

"Right, because this is soooo easy without magic," Ginny pouted. "Oi! Fred! George!"

There was a loud crack, and the twins appeared next to them. Ginny just pointed at the portrait. Fred and George sprang into action. Within a few minutes (and many curse words from both the twins and Mrs Black), the twins managed to get the curtains closed. In that time, Professor Lupin, Professor Moody, and Kingsley Shacklebolt all rushed into Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, and ran past the group of students towards the kitchen.

"What on earth is going on?" Ron demanded, his face pale with worry.

"Something about Harry," Hermione said, her voice tight with concern.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, eyes wide with alarm.

"I'm not sure," Hermione replied. "Your dad came running in, talking about Dementors and seizing Harry's wand, and then I was pushed out of the kitchen."

"Do you know what time it is, Fred?" George asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I think I do, George. It's—"

"Extendable Ears Time!" they both said in unison.

With a crack, the twins Disapparated to their rooms and reappeared moments later, each holding an Extendable Ear. The group hurried to the staircase and began lowering the ears down towards the kitchen.

"Ginny, keep an eye on the front door," George instructed.

"Bugger off," Ginny whispered fiercely. "You're mental if you think I'm going to miss this."

"Fine," Fred sighed. "Ron, keep an eye on the front door."

"I'm not even going to respond to that, mate," Ron said darkly. "I'll stay right here, thanks."

"If you lot are the reason we lose these," George started but then fell silent, concentrating on the flesh-coloured string in his ear. "Wait, I can hear them! Shhh!"


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