
Roadtrip to Novgorod and the Swiss Grocer

It's 8:30 am on Tver-Petersburg Road

Ivan was sleepy..and wanted to shut up and sleep on the bench

Alex: We are going now to the city of Novgorod

Evan:..umm..why not to Petersburg directly?

Alex: From here to Novgorod Six and a half hours...and it's a city on our way

 To Petersburg..sleep..sleep

The weather was fresh…the scent of trees and flowers was filling

The weather on this beautiful country road...the sun was the source of their happiness

Evan: I won't sleep...turn on the radio

Alex: We might stop for coffee.. in one of the roadside cafes

Evan: No need…I bought a water heater that works on the car's power cord

 Enough to make two cups of coffee

Alex: Great..the coffee..the sugar and the tea are in the little bag..on the back seat

Evan: You drive..and I'll handle it

Alex: There is a very big lake in the city of Novgorod called Elemin

Evan: Ha.. I poured water into the geyser.. Yes, I heard about this lake

Alex: We will have a rest there…it is 982 square kilometers and there are fish in it

People are having fun with boats

Alex was driving..he was having fun and Evan was happy

Alex: Anyway.. Evan.. uh.. thanks. I'll take a cup of coffee

Evan: I put 2 spoons of sugar..do you want more?

Alex: It's appropriate.. Evan..I'd like to tell you about Victor's danger

Evan: Again..how about this…Victor

Alex: They tell me it's a spark... that could set all of our countries on fire

Evan: That's dangerous..I don't think so

Alex: I will tell you after the professors at the university make an analysis of it...and it is quality, fundamentally dangerous for our country

Evan: Well, he is a teacher in the political science department..is there no director for him?...and the president of a university..let them expel him as long as he is dangerous..that much

Alex: I don't know..they might be like him…I would like to kill him..so that he could be an example.

Evan: No… I am not satisfied to make a solution.. in this way

Alex looked at Evan like a fox on the sly.. Alex was hurt Disappointment..but he smiled..and courted, "Ivan, don't be afraid..we will see this, Victor…And you will judge who he is."

Evan: The one who decides is the police

Alex: Yes..but it may be that his colleagues and the university president do not want to hand him over. We are here to stop them and thwart their plans

Evan: Look over there…Alex..grocery store with the flag of Switzerland

Alex: He probably sells some Swiss products

Evan: No… I think they are from Switzerland

Alex: Well..let's get it in. That's amazing

The shop was made of wood..it had a large glass window and on it Cheese, mortadella, and sauce stickers.

Evan stood in front of the grocery store, he was excited.. Alex put a hand on Evan's back

 "Come on..let's get in..there's Empty space in the car."

They entered the store..the seller smiled, "Welcome."

Alex: Are you from Switzerland?

The salesman smiled, "Yes, I was, and now I am Russian. My name is Martin."

Evan extended his hand to him, "You're welcome, Citizen Martin."

Alex: I am a university Teacher..from Moscow University..this is my card

Not to think otherwise... Martin quickly looked at the card

Alex:..ha..Mr. Martin..how is Russia..the people of Russia and life in Russia

Martin laughed… "Wonderful, beautiful, amazing.. but.. as everyone else is

Evan: Of course..you are a Russian citizen..and your concerns are Russian

Martin: Here you go..the groceries are all yours

Alex laughed, "Are all these products you buy or make

Martin: I make it on my farm, but my farm is not very big

Alex was approaching the shelves and carefully watching the products...they were on them, Switzerland and Russia flag poster

Evan: It's great...for someone to try the products the Swiss way...I'll take it

 Half a kilo of Swiss cheese

Alex: And I would like to try the mortadella..the beef…Martin welcomed them, "We have beer Swiss..cognac, and whiskey

Evan: Ah..these drinks are yours...great

Martin: I distribute it to restaurants and shops…thye loved it and they say it's made in Russia, which is amazing

Alex: Well...I'll try the whiskey

Evan took a beer..."I'll drink it now"

Alex: I know in Switzerland you speak several languages, German and French

 Italian and now Russian.

Martin laughed...he was cutting cheese. "I hoop become Switzerland a member of the European Union, Now they speak all European languages, and everyone comes from all over Europe, and the Swiss go to all of Europe... work and live.

Martin was 36 years old, blond, muscular, and 1.7 meters tall

Evan was drinking beer. "Delicious beer...it's good."

Alex: What if Russia joins the European Union?

Martin: It would have been great... Russia is a very big country

Evan: I see in bread

Martin: It's Swiss..and there are sweets

Alex: I'm going to try the bread and sweets

Evan: Do you have a wife?

Martin: Yes… I am married to her from Switzerland.. and I have children.. in a Russian school.

Alex: "Awesome"...he was putting things on the wooden platform in front of Martin

Evan: Can you calculate how much we bought?

Martin rejoiced... and calculated... it was... 4,000 roubles

Alex handed the money..."Thank you...you're so kind"

Evan: Your grocer is on the way.. Is it the first?

Martin: No… Of course… I have 3 small shops in Petersburg, and I sell to stores and restaurants... All of this covers costs and my family's expenses ...this is an on-highway experiment, where I am Studying it myself

Alex: I wish you success

Alex and Evan were in the car laughing. It was 11:00 in the afternoon

Alex: How about...we have Swiss breakfast today

Evan: Good breakfast... Where are we going to have vodka and whiskey?

Alex: Drink it now... pour me a share... of whiskey so I can try it and later... vodka... I'm driving, I don't like to get drunk

Evan: All right

Alex: We are now in the province of Novgorod

Evan: Really... I didn't even feel it... That means it's been 3 hours, and we get to the big lake

Alex: Two and a half hours...I'll pick it up

Evan: Let's listen to the music on the radio

Alex: This Swiss is an excellent example of friendship between peoples

 He has become Russian

Evan: Was he a fugitive...or a criminal?

Alex: The criminal is not received... His records must be free of crimes, In order to obtain Russian citizenship

Evan: I liked the laws of the European Union that every citizen has the right to movement

Between hers and can work...when Alex will join her

Alex looked at Evan in astonishment, "Not possible now..because we are in a state of contradiction."

Evan: If we had peace... wouldn't it have been dark... the citizens would go to work there

Alex: Yes...but we have missile threats boom boom

Evan: Well.. well we will wait until we have peace

Two hours passed... Alex was smiling... "Soon... soon we'll be at Lake Ilmen"

Evan: And what are we going to have for the lunch?

Alex: Never mind we're going to grill...let's see what we're going to grill

Minutes passed..."Look Alex... a meat shop"

Alex laughed, "I know, I've seen it before on the map...

They entered the meat store, it was a slaughterhouse for the meat of animals and birds

Inside the shop, there was a big boar hanging, and behind it was the trunk of a large tree with an ax on it. Some travelers inside the store were buying items... Alex Ray looked

Duck, turkey, and types of meat, cow, and sheep.

Alex: I like the hanging pig...it's big and fat

Evan: Well if we only buy one meal... it might spoil if I buy a lot

Alex went to the seller.. "Give me 5 kilos of shredded pork... I want it for grilling."

The salesman smiled and welcomed him..."Yes..do you want to cut from different parts?"

Evan: Yes, please

Alex: We will be at the lake for two days... What about tomorrow shall we come again?

Evan: I think if they have a live bird, like a chicken or a duck

Alex: Do you have a live turkey?

Salesman: Yes...how many turkeys do you want?

Evan: One big turkey

The seller spoke to a colleague...so he immediately went out...and started cutting the pork...in a quick and ingenious way..the shop's customers were waiting..." The salesman

I want beef." A fat woman approached him, "Gave me 5 chickens."

The seller had finished cutting..."Well, a moment, please, and everything

will be ready." He heard knocks on the window and saw a colleague holding Turkey

Mr… "You can pick up the turkey outside."

Evan: Go get him the turkey, and I'll pay the bill

Alex came out of the butcher's shop..." Uh...she's big"...and walked over to the worker

 "It's big and not too old... rest assured that its meat is tender."

Alex opened the trunk of his car from behind, "Can you put it here...please?"

Evan came out of the butcher shop..."Alex...let's go...let's go to the lake"

Alex was driving..."I wonder what's up with the turkey in the trunk"

Evan: Don't worry...you won't choke

There were many passing cars...Suddenly…Evan felt something..." Look Alex...

The car is parked on my side.

Alex: Maybe the tire...flat...the road is flat

Alex turned the steering wheel right..."Let's go downstairs and see"...Evan got off..."Yeah

The tire dropped...let me replace it...open the trunk"

Alex got out of the car..."I'll get you the spare tire"... He opened

The back box and all of a sudden the turkey jumped up...and it was running

..." Evan...I'll catch up with her...she ran away" Alex ran after her and he got off the sidewalk, chasing her through the grass and between the trees... Evan was laughing...as he changed the wheel of the car...he heard Alex call out, "I caught her."

He saw Alex climb onto the sidewalk with the turkey in his hand

Evan: Now...I'll fix the wheel...

Alex approached the car, panting..."I don't have a rope...I'll put it in the trunk."

Evan: All the time, no... when we get there... put her in the back seat

Alex put her in the box..and locked her door. "What was the reason

...Evan...did you know" Evan was holding the wheel and looking at it. "Yeah, a nail."

Alex: I knew where from when we were at the shop there was a pile of building lumber

Ivan was happily watching the Novgorod region

Alex: Evan...we're getting close to the...big lake...

Bluewater reflected the sun's rays.. like the sea... Evan rejoiced

..."Uh... haha... the lake"

There were cars and a lot of people on the lake... people were swimming

...and inflatable boats in which children and youth had fun... Alex was driving and would like to stand, In a place where people don't gather..."Would you like to swim...Ivan"

Evan: Yes, of course... Now I'm going to go down and jump in it

Alex laughed... he parked his car near the lake edge... and they got out and took off their clothes, and they ran... and jumped into the lake with eagerness, eagerness, and happiness... "Ah... the weather is a little cold."

Alex: It's okay... Evan, it'll be fine... Alex dives in ...he saw small stones and green grass below...and small fish.

He suddenly came out and was breathing… "Oh...it's amazing"... Evan was paddling with his hand..swimming to inside the lake... Alex called out, "Evan, be careful... don't swim too far... it might be deep."

Evan shook him...after he got further away...and approached Alex while hitting the water with his hand...like a swimmer in the competition "Come on..Mr. Alex...let's go out...and pitch the tent".

Alex: Let's go for a bit...in this refreshing water...we've been many hours traveling

In the car... Evan Alex winked, "Look around you, pretty girls in swimsuits."

Alex cheered: yeah...it's fun and exciting here

Evan: I'm thinking of coming with my wife one day...to this lake to have a rest

Evan came out of the lake..."Alex...I'll pitch the tent...and set up the barbecue

Some of the men swimming called out to Alex, "Hi..man..what area are you from?"

"Hello...I'm from Moscow...on vacation...you're from Novgorod"

" you are right...yes...we are retired...and we go on some vacations to relax

in this big lake".

Alex: There are 52 rivers pouring into this lake

One of the men: "There is a bigger lake." Pointing his finger to the north, "Lake Ladoga."

Alex laughed..."Lake...and then there's the Baltic Sea"

One of the men: You stay with us for lunch... They look tired

Alex: Thank you...my friend will make lunch...we will stay till tomorrow

"Ah..we are leaving...today".

Alex came out of the water... Evan had prepared the tent..." Evan... my friend... let's cook

Evan: We have to wait... I'm going to marinate the meat in spices, lemon, and vinegar for an hour...this is to be meat

Alex: I know...well...we're missing a radio

Evan: We'll buy one...when we get to town...there's a way back

Alex: Sure...way back...but after the job is done

 Alex's face turned red with anger... "after serf Victor taught a lesson"

Meanwhile, Ludmila, Alex's wife, was sitting with her friends in her apartment

Ludmila: Welcome... I'm glad to see you

"We are very happy to see you... It has been two weeks since your last visit

Ludmila put the earthenware teapot... and started pouring tea for them

How many spoonfuls of Valentina and you Nadia?

Valentina: I'll put the sugar myself

Nadia: Me too

Nadia was a pretty girl of about 23, with dark brown hair

And she wore a red dress, and Valentina was 30 years old, a fat blonde, and they were both tall similar 2 meters.

Nadia: I would like to ask you... How long has your husband been on a trip to Petersburg?

Ludmila: Almost a week has passed... He called us the last time and told me that I was in Tver Now…i think...mm...I will call him

Valentina: No need now... Call him anytime you want

Ludmila: I miss him so much...she made a call to him, "Hello...Hello...Alex."

This is me...Ludmila..."Hi...my dear wife...how are you...what's up"

Ludmila: I miss you…Where are you..."I'm on Lake Ilmen"

Lyudmila looked at her friends..." he says at Lake Ilmen in Novgorod province

Nadia: Good

Valentina: Best regards

Ludmila: Hello... My friend Nadia and Valentina send their regards

Alex: Haha, send me a salute to them too.. What are you doing?

Ludmila: We are sitting and drinking tea

Alex: Just tea... I'll order you a nice fruit tart from a store

The dessert on Main Street...wait...if it arrived...it would have been paid for

The price is with delivery...well...how are the kids?

Ludmila rejoiced..."He will send us a cake...Yes...Alex...the boys have arrived from

Their grandfather's house and they are now in the nearby park with the neighbor's children...I would like to ask you when will you come back to us

Alex: My friend and I have pitched a tent... and we will be in Petersburg after tomorrow

And then we'll go around... and get my work done and come back in the new car

Ludmila: A car... new

Alex: Yes... I exchanged it for a new car this year

Ludmila: Great...we are waiting for you

"Who were you talking to...Alex?"

Alex: That was my wife.

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