
Chapter 94: Shadows of loyalty: the slaves...

A portal opened to the Abyss as demons flocked in. This war was glorious to them.

At the Third Abyss...

Linkir and Sword Demon arrived at a familiar place once again. "I can never get used to this view," Sword Demon commented, observing the demons around, the distant Aerons, and the stars embedded in the ground.

"Hm... we've talked a lot, and I got to know you. You're an interesting person," Linkir replied with a slight smile.

"Likewise... But you mentioned you wanted to kill someone. Who is it?" Sword Demon asked as he and Linkir walked away from the portal.

"...Well, the person is strong, destroyed my world, tortured me... all kinds," Linkir murmured.

"Oh, I see. So how did you meet Void?" Sword Demon asked.

"Guess who did it all," Linkir said and fell silent.

"Hmm, I see... she wants to kill Void," Sword Demon thought.

"So, you mentioned an ancient clan," Linkir said.

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