
Chapter : 1 : Unknown World

Unknown World

In the unknown dark place similar to a void space. There's a Woman with White-short Hair and Glowing Red Eyes at the middle is looking at something. The woman is looking at a holographic screen, showing a battle that is waging on a peculiar place with crimson sky, dark seas with an unknown black spires protruding out in the ocean.

The battle rages-on like Video Games Advertisement with full of explosions, planes and warships shooting at each other. The place is covered in smoke and flames as the planes burns and crashes at the waves. The sound of guns and cannon fire rigs-out throughout the battle field.

Her attention shifted at certain Carrier, with a yellow lines crisscrossing and a letter markings E N written on its flight deck. She's having a difficulty on fighting other Carriers armed with Zero Fighters.

The battle was chaotic on both sides waving a flags in battle. The flag that are involved are resembles that on American, British and Imperial Japan. Both parties are engaging in all-out attack reminiscing WW2 from Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers to a Destroyers engaging one another.

She looks at the battle field with pity eyes, a single tear is slowly dropping on her right eye as she couldn't bear any of the suffering.

"Did I made a mistake? Or everything is wrong from the start?" She asked herself that question while in deep contemplation.

In a distance a floating figure looking down on the ongoing battle that is raging. The figure was a young woman with some black tentacles, 8 cannons that emits a yellowish glow, and have a glowing Yellow Eyes.

She looks at the battle field with a smug satisfaction on her face, as the sensation of despair and hopelessness is like an ecstasy. "Looks like you lose this time... Code G... ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hah."

That woman with tentacles laughs hysterically, as she watches the chaos down below.

The Woman with White Hair and Red Eyes could not stand it anymore. She then stops the recording on the Holographic Screen showing the whole battlefield by waving her hands from left to right.

She took a deep breath and glances at the other Holographic Screen, as she wipes the small tear on her right eye that is flowing down on her cheeks.

She approaches the second holographic screen and look at its content. The Holographic Screen shows a fleet of Modern ships leaving an enclosed Harbor.

The fleet that was shown at the Holographic Screen consist of Ford Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, America Class LHA flight II, Lexington Class Nuclear Cruiser/CGNX, Laffey Class Destroyer/DDGX, Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer, Maya Class Destroyer, Type 26 Class Frigate, Constellation Class Frigate, Virginia Class Submarine Block V, Gato Class Submarine/SSNX and Lewis and Clarke Class Dry Cargo Ship.

The woman formed a little smile at her face and summons a 11 Blue Cubes in the air, the 11 Cubes floats at the vacuum of space as they emit a blueish light while floating around her.

"I hope this fleet, is enough to turn the tides against this Sirens". The Woman with White Hair and Red Eyes said to herself with full of hope and confidence, while she's looking at the screen.

She extended one of her hands at one of the Cubes, that particular Cube floats towards her, she grabs it and pulls it closer to her mouth, as she whispers to it. "You will be the hope of mankind and this word. Please.... Please don't fail us."

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She then let go the Blue cube and smiles, as she let go. The Cube flew through to the Holographic Screen that is showing the fleet. It was followed by the other Cube passing through the screen and into the fleet.

~Present Day~

In the middle of an ocean a fleet is seen floating closely. The fleet consist of 1 Carrier, 1 LHA, 3 Destroyers, 2 Frigates, 2 Submarines, 1 Cruiser and 1 Cargo Ship.

Onboard of Aircraft Carrier the alarms and red lights are blaring on the bridge, a woman with white hair is lying on the floor wearing a Navy Officer clothing and Admirals Cap. That particular woman starts to open her eyes, as the blaring noise of the alarm keeps ringing at her ear, like any Alarm Clock in the early morning.

she then slowly lifts herself on the floor and slowly placed her hand over her aching head. Her mind goes dizzy like having an insomnia, she then groans.

"Where am I?" She asked herself subconsciously.

It then dawns to her that she could think and speak, she frantically looks around in realization. "W-Wait.! W- What.! Why am I a human?" She exclaimed in surprise.

She quickly stood-up and immediately falls at metal floor of the bridge, she hit the deck hard and grunts as the pain is to real to feel by a human flesh. It took her a minute for the pain to diminishes, she turns and then slowly crawls at the nearest control panel.

She got-up and uses the frame of the control panel of the Ship to help her to got-up. She looks at the reflection on one of the monitor screen. The screen is all blackout as the GPS Satellite Communication is nowhere to be found in space.

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She stared at her own reflection at the screen and slowly touches her face to confirm if it real or fake. The feeling of her hands touching her face is to real, even though the pain of slamming on deck is to fucking real.

"So this what it looks like to be a human."

She said to herself as she feels her own skin, she was amazed at her own reflection at the monitor screen.

As she was busy adoring her own reflection, the other monitor panel right next to the GPS Panel where she stood at beeps. She looked at the Radar Screen Panel and saw 10 blimps surrounding her Carrier.

She turned her attention at the window of the Carrier Bridge, outside the Carrier bridge are 10 Vessels that varies from sizes and shapes. She then slowly walks to the window of the Carrier bridge, and she saw various ships.

Shen quickly turns and then ran slowly to the console and grabbed one of the comms, she tried to communicate to the other ships if there are any survivors on deck.

She pushes some bottom as she memorized the Communication arrays of the Comms. "This is USS Enterprise! USS Essex do you read me, over! This is USS Enterprise! USS Essex do you read me, over!"

(Comms or Military Communications)

Onboard the Landing Helicopter Assault Ship (LHA) alarms and red lights blares on the bridge, same thing going-on at the Super Carrier's bridge.

At the deck of the bridge a Woman with Purple Hair is lying on the floor drooling, she's wearing a Marine Combat Uniform. A sudden call from one of the comms can be heard along with the blaring alarms.

"This is USS Enterprise! USS Essex do you read me. Over!"

The Woman with Purple Hair slowly wakes-up, her two eyeballs meets the blaring red lights on the bridge. She suddenly gets up and immediately lose balance and hits one of the ships Control Panels. The Purple Hair Woman groans in pain, she slowly stand-up and slowly grab the comms and lay down on the deck.

She pushes the button and respond. "This is USS Essex, I read you over!"

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After lowering the comms in hand, Essex then noticed that she has a human body, and things escalate quickly as panics gets over her.

Enterprise can hear Essex's panicking voice at the comms. She then tries to calm her down through the coms, but it was no avail.

Onboard at the bridge of one of the Aegis Destroyer, a man on his twenty's wearing a Marine Combat Uniform is slowly wakes-up from the blaring alarms inside the bridge.

He slowly gets-up and slowly placed his hands over his head and groans. "ugh... This shit feels like getting drunk all ni—."

He stops mid-sentence as he noticed he can talk. Like every man does, he quickly looks around, up and down. His eyes then landed at his hands and legs. Panic and shock overcame him and screams like a man with high pitch voice.


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Onboard on one of America's brand new Aegis Destroyer (DDGX). A woman in her twenty's with white Pinkish Hair wearing a White Jacket and Headphone with Bunny Ears lying on the floor in her 'Wasted' position.

She was there lying on the floor holding a bottle of booze from her left hand, and two Desert Eagle holstered in her thighs. As the ship did some minimum rolling and some empty bottles rollovers the floor.

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Onboard the Japanese Aegis Destroyer, a Woman with White-short Hair and Dog Ears wearing a Japanese Naval Officer Uniform crouching at the corner at the ship's Control Panel. She's crouching at the corner and having a little bit a mental break down and start muttering crazy to herself.

"I thought Japan is the one with crazy shits. Now America?!" She then starts tearing-up as her situation weirder than any Japanese could ever imagine.

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Onboard a Nuclear Cruiser/CGNX. A blond woman in her mid-twenty's wearing Navy-Blue colored Coat and Light-Blue Dress.

She slowly standing up from being dazed, as the world around her goes right round. After minute of dizziness she slowly looks around and try to maintain a calm posture and walk slowly to the ship Control Panel and grab the comms.

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Onboard the American Frigate. A kid age between in his thirteen or fifteen can be seen hugging a Baguette Plushy while crying on the floor. The Kid wore a Revolutionary War Jacket and his hair is tied-up similar to 1800's wig style.

"I thought America is done with its crazy shits!" While his crying, a lot of mucus is flowing down on his nose.

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Onboard a Virginia Class Submarine. A blue haired man on his twenty's wearing Navy Blue Coveralls underneath is a Diving suit. The man wakes-up confused about the situation he was in, he glances around panicking as he looked up and down, and found-out he had a human body.

"How in the name of F—"

Before he could finish his word, his stomach takes a wrong turn. He then hastily ran toward the toilet and starts vomiting like crazy.

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Onboard the Gato Class Submarine/SSN. A Woman in her late teens wearing a Navy Blue Coveralls underneath was a Diving suit (Similar to the other man). That teen is having a mental break down, as she grabs one of the radio comms and pushes any buttons at the panels to contacts someone, or anyone who can receives her distress call, while her hands are shaking uncontrollably.

"Come on work! Please!"

She said, as she frantically pushes any button at the communication console of the Submarine.

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Onboard a Cargo Ship is a Man on his mid twenty's wearing a Captains Uniform is slowly getting up. He slowly looks around and notice that he has a human body.

"A human body.... Interesting." He said before become overwhelmed by panic and collapse on the metal floor of the Cargo Ship's Bridge.

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Onboard the Type 26 Frigate. A Woman in her twenty's with Purplish Hair wearing a Maid Outfit slowly gets-up from the deck of the bridge. That Woman with Maid Outfit tries not to freak out at situation, but her mind is screaming in panic.

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She then proceeds to walk towards on the ship Control Panel slowly, and grabs one of the radio comms and contacted the Flagship.

"This is HMS Belfast, to the Flagship USS Enterprise do you read me. Over." Belfast talked to the comms, as she maintained her calmed voice.

"This is Fleet Flagship USS Enterprise, I read you HMS Belfast." Enterprise answered the comms, while Essex is starting to calm down.

Enterprise then starts to contact all the 9 Naval Vessel with the comms, she recognized all the Naval Vessel transmission.

"USS Bunker Hill, USS Laffey, USS Lucas, JS Maya, USS Lafayette, USS Barb, Denver and USNS William McLean. This is USS Enterprise do you read me. Over?" She then let go the button of the comms as she waited for any response.

A Blond Woman wearing a Navy-Blue Coat and Light-Blue Dress answer the comms. "This is USS Bunker Hill I read you, USS Enterprise." Bunker Hill then sigh in relief that she is not alone in this peculiar situation.

A Man wearing a Marine Combat Uniform immediately grabs the comms and answer it with a voice of a veteran.

"This is USS Jack H. Lucas I read you, Ma'am." He's instincts as a Marine kicks-in before he can think of it.

A White Haired Woman with Dog Ears slowly crawls at the floor into the console while her entire body quivers in fear, she then grabbed the comms with her hand that was still shaking.

"T-This is JS Maya I read you M-Miss Enterprise o-over." Maya answered the comms stutteringly with her shaky voice.

A Kid wearing a French Revolutionary War Jacket grabs the comms and starts to whipping his tears and mucus with his sleeves.

"This is USS Lafayette I heard you Ma'am" A scared voice of a child can be heard at the comms like he was got separated from his parents. Enterprise notice the voice of a kid, and the kid starts crying.

A woman wearing a Navy Blue Coveralls answer the comms with a teary eye. "This is USS Denver I read you Miss Enterprise." Denver falls to her knees in relief that she's not alone in this world, she then starts crying.

"I thought I'm the only one in this problem." She muttered to herself.

A Man wearing a Navy Blue Coveralls answer the comms while holding itself not to puke. "This is USS Barb I read you Ma'am" After checking-in at the comms he returns back to the toilet and starts vomiting once again.

A man wearing a Captain's Uniform face planted on the floor grabs the comms. "This is USNS William McLean I read you, USS Enterprise" His head is still dizzy to all the thing that happens, bur the hard knock on the floor got him awake from reality.

Enterprise notice that one Vessel is not responding to her call, she then tries to contact it with her comms. "Laffey! do you read me, over.!, USS Laffey! do you read me, over.!"

USS Laffey did not respond, but then the comms onboard the Destroyer is open to Enterprise' relief. "Thank God, you fina—" She stops as she heard a low snoring on the comms amidst the backdrop of blaring alarms.

Then suddenly someone shouts at the comms, surprising everyone tuning-in at the comms. "Can somebody tells me. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

Then the whole comms goes bananas, as the chattering become a shouting competition by a second.


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