

Watching the baby being handled with care, along with the prior events, made me realize just how valuable my future knowledge really is. In fact, I could always build an empire of musical geniuses, like Rihanna or Bieber.

As Nahuel left with the baby, heading in the direction of their camp, I decided to stop observing and shift my focus to the events in the music industry. Maybe, with the right influence, I could prevent some of the meaningless deaths and corruption that plagued it.

Deciding to return to the Clearwater home, I flew through the sky and landed a decent distance from the house. As I walked toward it, I paused to admire Leah's determination to always stay in shape. Shaking my head with a slight smile, I strolled inside, greeting Seth, Harry, and Sue. After my greetings, I headed upstairs to the guest room and sat down to ponder.

I needed a company—a legal one, at that. But don't I need an adult? Not necessarily. Anyone with intelligence, regardless of age, can make things happen. I remembered a 14-year-old who started a company in 2018. But what should I call my company? I could fuel my ego and name it Gale Industry, but then again, I'm not making an industry—I'm making a record label.

As a free artist with my popularity—over 1.2 million followers on Yahoo—starting the label felt like the next step. First, though, I needed a name.

Scribbling down some ideas, I came up with a few options: Imperial, Gale, Magna-Plus, Lit Soundtracks, and Ultimatum.

A/N: [You guys pick one! The next chapter will feature it being made.]

Without knowing which name to choose just yet, I decided to focus on researching the market to see what genre was gaining the most traction.

Seeing names like Alicia Keys and Aaliyah made me feel strange, knowing the paths they would eventually take. Searching for Justin, and seeing no pop-ups, reminded me that he was only eight years old this year. I decided to approach him when he turned thirteen, to gain an advantage early on.

But for now, I needed to generate as much traction as I could to eventually attract Rihanna, among others.

However, I'd need more finances to make it all happen.

-time skips-

Japan (Tokyo Dome, September 2002)

The concert began with the roaring sound of the crowd filling the massive Tokyo Dome. Jaxon stepped onto the stage, and as the lights dimmed, the audience fell silent. In perfect Japanese, Jaxon started singing "Skies of Blue and Birds of Yellow."





(Translation: "Skies of blue and birds of yellow / Flowers growing just to bloom / A million chances of our glances / Catching eyes across the room.")

The audience, enchanted by his fluency, swayed in unison as his voice filled the stadium. Leah, standing backstage, smiled, her heart swelling with pride. Jaxon glanced toward her briefly as he sang the next lines, the emotion in his voice clear.



(Translation: "If time stands still / Move I will to you.")

The crowd erupted in applause, and Jaxon addressed them, "ありがとう,東京!君たちのエネルギーは最高です!" (Thank you, Tokyo! Your energy is the best!). His attempt at speaking Japanese made the crowd laugh and cheer even more.

As the night went on, he continued to sing, pouring his heart into every note. After the show, Jaxon stood at the stage's edge, signing autographs, and kept Leah close as he introduced her to his fans.

Brazil (São Paulo, October 2002)

Under the warm night sky of São Paulo, Jaxon opened with "I Thought That I Was Dreamin'" in fluent Portuguese. The stadium shook with energy as his voice echoed:

"Eu pensei que estava sonhando quando você disse que me amava

O começo de nada

Eu não tive chance de me preparar, não consegui ver você chegando."

(Translation: "I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me / The start of nothing / I had no chance to prepare, I couldn't see you coming.")

The crowd sang along with him, their voices merging with his. Leah watched, clapping in rhythm, occasionally catching Jaxon's eye and giving him a thumbs-up as he continued.

Jaxon smiled as he paused between verses, addressing the crowd, "Brasil, vocês são incríveis! Obrigado!" (Brazil, you're amazing! Thank you!). The crowd cheered, their enthusiasm overwhelming.

He continued:

"Se eu pudesse ver através das paredes

Eu veria que você está fingindo."

(Translation: "If I could see through walls / I could see you're faking.")

The energy in the stadium reached its peak as he finished the song, his voice ringing out through the night. Leah and Jaxon walked through São Paulo's lively streets afterward, where fans greeted them, and Jaxon proudly introduced Leah to everyone they met.

France (Paris, November 2002)

In Paris, Jaxon took the stage at a prestigious venue, and his French, though imperfect, captivated the audience. He began with the emotional song "I'm Falling Again."

"Je suis dans mon lit

Et tu n'es pas là

Et il n'y a personne à blâmer à part la boisson dans mes mains errantes."

(Translation: "I'm in my bed / And you're not here / And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands.")

The audience fell into a hush, mesmerized by the raw emotion of his voice. Leah, leaning against a pillar backstage, was transfixed by his performance. Jaxon sang the chorus, his voice soft but powerful:

"Que suis-je maintenant? Que suis-je maintenant?

Et si je suis quelqu'un que je ne veux pas avoir autour de moi?

Je tombe encore, je tombe encore, je tombe."

(Translation: "What am I now? What am I now? / What if I'm someone I don't want around? / I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.")

The song ended, and Jaxon thanked the crowd in French, "Merci pour tout, Paris!" (Thank you for everything, Paris!). As the audience applauded, Jaxon gave Leah a quick wink, knowing she was his rock.

Cape Town, South Africa (December 2002)

In Cape Town, Jaxon performed a vibrant fusion of English and African languages, collaborating with local artists. The beat was infectious, and Jaxon began with the opening lines of "Sensational," mixing English and local African dialects.

"Girl, you so beautiful when you move

Holy ghost, holy

Holy ghost, holy, oh

One time, I dey with girlie."

The crowd erupted in cheers, swaying with the rhythm. Jaxon smiled as he danced across the stage, occasionally glancing over at Leah, who was dancing along with the beat, her laughter contagious.

He continued:

"Life's pretty sweet, can't be bitter

Sensational, yeah

Wetin I do for you, girl?"

The crowd sang along, moving to the beat. Jaxon's voice blended with the African artists, creating a fusion of sounds that filled the stadium. The night ended with Jaxon addressing the crowd, "Thank you, Cape Town! You've been amazing!" He pointed to Leah and added, "And thank you to Leah, who's always got my back."

Leah blushed as the crowd cheered for her, and the concert ended with them walking offstage, arm in arm, the connection between them stronger than ever.

A/n: all these languages are machine created

"i posted the 1st chapter by mistake that was the one i rewrote"

notes: These performances marked a transformative time for Jaxon, who gained new fans in every country, his voice transcending borders of languages. Leah remained his constant companion, her support grounding him through the excitement and pressure of international stardom.

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