
113 Press Conference_2

Jimmy knocked off work and headed straight to an eyeglass shop, targeting those large sunglasses that covered half of his face; he planned to wear them during daytime duties from now on.

December 24 arrived, a special day, and the busiest time recently for the police precinct. Of course, Jimmy was working overtime as part of the planned staffing, which involved an extremely long standby period of 24 hours, and potentially even up to 36 hours.

The reason for such long overtime was purely because, after division into sections, each police section currently only had enough officers for regular day and night shifts. Christmas, while seen by most as a day for family reunions and dinners, was also a day with a high incidence of crimes. As one of the few officers at headquarters who could support various districts, Jimmy had to work from noon on the 24th to the morning of the 25th, and then based on the situation, possibly continue with overtime at the precinct during the daytime.

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