
2 Mystery Boxes 2 Results


It has been a few weeks since VistaCorp was exposed. I was catching up with the news and I saw a strange piece of news.

'Steven Strange In Horrible Accident!'

I check our sources and see that somehow his injuries are unable to be healed by Stimpaks. I find this highly suspicious and I use the Palantir to see what Strange is doing. I am able to tell someone has cast a curse on him. A strong one at that.

'So, she has fallen so far. I am not surprised but I am disappointed. I will let her do what she wants. It will eventually blow up in her face.'

The next piece of news brought to me was interesting. Yularen has found that a valuable asset called Ghost has lost her powers completely.

'Hmm, I guess her powers were considered a bad thing so they were removed. I am glad for her. She no longer has to be in constant pain and she doesn't have to be used as a weapon.'

The next piece of news was Flint Marko was acquitted of all charges due to Ben Parker dropping the charges.

(AN: The introduction of the Stimpak saved Uncle Ben as Police issued Stimpaks in case of emergency. )

'Another Spiderman villain that isn't going to happen. I should reach out to Flint and see if he is willing to work for us if we cure his daughter. I will also see if he wants superpowers or not.'

The other intel that was gathered was mostly uninteresting. Movements of some nations and Hydra/Shield. The only other piece of news that was interesting was that we had successfully captured 3-star systems and we had begun mining them.

'Now let's move on to opening some mystery boxes.'

I pulled one out and opened it and inside was shocking.

Rio: "It's empty. Why are they always empty? What horror have I summoned this time?"

I waited for a bit but noticed nothing changed. I didn't sense anything. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to wait to open the second.

POV Janitor

I was cleaning the bathroom in the mansion of some rich guy. I didn't like the work but the pay was decent.

Janitor: "Ugh I hate grime."

???: "Did you say ggggrime?"

Janitor: "Yes."

Out of nowhere bubbles began swirling around and disappearing. In the place of the bubbles, a very muscular man is floating.

???: "I'll make short work of that grime. For my name isn't Senor Cleanfist! And it is."

The strange man punches the bathtub and it shatters.

Janitor: "What the heck man! They are going to take that out of my pay!"

Cleanfist: "Pretty clean if I do say so myself. And I do."

Then he flies up and smashes a hole in the ceiling. Only now do I notice that the entire bathroom is literally sparking from how clean he made it. I just stand there stunned for a minute. What snaps me out is the owner coming into the bathroom to see what all the ruckus was about. He too stops and is very confused as to what happened.

POV Private Kowalski

I was told to clean the Humvees by my sergeant for failing to recite the mission statement of our base.

Kowalski: "Ugh this is so stupid. I hate having to clean. If only there was an easier way to clean all these Humvees."

???: "Did you say ggggrime?"

Kowalski: "No?"

Suddenly a mass of bubbles formed a muscular man in a strange costume. I wasn't armed and I panicked.

Kowalski: "AHHHHH!"

I totally didn't scream like a little girl. I suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking. I opened my eyes and saw the stranger beating the crap out of the Humvees. What made me even more surprised was that it was causing the vehicles to become cleaner each time he hit them. It took only a few minutes for the stranger to 'clean' the Humvees. Once he was done he started to fly away.

???: "You're welcome."

By the time he was flying away, several people had come and seen what the stranger did. We just all sat there trying to understand what just happened. What followed was a complete base lockdown and everyone panicking about a possible intruder.

A Few Days Later...


I was watching the news and what I saw made me pause.

News: "Breaking News! The appearance of the wierdo calling themselves Senor Cleanfist has been spotted appearing all over the US. Many are asking who is this man? Where did he come from? What does he want? And can anyone stop his strange reign of vandalism and cleaning?"

I tune out the rest and think back to the box I opened recently. I start to think about how to stop him from causing us issues.

'I will send out a memo to never say Grime or anything about cleaning in general. I might also need to check if our anti-teleportation wards can stop him.'

I ask the system how long he is summoned for.


[1 Month]

'Well, at least he isn't permanent. Also, all things considered, he isn't that dangerous. Sure most forces on Earth can't stop him unless he gives up willingly but I don't have to worry about him. Unless he becomes Senor Leanfist but I doubt he will.'

I debate with myself if I want to open up the other Mystery Box.

'Maybe I will get something good. Mal0 was a good result. Kool-Aid Man was comedic. Now Senor Cleanfist is another Comedic result. I haven't got anything bad yet. You know what why not.'

I grab the last Mystery Box I have and open it. It too is empty but this time I felt something. I went all wibbly wobbly as I felt something resonate with me. Or rather with my soul. Then I felt a tug by Durnehviir.


I get an alert but ignore it for now. I immediately teleported to Mars. When I arrived I saw all the Dragons had gathered on Olympus Mons.

Paarthunax: "Dovakiin did you feel it?"

Rio: "Yes, but I am not sure what it is."

Durnehviir: "Alduin has appeared."

Rio: "What? Well, crap. Can either of you tell where he is?"

Paarthunax: "No, but I know how to attract his attention. We must combine our Thu'ums and call a challenge to him. He won't resist such an opportunity to kill me and you."

Rio: "Let me get into my proper gear. We should also move to another planet. Just in case."

I transform into my Alicorn form and put on the Crystal Crown and Peytral. Next was Vibranium/Uru/Ebony Horse Armor. I made sure the Ring of Twilight, Immortality, and Fortune were equipped still. I then put on the Alicorn Amulet. Next, I equipped Auriel's Bow and Shield. I then activated the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown to float near me and engage Alduin. The last item I equipped was Depiction of Nature and Society. I was going to use it to keep our fight outside of prying eyes. I also took the time to read the alert.

[Quest Issued The World-Eater's Eyrie]

[The Dragonborn Has Felt The Pull Of The First Dragons Thu'um. Meet The Challenge Of The First Dragon. Slay Alduin.]


Summon Odahviing (Loyal)

Dragon Aspect Shout Mastery

Call Of Valor Shout Mastery

5 Tons Of Alduins Scales And Bones

1 Amulet Of Kings

1 Blessing Of The Day ]

Rio: "Okay I am ready."

They nod and we go to another planet before gathering our energy.

All 3: "AL DU IN!"

The sound of our shout crosses a vast distance and while most won't hear it as they are too far away that is fine as it was meant to be heard by a single being. We heard the response soon enough.


Paarthunax: "He is coming to prepare yourselves for battle."

I start focusing the Force on an attack that should harm Alduin after I ground him. It only takes a few minutes for Alduin to arrive from what looks like a portal. I won't let him even talk before I use my shout.


Aldiun crashes to the surface and I release my technique which seems to only slightly damage Alduin but definitely angers him. I continue by activating the Depiction of Nature and Society and sending us a copy of the Throat Of The World. The WCI summons several Greybeards and Dragons of roughly 80% of Alduins strength.

Adluin: "Strun Bah Golz!"

A massive meteor storm forms above us but it doesn't last long as 3 Greybeards use the Clear Skies Shout. I can sense the hatred and rage beaming from Alduin. I charge a sun arrow and shoot it at Alduin. It flies true and lodges in Alduins wing before exploding. I use the Staff to summon a Primal Water Elemental. Then I let it start its Auto Attack mode.

Alduin: "YOL TOOR SHUL!"

I quickly raise Auriel's Shield to block the fire breath. I can feel the entire area around me start to melt. Even my legs are heating up greatly.

'Geez even hot enough to melt the superalloy. Okay, I need to end this before he gets through all the summons.'

I summon several clones who begin preparing a massive combined Ki attack. Meanwhile, I retreat slightly to charge up an attack that should hopefully slay Alduin. I leave a single clone to reapply Dragonrend.

Clones: "GALATIC CANNON!!!!"

A massive beam of deep purple ki erupts from the clone's outstretched hooves and the attacks fuse together. Once combined they rush towards Alduin who tries to get out of the way but 2 Summoned Dragons hold him down. The attack hits and the entire mountaintop is vaporized. Unfortunately, it doesn't kill Alduin but it does seem to injure him fairly badly.

Alduin: "Curse you Dovahkiin! You and the foul twisted words you use."

I try using Force Shatter but the technique bounces off him and it seems Alduin noticed.

Alduin: "My soul cannot be harmed by your mortal hooves. Now face my wrath."

My senses scream at me to run away and I do exactly that. I am not sure what Alduin used but it was powerful. It was strong enough to shatter the painted world and kill almost everything inside it. I managed to get far enough away. Paarthunax and Durnehviir were badly injured and are barely alive. I start healing them. While I do so I hear Alduin speak to me.

Alduin: "Meyz mul, Dovahkiin. You have become strong. But I am Al-du-in, Firstborn of Akatosh! Mulaagi zok lot! I cannot be slain here, by you or anyone else! You cannot prevail against me. I will outlast you... mortal!"

He then flies away and I cannot pursue him as I have to ensure my friend survives. I put away my gear and then teleport Paarthunax and Durnehviir to Mars where I know it is safe.

Paarthunax: "Alduin may flee today but he won't so easily return."

Rio: "What was that attack he did?"

Durnehviir: "A foolish and dangerous move. Alduin used his soul as the fuel for a shout of non-words. It has a high cost. If he wasn't the First Born it would have shattered his soul."

Paarthunax: "Yes but he cannot do such a move again without restoring his power. He is weakened if we attack him again he won't be able to survive."

Rio: "Hmm, he wouldn't use such a move unless he had a plan. Let me check something."

I pull out the Palantir and look for Alduin but get no results. I check and see the quest hasn't been completed.

Rio: "Uh oh."

Paarthunax: "What is it Dovahkiin?"

Rio: "Alduin is gone. I can't find him. I also know he isn't dead. Which means one thing. He is in another realm, dimension, or universe. I have no idea where he could be."

We all look at each other with nervous eyes. We all think the same thing.



Authors Note:

I wanted to use the Mystery Boxes for a while. I have a list of possible things the Mystery Boxes can contain. Senor Cleanfist is a character made by ExplosmEntertainment. I made his part of the chapter based on the Señor Cleanfist- Cyanide & Happiness Shorts on YouTube. I found it hilarious and decided to add it. He is nowhere near as dangerous or powerful as Kool-Aid Man but still a comedic character. Now as for Alduin, I thought it would fit. I would like to make it clear this version of Alduin is more accurate to his lore self. So a Demigod/God at least in title. As for where he fled well I guess you will have to wait and find out. I will say it is an existing realm in the MCU. Until next time Ciao.

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