
Chapter 21 Shadows of Legacy

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"You wanna go downstairs and play some video games?" Valian asked.

"Sure. " Kenji got out of bed…

And saw himself in his boxers. He gave Valian, who was blushing, a 'you serious?' face.

"Uh, you have a really nice body. " Valian said.

"For a teenage Devil. "

"Heh. " Kenji blushed.

"Thanks. But it's nothing on yours.

" Valian blushed harder, but smiled.

"Would you like to see more of it?" she asked, moving towards Kenji, who blushed as crimson as his hair.

"Nonono, it's fine!" he said. Valian laughed.

"You're so cute. " She said, before getting up and leaving the room, remembering to sway her wide hips for Kenji, to get him worked up.

[Really, Valian?] Albion spoke in Valian's mind. [You really want him, don't you?]

"I can't deny it, Albion. A part of me does, but another part of me just wants to focus on training him, and that's the end of it.

" Valian replied, in her mind.

[Do as you wish, Valian. ] Albion replied with a sigh, cutting the link between him and his host.

Line Break

A few days later, Kenji was sitting in the living room of his and Valian's house, having just come out of the shower. His hair was slightly damp, and he was clad in a pair of jeans, and a short-sleeved black t-shirt.

He was currently watching some TV, when the door to the house opened, and in came Azazel.

"Hey, Kenji. " Azazel said.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. " Kenji replied, looking over and smiling at Azazel.

"Where's Valian?" Azazel asked.

"In the shower. " Kenji replied.

"She went in just after I came out. "

"You two seem to be getting on fine. " Azazel said, with a smile.

"You know, I wouldn't mind you dating my surrogate daughter. " Kenji promptly went red, and Azazel laughed.

"It doesn't matter. But, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.

" He looked at Kenji with a serious face. "You turned up, three weeks ago, in a cave on the edge of our territory."

"I did. " Kenji acknowlaged.

"You did. " Azazel repeated.

"One thing I'd like to know is, what happened to make you run away from your family? I believed that the Gremory family were known for being incredibly caring to their servants. "

"To their servants, probably. " Kenji said, his face turning dark.

"To their actual family members, though…" He sighed.

"If you don't want to talk about it, Kenji, I understand completely. " Azazel said.

"Valian was the same. " He chuckled for a second.

"Now that I think about it, you and Valian are pretty similar. You both ran away from your family, or certain members of your family, you turned up in the exact same cave, as a matter of fact, and you both decided to stay here."

"Really?" Kenji was interested. "We both showed up in that exact same cave?"

"Indeed, you both did. " Azazel said.

"I remember it like it was yesterday, too. "


It was an incredibly stormy night. Azazel had been informed by one of his subordinates that the presence of a strong Devil had been sensed around this area, and he had instantly gone to check it out.

He was coming up to a small cave, only a few miles from the border of the Fallen Angel territory of the Underworld and the Devils territory.

Azazel walked into the cave, creating a light-spear so he could see. Holding it up so he could see as much as possible, his eyes fell upon a young girl, in her early teens at most, lying on the cave floor, unconscious.

She had silver hair, tied into a ponytail, and was quite tall for her age. Her clothes were very ripped, and she was breathing heavily.

'Yup. ' Azazel thought.

'This is the Devil they were talking about. But, I can also sense a Sacred Gear inside him.

So is she a half-Devil?'

[Fallen Angel leader. ] Azazel jumped almost a foot when he heard a voice emanate from Valian's body.

But Valian seemed to not be moving her mouth at all.

[I am the White Dragon Emperor, Albion. ] Albion said.

[And I am sealed inside Valian's Sacred Gear. ]

It was a well-known fact that Azazel was fascinated with Sacred Gears, the tools created by his former boss, the God of the Bible. One would say that he had an unhealthy obsession with them.

But what did he care?

He found them interesting, and that was a better idea than having a war any day of the week.

[I ask of you, Fallen Angel leader, please save my host, Valian Lucifer. ] Albion said.

The name made Azazel jump again.


[Indeed. Valian is Lucifer's great-granddaughter, through her father's side.]

"I think I'll take her in. " Azazel said.

"It isn't every day that you run into a descendent of Lucifer, who happens to be the host of the White Dragon Emperor. " Azazel picked Valian up gently, and, remembering that Devils and Fallen Angels cannot travel through the same magic-circle, spread his twelve onyx black wings, and prepared to fly back to the Grigori centre, where he lived.

Flashback end:

"So, you and Valian are actually very similar. " Azazel said.

"I'm not going to tell you what Valian's life was like before she met me, that's her right. "

"I understand. " Kenji said, closing his eyes.

"I guess I should tell you what my life was like beforehand. "

"Yes, please do. " Azazel said, taking a seat on one of the sofas, and putting his hands behind his head.

"Well," Kenji began. "I was born as a younger twin brother to Rias Gremory, who is my older sister, and the pair of us couldn't have been more different.

Rias was elegant, affectionate, pretty much everything you could want in a Devil Heiress. But, thanks to the fucked-up laws of the Devils, I was made the Heir to the Gremory Clan instead."

"I bet that must've turned out well for you. " Azazel grinned.

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