
Interlude: Militech & NUSA

Solomon Reed stands in front of several important members of Militech staff of Night City, and once he has everyone's attention he starts his report on Wube Inc.'s observed defenses.

"As you can see, the Factory defenses have been updated to include flamethrowers. The fuel used is a type of crude oil, making it stick to its targets. The flames run hot enough to carbonize an uninsulated victim in moments, and the weapons have a long range for their type. Each sector is covered by at least a pair of those weapons, and the fires linger on the ground long enough that crossing the affected area on foot is an awful prospect."

He clicks his remote and a new video appears. "He also utilizes Directed Energy Weapons for the defense of his factory. Its usage was approved by the city due to being a strictly defensive weapon, and because the Factory automatically disconnects with the electrical grid of Night City when under attack. On a side note, the Factory sells up to forty megawatts to the city utilizing their steam engines, and they have talks with the local government to sell more energy in the future."

"Finally, their most common form of defense is their Gun Turrets. Their design is unique compared with others in the market, and like everything tagged as Wube Inc. tech, it proved so far to be completely unhackable. Additionally, the turret performance is seen to increase every so often." He clicks the button and another slide appears showing the observed statistics of the gun turrets on two occasions in a 'before and after' report. "Their ability to track down targets has steadily improved, and the damage from the bullets also increased. Combined with him utilizing armor-piercing bullets on all his turrets, it makes facing even one a terrible prospect, let alone a wall lined with them."

Another click and another slide. "These are the new weapons observed from the latest engagement, that allowed my team to retreat." The image shows the tip of tall cannons shooting down the old attack helicopter before it falls on the sea of Night City Bay, "he also developed anti-air weapons that shot down aircraft, and likely missiles if we were to use them. Combined with the earlier demonstrations of his old defensive turrets and their new capability as point defense that can stop rockets from harming the walls, a direct assault on the Factory will be too costly in resources and human lives. Before we can oppose Wube Inc. we need better intel, or at least someone on the inside to provide us with the means to enter."

"Thank you, Mr. Reed." The MIlitech representative says before addressing the FIA agent and the rest of the NUSA representatives. "Allow me to make it clear, Mr. Reed, while MIlitech is willing to provide material support and limited personnel support, not everyone in the company is happy with NUSA's actions. The failure to capitalize the on Unification Wars to gain more territory and acquire a greater presence on the West Coast made the stakeholders angry at the current administration."

"We understand," the NUSA politician says on the conference call, "however we realized that the threat Wube Inc. and the Engineer possess to national interests requires us to act decisively against them. Even now we're studying legal action to isolate the company from the international community for us to sweep in and capture his assets for ourselves."

"That's all well and good," the Militech agent says, "but he appears to have ties with Arasaka, and is friends with one of the potential heirs to the corporation. I fear that if we push him too far and too fast we will start another Corporate War, and we cannot afford this conflict at the moment."

The representative raises his hand to stall the politician's protest. "We are not going to let Wube Inc. get away with its actions since that company's activities also disrupted some of Militech's ambitions in both Pacifica and Night City in general. All I am suggesting is that we need to be more precise in how to deal with Wube Inc. when it comes to violent action. On the legal and bureaucratic front, they are little more than amateurs. If NUSA uses their propaganda machine, we can gather public support and enough allies to deal with them."

"Very well, I will pass your suggestion to the Madam President." When he closed the conference call the Militech representative turned to Reed.

"Is there any way for you to gain access to the Factory?"

"My contacts told me that both Miguel O'Brian and Maine have a close working relationship with the Engineer. I can meet with them and arrange something." The former SpecOps soldier and FIA agent says with confidence.

"Do you think they will help you? There are rumors that those under the Employ of Wube Inc. are fiercely loyal to the company. We can try to abduct them outside their jobs, but that will invite direct reprisal from the Engineer. The man is unhinged enough that he won't care about the collateral damage, despite the image he likes to project to the masses."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I am at least certain that Miguel and Maine won't tattle me to the Engineer."

"If you say so, then try to get them on our side. We will provide you with an expensive budget to help with this operation if you determine it's necessary. Dismissed."

The FIA agent nods and leaves the room, an ugly feeling in his stomach. Despite Militech having a powerful influence on NUSA politics, he doesn't like how the company all but runs the country. Today, NUSA feels like a massive funnel of taxpayer money meant to fund the corporation as if the country and its citizens are meant to be subservient to Militech.

Solomon takes a deep calming breath before continuing his walk. "There will be a time of reckoning, but we first need to bring all lost states back together. Only then, we can fix this country." He repeats the mantra that allowed him to endure until now.

Later, Miguel and Maine are sitting at a Diner restaurant's table waiting for their old friend Solomon Reed. It appears he recently came to Night City when he received a job opportunity and has moved in. When the door opens, the two ex-soldiers stand up to greet their friend.

"Reed! It's good to see you!" Maine says with thick emotion in his voice, "It's almost like the gang is back together…"

Reed hugs his friend, for a moment forgetting his duties as a FIA agent and enjoying the camaraderie of his friends from his ex-nuit.

"Dd you got fat, Reed?" Miguel asks the ex-soldier, always being the jokester in Reed's mind. Maine cracks a smile while Reed punches the man on the shoulder.

"I Matured, like fine wine. Differently from you who got bald in your advanced age."

"Oh shut up, ladies love a baldy." Miguels says while sitting down and giving the menu to his friend, "Come on, order up! This palace sells the second-best scrambled eggs and grits in Night City!"

"I didn't know this place was fancy," Reed jokes and Maine shakes his head.

"The Engineer recently started selling a limited number of products from his farm located outside in the Badlands. He selects a couple of small businesses and sells them at cost while donating some other products to local charities. This store is one of them, and they receive eggs, maize, and wheat flour. We can even eat real pancakes here once a week, it's Amazing."

"The Engineer has a farm?" Reed asks curious, "Since when?"

"Since a while ago." Miguel answers, "Most of the production goes to feed his employees since he gives them a basic care package with grains, flour, eggs, and frozen meat. It's even approved by the sanitary inspections of Night City."

"Looks like working for him is a great deal." Solomon points out, "What else can you talk about him?"

"Bah, stop interrogating him, Reed! You never changed that bad habit of yours! Let's eat first and then chat about old times!"

"Sure thing Maine, how about this, I pay for the first round and you guys recommend me what to eat?"

"Deal," the large man answers and starts ordering the food and drinks.

Hours pass and the three of them reminisce about their time in their army, the various stupid things their other colleges did, alongside the embarrassing stories they did in the past. Eventually, the cheerful and festive tone fades away as they let the food and booze digest in their systems.

"It was a good thing meeting you guys once more." Reed admits after resting a little, "There's only the three of us left from that unit now." The pauses, looking down and the three friends give a minute of silence to their fallen comrades, even the atmosphere of the Diner becomes somber. The three friends raise their glasses for a final toast. "Absent companions."

After a minute of silence, Reed sends a message to his friends for a private conversation in the back. Miguel and Maine look at each other and already expect trouble, but for the sake of their friend, they're willing to hear it.

In a more secure area, a few minutes away from the Diner Reed faces against his friends. "I have a proposal for you two. I know you two are close with the Engineer, and my organization needs someone to have eyes on the ground with him."

Neither Maine nor Miguel answer, waiting for Reed to explain himself. When he notices their behavior he continues. "I work for the FIA, and the actions of Wube made the higher echelons of NUSA nervous, they want to have some kind of leverage over Wuve, unfortunately, it's difficult to get a hold of him or his employees. Since you two are my friends and have a close relationship with Wube I came asking for help."

"Why should I help NUSA in the first place?" Miguel asks while clenching his fists, "Didn't I do enough for them? What else do they want to take from me?"

"I am authorized to give a large recompense-" A fist slams at the side of Reed, cracking the wall behind the FIA agent.

"This is not about fucking money, Reed! Are you telling me to betray the man who helped me get back on my feet when I was on the verge of cyberpsychosis? Do you want me to betray the same guy who fought against a gang a thousand strong and won for the sake of my niece, like a backstabbing rat? For what? For Money? Do you think I'm not paid enough by the man that I came to call a close friend?"

To his credit, Reed didn't react to the implied threat of violence. "What about your patriotism! About the dream that we shared once? To see our country rise from the brink of destruction, to build a future for everyone else? Are the values and oaths we sore nothing to you anymore?"

This time Miguel punches Reed, making sure that his strength enhancement was set on "safe", a feature that Mark developed together with Vik and some other Techies loaned from Rogue, creating a special adapter that would prevent overwhelming the user's nerve system through chrome overuse and making it easier for the cyberware user to operate their chrome. It also has the advantage of making bar fights fun again by limiting the risk of accidental deaths that some low-quality street chrome had.

"They're the ones that betrayed us first, those damn politicians!" Miguel spits on the ground in anger, "Why do you think I left the army? The fucking government was sending us to torch down villages in the middle of nowhere, killing innocent people!" His breathing turns labored as his heartbeat quickens. He can see and hear the horrors in South America coming back to life. "That's why I left the goddamn army and came to Night City, either to start a new life or die to atone for my crimes."

Miguel looks at his old friend with disgust as if he tasted foul betrayal, "You always made excuses for them. Talking shit about the corporations, but allowing much worse for the government. There's a fucking reason the old country fell, you dumbass, and the new country is heading to the same pit it once fell. Nothing has changed."

Miguel steps back, holding himself from beating up Reed some more, but in the end, he decides against it. "Don't you ever talk with me again, I'm not going to betray my friend for the sake of an old colleague. I thought better of you, but maybe I was mistaken. I just wish I had died without knowing what kind of creature you became." Without sparing another word he leaves the improvised meeting.

Reed cleans up the blood on his lips and looks at the unphased Maine. "I suppose you have a similar response?"

"Yeah." Maine answers coldly to his friend, "The reason why I left the military is that the government left us to die too many times, but our unit was too stubborn to be killed off all at once, until in the end only the three of us are left. Tell me, Reed, did your daddy government discard you like a used condom in recent years too?"

The silence coming from Reed was the only answer that Maine needed. "In honor of our old friendship, I'm not going to tell my boss that you wanted me to turncoat. He probably already knows about this conversation since he can find information out of nowhere, but it won't be by my mouth that the Engineer comes after your ass. I suggest you drop whatever moronic orders you got and save yourself. Your masters certainly don't give a shit about you."

As Maine leaves Reed alone, Solomon asks his former friend one last question. "And your masters care about you?"

Maine pauses, turning his back slightly to see him through his sunglasses. "Masters? No. But a friend? We all have each other's back. Something you seem to have forgotten recently."

With those parting words, the former unit finally broke down for good, with Miguel and Maine having officially "deserted."

A few days later, a representative from Militech and Petrochem are having a private secret meeting in a motel. The female Petrochem corpo has just left the shower in the cheap motel where she can discuss business with the Militech executive. In the corporate world of 2077, such exchanges involving sex became common practice and are almost expected as part of certain negotiations, with those involved treating it as a chance for career advancement.

"So, what did you need to tell me that required an emergency meeting like this?" The Militech corporate man says as he undresses himself.

As the pair prepare themselves for the ancient dance of humanity, the Petrochem representative connects to her internal agent and sends her partner a video. It is the image of an offshore oil rig in the middle of international waters and the oil rig has a similar design to Wube Inc.'s unique technology.

"Little shit is avoiding all laws by exploring in the middle of the Pacific," the man says, sounding impressed, "all he needs is a port to unload those goods."

She doesn't say anything, instead, she shows him another image with a contract proposal for the mayor to expand the harbor near the direction of Pacifica, with the infrastructure made by Wube and open for use to other companies if they're interested.

The man grunts in response. "If you think this is bad, I have awful news for you." This time he sends her a video of his, earning a surprised grasp that he silences with a kiss.

The video shows various images of Wube Inc.'s orbital and extraterrestrial infrastructure. He has satellites on the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the asteroid belt, and Jupiter's moons, including Europa, suspected to have hydrocarbon oceans ready to be tapped, Io with an active volcanic core shooting lava constantly should be rich in minerals to exploit.

They both stay silent for a moment, pondering the new information. "I suppose we can call SovOil on this as a backup."

"The engineer hates the Scavs, once he realizes their connections with SovOil he will go nuclear against those who join the alliance."

"We can always claim ignorance."

"I doubt he will care. Hard to claim ignorance of the actions of a group that butches people on the streets."

Reluctantly, they have to agree that bridging SovOil directly would be a bad idea, but they can always leak the news to the media and let everyone else reach their conclusions.

"We can probably get other space agencies involved. NUSA gave the license to Wube Inc. thinking it didn't have the technology to launch satellites in space, they might revoke it under claims of misrepresentation."

"We will see about that. Is there anything else?" At her shaking head the militech representative grins, "Then we can enjoy our day off." Thus concludes another successful negotiation between the Militech disposable agent and the Doll puppeteered by the SovOil representative.

Unfortunately for MIlitech, they underestimated Wube Inc.'s foresight since he already contacted the Highrider Confederation. While they won't protect Wube itself, they will move in case they find the governments of Earth and the corporations causing trouble to space and space-based infrastructure.

The NUSA-backed corporations also suspect that the Highrider Confederation was bribed by Wube with promises of more infrastructure projects.

Within Night City, Militereh further approves the liberation of more resources to take down Wube Inc. after Reed returns from the failed negotiation with his former unit, which implies a greater participation of NUSA in the affairs of Night City.

Back at the NUSA, the military experts and high echelons of command strategize on how to bring down Wube, take over their assets, and perhaps gain exclusive access to his mysterious technology.

The liaison between Militech and NUSA cautions the country about the potential Arasaka involvement in an open conflict with Wube Inc., and if Militech acts against the interests of Night City, this time it will be Militech that is kicked from Night City by Arasaka, in an inversion of what happened several decades ago.

The leadership of NUSA promises to take this warning "under advisement", however, they officially, but silently, enter DEFCON 4.

Here is the latest chapter. If you wish to support the author, and be credited as a sponsor, check out my Patreon at www.patreon.com/ryuanwrites, or give me a tip on my ko-fi at ko-fi.com/ryuanwrites

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Until next time!

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