
The Honeymoon (Lewd)

Lo Jik underestimated the effects of his words on Mo Yan since she didn't want to wait another second. The marriages in the Gu Yue Clan aren't like his previous worlds. The ritual is simple. Meanwhile, the family throws banquets and invites other guests of equal standing. Mo Chen performed similar courtesies to keep his rivals and allies from knowing how strained his relationship was with Mo Yan. As others enjoyed the food and the cheerful environment, realizing they needed something similar to boost their morale before engaging the wolf tide, Mo Chen excuses from the hall alongside Mo Yan and Lo Jik.

The Elder lets the gloomy Mo Bei handle the guests.

Securely closing his study door, Mo Chen sits across the couple with a collected look. He looks at the dressed Lo Jik and Mo Yan with a complicated gaze.

Lo Jik and Mo Yan are dressed in lavish gold-trimmed red robes. The former's slightly long hair is tucked into a topknot. Meanwhile, Mo Yan's long hair is worn using beautiful headdresses and ornaments. Her jade studs stand out amongst her slightly powdered face, painted lips, and slight face paint near her eyelashes. The jade bracelet around Lo Jik's right wrist signifies his status as a married man.

"Hmm," Mo Chen merely hums after a while. "The gifts from the guests will cover the wedding costs. Welcome to the family, Gu Yue Lo Jik. The Mo Family gifts you the cottage you are living in."

Mo Yan frowns. The gifts from other elders and the Clan Leader include a few useful Gu. How can all that compare to a small banquet? Furthermore, Mo Chen's gift of a small grove to the couple is offensive enough! Mo Chen blatantly clarifies that the gifts given to the Mo Family will be handed to the couple once Mo Yan apologizes. It's true. Like other Elders, Mo Chen and his family also hand out congratulatory gifts to other families during special occasions. One must return the gift of an equal value to maintain social niceties. Meanwhile, Mo Chen's gift of the small grove signifies that Mo Yan isn't welcome in the estate—until she puts her aggression aside.

Lo Jik gently holds Mo Yan's hand, smiling, "Thank you for your gift, Senior. However, Mo Yan is all I needed. It's good that others' gifts can help you recover your losses."

Mo Yan smiles at Lo Jik, slightly leaning onto him. Meanwhile, Mo Chen's eyes twitch.

The Elder wonders if Lo Jik refers to the meager cost of setting the banquet or an Elder's loss once Mo Yan leaves.

With nothing else to say, the couple leaves before Mo Chen, smilingly accepting the toasts from others and eventually exiting the estate to 'fulfill' their obligations.

Mo Bei roughly breathes once he sees those two leave. Anger and hateful killing intent flash in his eyes as he excuses himself once Mo Chen returns. The couple's departure does not signify the end of the banquet. The higher-ups are smart enough to use this chance to discuss many different things.

{A/N: Some NTRish content ahead.}



Mo Bei slowly approaches the bamboo grove. He wants to talk to Mo Yan before things change. Mo Bei wants to try one more time to help see her reason. The youth grinds his teeth as he raises his fist to knock on the door.


An echo of a muffled groan slips through the moss-layered wooden structure. Mo Bei's expression freezes as gentle, throaty moans steadily devolve into hot, needy mewls. Mo Bei's body shudders. His face pales, and his eyes turn bloodshot! Those lurid moans transition into muffled screams and squeals.

'Hehe, you have to look after yourself, Little Brother.'

'Don't act so shy! See? Her name is Cao. Sister brought here for you. Aren't I great?'

'You will lead the Mo Family. I know it! Our parents will be so proud of you, Little Brother.'

Those sweet memories flash in his mind.

"Ahh! Ah! M-More! Jik, harder!"

Those sweet moans and squeals trample upon the dignified image Mo Bei holds of Mo Yan.

"It feels so good~! Hnngh! I love you! Y-yes! Please! I love it when you do that!"

Her desperate begging leaves Mo Bei with the disgusting images of another man 'using' his sister, holding her naked. Mo Bei's breathing turns rough as he suddenly covers his mouth and hurls by their doorstep.

"Yeeessss~!" Mo Yan's muffled scream echoes. "Make me yours!"

Mo Bei is no longer present to hear them. He couldn't take it.

He could not handle his own arousal at the sound of someone taking his sister, the one whom he loved.


[Finally Married? (Silver): Consummated your first marriage with Mo Yan. Parties Involved—Host, Gu Yue Mo Yan. Rewards Stored.]

[A Taboo Makeout (Bronze/Repeatable): Made out with Mo Yan. Parties Involved—Host, Gu Yue Mo Yan. Rewards Stored.]

[Scouting Booty Call (Bronze/Repeatable): Had Penetrative Sex With Mo Yan, Parties Involved—Host, Gu Yue Mo Yan. Rewards Stored.]

'So, marriage DOES have a reward. Nice.' Lo Jik smirks as he strokes the sleeping Mo Yan's hair. 'Too bad I never get cheating rewards. I would have gotten something if Mo Yan and Mo Bei were officially engaged.' How can he not know Mo Bei was at his doorstep? He can see past the wooden walls. If anything, he went all out on Mo Yan last night to see if he could provoke a violent reaction from Mo Bei, using him to fork out those gifts Mo Chen refused to share.

Alas, Mo Bei had a weaker heart than that.

'I'm plenty powerful. I should stop summoning Silver Rewards for now.'

His Trait replaces stored rewards whenever he achieves the same title. However, the Silver Achievements are non-repeatable. He can keep those rewards indefinitely. Of course, it doesn't mean he can advance to Rank 3, and the rewards will evolve correspondingly.

He only wants to keep from summoning a silver reward to avoid getting a Rare Gu, which he cannot feed! That will be a tragedy. However, now that he's married to Mo Yan, his supply of Bronze Rewards will drastically increase. Lo Jik doesn't think about foolishly gifting them to Mo Yan. The Bronze-tier Gu are rare among their kind. He risks Mo Yan's suspicion and their relationship by handing such Gu without proper explanation.

'But I'm also nearing the sum total of my growth in Gu Yue Village. I should start planning my departure and convince Mo Yan to tag along. She's an experienced Gu Master and a scout. Her experience can avoid several pitfalls.' He exhales softly. 'I also need to be cautious in the house. I cannot reveal my second aperture.'

Lo Jik quietly nurtures his first aperture using Crimson-Red Upper Stage Essence.

'I'm down to my last 500 stones after paying Mo Yan for healing Lightning Thoughts Gu and its food. I'll see what I get today.'

"Mmgh," Mo Yan groans softly, waking up with her body unconsciously stretching as the blanket slips sideways, revealing her naked body with several hickies. She lovingly glances at Lo Jik, pecking his cheek without calling for him as she freshens up.

Last night was amazing. However, marriage is the last thing that can excuse an Elder from their duties.

"Ah!" she gasps while getting ready as Lo Jik hugs her from behind, letting out a comforting groan. "Already leaving, dear wife? Can't you take a break?"

"Heh," Mo Yan giggles. "And let Qing Shu and Chi Shan use it to spread their influence in the External Affairs Hall?" She turns, coiling her arms around Lo Jik before kissing him. The Elder mewls hotly. "Your wife must work hard. I still have a few Gu to refine and need resources and money."

"I planned to leave the village and help you find those," Lo Jik smirks. "I advanced and married an Elder within a week. I'm on a lucky streak. I might just find something for you, too."

"Be careful," she cautions worriedly. "The wolf packs are rising."

"No wolf pack is going to keep me from you," Lo Jik grins crookedly. He glances at her lips, stroking them. "I just wish you stayed for a few minutes. We could eat together."

Mo Yan smiles, "Let's do that!"

Lo Jik freshens up, too, leaving the house with Mo Yan to eat outside.

He knew how to cook, but others didn't know about his culinary expertise. He can use it to his advantage and reveal he is slowly learning to cook for Mo Yan. After all, even if the societal norms 'expect' Mo Yan to cook—she won't have time for it. She's an Elder who has to spend hours building her combat prowess from scratch!

The couple received plenty of attention until they parted ways, with Lo Jik returning to the wooden cabin.

'Damn, I already lost one Bronze reward,' he smiles wryly. He had yet to summon the reward from kissing Mo Yan before they kissed again.

He cleans the mattress, replaces the sheets, and soaks them in a bucket before entering his blanket's realm. He summons his rewards. One rare material and one Gu.

Stowing the material aside, Lo Jik stares at the strange Rank 2 Gu.

It's a finger-sized scarlet-red ladybug with two white, heart-shaped marks on its round back.

A Rank 2 Heart Engraved Gu!

This Gu's use is similar to Bookworm Gu's effects. However, this is an expendable Gu that imprints one's 'heart' with the stored information. The user won't be able to forget the knowledge even if they want to!

'A silver-ranked Bookworm gifted me half the inheritance of a proper Rank 4 Gu Master with several hundred recipes and a Rank 5 Gu recipe! What will I get now?'

He activates the Heart Engraved Gu. It glows scarlet and turns into a stream of light that enters Lo Jik's body, making him instinctively close his eyes.

He locks his brows.

Due to its 'permanent' nature, the Heart Engraved Gu stores exponentially less information than the Bookworm Gu. His mind now has a recipe series from Rank 1-5—Blood Qi Gu.

'My Trait's selections aren't COMPLETELY random. It plays the odds based on my situation, too.'

While he had been with several professionals in his past life, he always got rare collectibles without distinction. However, Lo Jik himself has a shadow of specialization in this world.

He realizes that his trait uses the RNG based on two categories—his partners and himself.

For instance, Mo Yan.

She's an experienced scout, is a Gu Master of the Gu Yue Clan, and lives in Qing Mao Mountain—these should be Mo Yan's broad defining traits.

Lo Jik received random rewards from such categories until he started developing himself. After building a base, Lo Jik started uncovering rewards capable of expanding on his foundations. He failed to refine a Black Mane Gu. However, he received one from his Trait.

He was unsuccessful in refining the Concealment Mane Gu, instead receiving the Stealth Scales Gu.

It's a pattern.

The one thing that confused him was the Blood Python Gu.


He considered it a steed-type Gu until realizing he could use the python's senses as a makeshift scouting Gu. Even then, Mo Yan should have nothing to do with Blood Gu Worms.

'Could it be she is talented in such Gu? Several individuals have an innate talent for something.' Lo Jik frowns.

This isn't surprising. Lo Jik recalls how he once slept with a painter, receiving a revolver instead. No wonder she never got admitted into her preferred Art School.

'There are also cases like Chi Shan. He was born with divine strength as a kid and could beat an adult to death as a child.'

However, if Mo Yan was talented in such aspects, why did she never work on it? Maybe she never knew about it.

The reward is related to a Blood Gu and beneficial to Lo Jik!

'Rank 1 Blood Qi Gu and a Rank 1 Blood Python Gu. Hah!' He eases his frown. Questioning such mysteries won't help him. Blood Qi Gu is a beneficial healing Gu that replaces lost blood within the Gu Master's body. A Gu Master can fight without the fear of dying from blood loss.

'And this Gu is surprisingly easy to refine. Like other Blood Gu, this one also consumes blood. I should refine two of them. I will use one to advance Blood Python Gu into Blood Stream Python Gu and refine the other into Rank 2. Although I have the two Spider Gu, one can never have too many healing Gu that are easy to feed. Besides, the Spider Gu cannot replace lost blood.'

This instance reassures Lo Jik that he should strive to summon every Bronze reward. He won't know when he'll strike it rich!

'But if I summon a rare Gu that's hard to feed… sigh. I'll have to let such Gu die. I've gotten too fortunate over the past few months. Discovering the rare materials is already touching many nerves.'

Didn't the recording Gu Master in the External Affairs Hall release the information about his Red Steel Relic Gu?

That was merely a taste of another's envy.

Lo Jik isn't powerful enough to fuck with a large group of Gu Masters.

He clenches his fist.

'While I cannot temporarily increase my cultivation further, I can work on my combat. I'm still far from utilizing all my Gu efficiently. Just being able to master trick shots with Moonglow Gu isn't enough!'

He recalls about Fang Yuan.

Lo Jik needs the Battle Instinct Gu to efficiently switch the Moonglow Gu into different limbs and incorporate it into his martial arts. But that combat monster emulated Lo Jik's skills after a glance without possessing such a Gu.

'And Fang Yuan is growing. I may have an advantage regarding the quality of Gu Worms. But that advantage is useless unless I master them.'

Still, he feels reluctant.

He never faced any life-death situation outside the village after the Blood Hound Wolf, but that threat never faded.

'No use bitching about it,' he suddenly smirks. 'I should have thought about being less crazy before sticking an eye-eating Eye Gu into myself.'


A Gu Master's cultivation surpasses the basic norm of merely learning to control the Primeval Essence to nurture the Aperture. As one experiences several combats, one must learn other techniques and develop unique paths.

There are several BILLIONS of Gu! A Gu Master nurtures, uses, and refines the Gu. These three aspects of cultivation are unimaginably broad!

If one focuses on the study of using the Gu, a Gu Master must find their 'focus' and 'path.'

The former refers to the three basic premises of Gu-type—Attack, Defense, and Support. The support category expands into Storage, Healing, Movement, Concealment, and other similar Gu.

Lo Jik already has a focus—Attack.

Even as a lone Gu Master, he must find ways of using his Gu to increase his offense and efficiently remove the enemy. His best offensive methods are his body and the Moonglow Gu. His body possesses the strength of two Boars, effortlessly capable of brawling with wild beasts like boars, bears, and wolves. With the Peak Stage essence, Lo Jik can also display the optimal might of the Moonglow Gu, capable of splitting several wild beasts at once!

As an attack-type Gu Master, his options will be divided into short, medium, and long ranges. His fists and Moonblades cover the former two options. Meanwhile, Lo Jik doesn't have a long-range method. His bow and arrows are mortal weapons, barely able to pierce the beasts' thick hides.

Ordinarily, with this decided, a Gu Master will find ways to increase their available offensive might. After all, others are in a team. They have different Gu Masters to fulfill different roles.

Meanwhile, Lo Jik is alone.

He needs to possess many support Gu Worms to display the highest combat potential possible. He would have many options if Mo Yan chose a similar focus. Lo Jik can take the title of the top scout if he finds ways to maximize that focus. However, a scout's profession is merely a supporting path, allowing him to conveniently advance and retreat.

The Heaven Piercing Eye Gu takes care of that department.

As Lo Jik thought before, the combination of Blood Rousing Incense Gu and Battle Instinct Gu increases his close-quarter combat potential. If he uses the White Jade Gu, he can beat the living shit out of a Wolf King, too! He won't worry about getting scuffed if he refines a Rank 2 Blood Qi Gu.

This merely demonstrates the 'focus' aspect of a Gu Master's development.

Due to a lack of quality options, Gu Master only worries about the 'path' once they advance to Rank 3. Mo Yan and Chi Shan are tackling such topics. Meanwhile, Qing Shu already has his 'path' determined.

Taking a step back, Lo Jik quickly realized that he could improve one aspect of his offense—control of Primeval Essence!

One must concisely control their essence to pace their Gu Worms' use. Even a Legendary Rank 5 Gu Master will be a lump of meat on a chopping board if they exhaust their essence.

Some Gu consume Primeval Essence once and stay active for a pre-determined duration. Lo Jik's Battle Instinct Gu is the best example, as it stays active for 15 minutes for 5% of his Peak Stage essence. One might even consider the Blood Rousing Incense Gu as an example since Lo Jik has to 'buff' himself away from the enemies lest the incense scent introduce adrenaline in the beasts' systems! Such Gu are easy to use and don't continuously consume a Gu Master's concentration.

However, Gu Worms like White Jade and Black Mane are the opposite—needing a Gu Master's constant attention! A Gu Master has to fight WHILE controlling their essence and using the Gu. Such Gu Worms exhaust a Gu Master's mind. Lo Jik usually alleviates this issue by using the Battle Instinct Gu.

Not anymore!

Since Lo Jik can turn invisible and restrict his body's odor, he locates weak wolf packs to train. These wolf packs barely possess more than 5 Lightning Wolves.

Lo Jik might start small, but his ambitions are grand. He eventually wants to refine his control until he can battle while controlling two things at once. It's a reasonable objective.

He wants to be able to use White Jade and Black Mane simultaneously. One is a 'aura-type' defense Gu, and the other is a physical one. These two Gu do not conflict and can increase Lo Jik's defense by a notch, barely contending against a Rank 3 Gu Master's attack.

It will at least give him time to prepare for his escape should a powerful enemy corner him despite his investigative means.

So, he trains!

Martial Arts and Moonblades—he will try transitioning between the two without the Battle Instinct Gu. The Gu indeed exists to be used. However, relying entirely on a Gu for one's survival may itself be the cause of their death! So, Lo Jik will get injured at times.

After killing the beasts, Lo Jik will collect their blood and eyes before leaving. In fact, finding these small packs of wolves is becoming challenging with time. It won't be long before Lo Jik turns to wolf packs with 15-20 wolves. The Clan missions are only something Lo Jik continues with to dispense his rare materials, slowly recovering his Primeval Stones.

There's also the constant stream of Bronze-tier rewards!

Those will end the moment he advances to Rank 3. After all, his Trait rewards him based on the difference between his partners and himself. Once he reaches Rank 3, Lo Jik will have the same cultivation and status.

It's a happy worry!

Mo Chen can keep those gifts from their wedding. Lo Jik already has so much that he doesn't know what to do!

Meanwhile, Mo Yan also focuses on her cultivation. Since Lo Jik often finds rewards tainted by her chosen expertise, the rare items he 'encounters' in the wild are more than helpful to her. She tries paying him, but Lo Jik always refuses, deepening their bond. It allowed Lo Jik to effortlessly complete the Silver Achievements he could gain from Mo Yan! Of course, he never raised the topic of fucking her navel, ears, or some shit like that. Fuck that.

Lo Jik refuses to be an ear fucker!

Also, Lo Jik's pressure to purchase food for a few Gu is relieved now that he's an Elder's Husband. While he still doesn't get access to the Clan's superior shop, he can certainly use his influence to purchase the rare items available to his rank without the other side prying information from him.

Marrying Mo Yan was also the right move in the sense that Mo Bei took to cultivation like a man possessed! He has yet to advance to the Upper Stage, but rumors suggest he isn't far from the rank. Meanwhile, Chi Cheng became a disappointment. His cultivation is notably slower than Mo Bei.

And Fang Zheng?

Peak Stage!

Others in the village hail Fang Zheng as a genius no worse than Bai Ning Bing. Even if there is another Gu Yue Zie Qi, he's yet to graduate. That boy also rarely leaves his dorm, only choosing to converse with Gu Yue Yao Le. Their good relationship has been a source of gossip for a while. After all, Gu Yue Yao Le is Gu Yue Yao Ji's granddaughter and the supposed inheritor of the Medicine Hall. One is a talent no worse than Fang Zheng, whose records make many veterans sigh in admiration. The other is the rising star of Healing Path Gu! It's like a match made in Heaven!

Several Gu Masters are already impatient about this batch's graduation, conversing about the new batch will compare to the previous one regarding Martial Arts.


Fang Yuan lets out a turbid breath, relaxing after a cultivation session as he reaches for a Primeval Stone to recover his essence.

'While it's true that a stream of unending resources will see a Gu Master advancing without limits at no time, Primeval Stones alone cannot fulfill the gap. As my cultivation rises, I'll need more Primeval Stones to recover my essence, leading me to waste time. Such waste is the cause of some Gu Masters being unable to advance past certain ranks. No matter how many Primeval Stones I have, I won't be able to force my way into Rank 3 without raising my talents.'

'A Rank 2 Peak Stage Gu Master needs almost 1.5 Primeval Stones to recover 1% essence. It means I require about 63 stones to recover 44% of my Essence once I advance to the Peak Stage. Even if I can multi-task, the time needed to balance breaking the aperture's wall and recuperating is too extreme. It's why I tried to refine Gu Yue Yao Le until Zie Qi stepped in.'

'But there are other support Gu Worms. One of the most renowned Legendary Gu is right under the village! It can help me recover my essence and is an invaluable asset to Gu Masters with low talent.'

'However, I can't rely on Mo Chen to earn 50000 stones. I never expected Lo Jik and Mo Yan to be a thing. That's understandable. Lo Jik died in my previous life. Meanwhile, Mo Bei died during the Beast Tides, leaving the Mo Family without an heir. Mo Chen wanted me to marry Mo Yan. I used it to fork out the required Primeval Stones from the Mo Family. But that path is closed for me.'

'I can use Chi Lian. I know Chi Cheng has a C-grade Aptitude, and Chi Lian helped his Grandson fake the results. Even though Chi Lian uses his White Silver essence to nurture Chi Cheng's aperture, their combined effort cannot compare to Mo Bei's or Fang Zheng's speed. Elder Chi also purchased the Cleansing Water Gu for Chi Cheng to use on the latter to remove any sequela once he reaches Rank 3.'

'If Chi Lian and Chi Cheng won't have such worries if they have that Bone Path Gu,' Fang Yuan considers. 'I can't reveal that information or blackmail the Chi Family yet. However, I undervalued Chi Lian last time. I thought he wouldn't pay much for Chi Cheng's secret. However, he and Mo Chen are rivals. If one can fork it, the other can, too. My considerations should be what to do after escaping the Qing Mao Mountain. Entering the Bai Gu Mountain may alert the Bai Clan. I recall other inheritance sites, including that Legendary Gu in the Shang Clan.'

'But those sites need special conditions. Before Zie Qi, I planned to travel the Strength Path. Time Path… it's not worse. I only know one inheritance regarding it. Wait!'

His gaze brightens.

'That Gu will appear in the final half of Jia Family's internal struggle!'

Fang Yuan may know many secrets from 500 years in the future. However, his memory cannot keep track of it all. Fang Yuan now recalls another ancient Gu's appearance.

He was set on the Strength Path and didn't think more about the other paths.

A complicated look flashes in his eyes.

'I can forget the Immortal Inheritance if I don't walk the Strength Path. Yet, what I experienced after killing Zie Qi confirms that Time Path is the most suitable. If this risk… if my hunch is correct, I will walk a fatal path. The rewards will be plenty, too. One leads to an immortal treasure—which I may fail to refine. The other leads to an unknown path with astounding benefits on my side. Hehe. Both paths have my death written on them once I make a wrong move. Yet, how can I hope to look down on the world from its highest peak without a demon's grit?'

Not the kind to waste time in self-doubt, Fang Yuan shifts his focus.

'Fang Zheng… I can use him to refine that Gu in the Bai Gu Mountain. But it's useless to me once I refine Zie Qi. Besides, depending on another person, especially a morally deluded one like Fang Zheng, is inefficient. No, I will move northwest and enter Drifting Keng's Cave. It's a Righteous Path Gu Master's Inheritance regarding Water Path. I'll use those gains and earn recognition in the Jia Family's struggle. Water Path is superior to the Demonic Faction Gu Master—Old Flaming Beard Keng, Drifting Keng's Elder Brother.'

Thinking of Fang Zheng, Fang Yuan cannot help but feel appreciative.

Not because the former is his Younger Sibling, growing by leaps and bounds.

Fang Zheng's rapid growth, Mo Bei's sudden improvement, Chi Cheng's lackluster performance, and Lo Jik's marriage with Mo Yan have something in common—the Village's attention.

Fang Yuan has quietly slipped off the radar, allowing him to peacefully conduct his business. But he knows that a competing Elder like Gu Yue Yao Ji desiring to control every Rank 2 Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu didn't forget about him.


Alternate Title: Married!; Throwing a Banquet; Mo Family's Stand; Mo Yan TRULY is a Gift Enough; Consummating the Marriage; Lo Jik and Mo Yan; Mo Bei Getting His Jollies Through the Door; Boy Had An Orthodox NTR Moment; Saving The Silver Reward; Another Blood Gift; Learning More About Trait RNG; Dang, Was The Painter Austrian?; Williams Logic Sleeping Left and Right; Controlled Growth; One's Focus and Path; Making Mo Yan His; Hubby and Wifey; Blissfully Married; Training Multi-Task; Locating Weak Wolf Packs; The Ability to Advance and Retreat; Lo Jik's Fear of Fang Yuan; Mo Bei's on Fire; Chi Cheng Left in Dust?; Peak Stage Fang Zheng; Talent in Blood Path?; Future Plans; The Jia Family Struggle; The Keng Siblings

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