
Chapter 170 Benjamin Romero Has A Love Child.

The first ever boy Leonica had brought home during her high school days was Jamil Vanadas.

His appearance; tall, tanned skinned, slightly curly brown hair that accentuated his popping blue eyes.

The typical look for spoilt high school bullies. The look that Benjamin and Cassandra Romero, didn’t like.

So of course, they weren’t big fans of the idea… of him and weren’t hesitant about showing their disapproval.

At that time, Owen had just begun his second year in his school and just like Leonica’s parents, he was also against their relationship. For his own reasons of course.

So when word reached him a few months later that Leonica had broken up with Jamil because of how insecure he was of her, family wealth, smartness and all, Owen was glad.

He was more than glad.

So now, staring right at the very same person he was glad Leonica had gotten rid of, he wasn’t very pleased.

Jamil however, didn’t seem to recognize Owen and simply gave him a smile, then turned back to Leonica.

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