
Chapter 144: The First Interstellar War


The ambush was a premeditated strategy between Link and Natasha. Prior to the attack, Link had requested schematics of Ronan's warship from the Collector. The vessel was peculiar in design, with its core stationed at the center while its flanks housed numerous Necrocraft, allowing the warship's two sides to rotate independently. As a carrier ship, it held a vast number of fighter crafts, which is why Link instructed Natasha to target one of its sides with the main cannon.

After creating a breach, the auxiliary cannons quickly followed, delivering a rapid barrage that decimated one of the ship's wings and obliterated the Necrocraft stationed within.

The sudden assault, combined with the loss of command on the ship, left Ronan's forces in chaos. The left wing, struck by the concentrated fire, disintegrated, along with most of the Kree soldiers and Necrocraft. Despite this small victory, Natasha's relief was short-lived as an overwhelming number of Necrocraft began descending from the ship's remaining wing—a sight that made her heart race.

"Link, they still have a significant number of fighters!" Natasha quickly called Link and issued a command, "Focus auxiliary cannons on the enemy fighters. Prepare all missiles for launch."

"Lax, full power to auxiliary cannons. Ready the energy shields, await my signal," Natasha continued.

"Understood, Captain!" Lax, the ship's AI, efficiently locked onto targets, offering faster and more precise firing solutions.

The auxiliary cannons adjusted their aim, and the missiles were prepped for launch. These were specialized missiles developed by Link, designed for space combat. In the vacuum of space, with no resistance, they could accelerate to incredible speeds. Though larger in size, their effective range was relatively short, requiring the enemy to be within close proximity before they could be deployed.

Meanwhile, Link was busy fending off the Necrocraft that had already infiltrated Knowhere. These enemy fighters lacked the agility to keep up with him, and under the onslaught of Link's energy weapons, they stood no chance. Despite their determination to rescue their fallen commander, they were unaware that Ronan was already dead.

"I'll be there soon," Link muttered, after dismantling several dozen Necrocraft. He then opened a spatial portal, appearing on the bridge of the Avenger. "Initiate bridge cloaking mode."

"Yes, sir," the ship's bridge lowered and sealed itself, with external visuals displayed on the monitors.

The swarm of Necrocraft charged relentlessly towards them, undeterred by the barrage from the auxiliary cannons. However, their numbers rapidly dwindled under the intense fire. As the fighters reached a distance of 100 kilometers, Natasha gave the signal.

"Fire the missiles."

Hundreds of missiles launched in sequence, streaking towards the incoming enemy craft. Link observed the situation carefully, knowing that only a few would make it through.

The missiles locked onto their targets, forcing the Necrocraft to scatter. Though some were struck and destroyed, many continued their relentless advance on the Avenger, attempting to use the ship as cover from the incoming missiles.

"They're using us as shields from the missiles," Natasha realized, watching the display. She issued the next command, "Activate the energy shields."

A transparent barrier flickered to life around the Avenger, and the leading Necrocraft collided directly into it, followed shortly by the missiles, causing a cascade of explosions.

"Energy levels reduced by thirty percent..." Lax reported. This was only the first wave of attackers, most of whom were caught off guard and unable to evade.

The remaining Necrocraft changed their course.

"Deploy the YS fighters! Let's give the pilots some action," Link commanded, opening another spatial portal that led to Ronan's mothership, emerging on its damaged left wing.

The wing had been devastated by the earlier bombardment, and the sight before Link was a mess of destruction. Unchallenged, he swiftly made his way towards the ship's core.

Meanwhile, back on the Avenger, the YS fighters launched from the hangar, buzzing around the ship like a swarm of bees. Natasha opened a gap in the shields, allowing them to fly out.

The Wakandan energy shield technology had proven invaluable for the Avenger, perfectly adapted to space combat.

The YS fighters, far more agile than the Necrocraft, engaged in dogfights around the Avenger. Though smaller than their Ravager counterparts, their compact design made them far more maneuverable, lacking any living quarters and optimized solely for combat.

The Necrocraft, while formidable in numbers, lacked the dexterity to keep up with the nimble YS fighters. Though it was their first real combat mission, the pilots had undergone rigorous training and simulations, and they executed their maneuvers with precision.

Despite some losses, the YS pilots wore space-adapted Iron Man suits equipped with nano-technology, allowing them to eject and survive even if their fighters were destroyed. The pilots who were shot down quickly activated their suits, propelling themselves back towards the Avenger.

Frustrated, the downed pilots knew the Necrocraft had been less of a threat than anticipated, making their errors all the more glaring.

As the skirmish concluded, the Avenger, accompanied by the surviving YS fighters, closed in on Ronan's mothership. Inside, Link had already reached the control room and eliminated the crew, rendering the ship immobile.

Knowing the ship was beyond salvaging due to the extensive damage, and understanding the potential diplomatic ramifications, Link downloaded what data he could before returning to the Avenger.

"Fire at the core. Destroy the ship," Link ordered calmly.

Without question, Natasha gave the command, and a barrage of fire erupted from the Avenger, obliterating the Kree mothership in space.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Star-Lord asked.

"What good would that do?" Yondu glared at him. "Ronan's already lost. What could we possibly achieve by joining the fight?"

"But their fighters... they look just like ours, only smaller and more agile," Star-Lord observed, noting the similarities between the Avenger's fighters and those of the Ravagers. "They've got a mid-sized carrier ship that's almost identical to ours."

Yondu gave a grunt, then added, "Here's your task. Follow them. Find out who they are, understand?"

Star-Lord, confused but sensing an opportunity, asked, "That's my mission?"

Yondu's gaze softened. Though he should have punished Star-Lord, the truth was, he saw him as a son. This was just an excuse to keep him alive.

(End of Chapter)

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