
Chapter - 18 A Kamikaze Plan

Bellamy's Point Of View

I quickly snapped out of my fit of anger at Meyhymn's words. It made me love and hate my mate so much more.

'Seriously, this fairness bullshit is getting out of hand!'

"So, you could have saved him... but he told you not to? Why? That doesn't make sense. Explain in detail." I said.

No way would I believe he willingly went back to Delgaide just to see Cole. Because if that was the case, I'd clearly need to punish him for an entire week to get my point across.

"So I had come from the basement, there were about 7 of them, including Cole's father. They had Del and Tristan. I killed 5 of them and got Del free, but Tristan stopped me from doing anything else. He said he'd go with them, emphasized how he missed his mate Cole. Asked me to do him a favor, told me to get the idiots and finish the job. Said he believed in me, and that I was no good to him dead. He even cut me off when I was about to bring you all up." Meyhymn said, looking absolutely distraught.

"Wait... he said it just like that? That he missed his mate Cole?" Ferdinand said, gears churning in his head.

"Yeah... said it was painful being away from him." Meyhymn said, looking confused.

Then it clicked... Tristan had been trying to save us all.

"They don't know... Cole didn't tell them and they don't know! Fuck he was protecting us!" It was heartwarming and infuriating all in the same breath.

"Yeah with the director dead, I suspect only a few know about Tristan's constitution. And even then, only what they researched. They probably don't realize he has more than one mate, or that killing all of you in one go would be easier than forcing him to bare children with each of you. In fact that might have been what Cole was aiming for. That's the only reason I can think of that he's still alive. They could have killed all of you easily. Or taken all of you, if they knew you were all mated." Delcain said.

Meyhymn looked baffled and then relieved. He sat completely now, knees to his chest head in his hands. He seemed to care a great deal about Tristan. I wanted to know why.

"What's wrong Meyhymn? You look sick as hell..." Sylvester asked, picking up on his unusual unease as well.

"The shit they did to that kid in Delgaide... and he went back just to save you guys... he makes it real hard to be angry at him..." Meyhymn said on a groan.

"What do you mean? How do you know?" Delcain asked, standing up angrily.

"I hacked their systems, they were... meticulous... in a disgusting way... he had a quota to fill every week... 8 liters a week... to make matters worse Cole's father would help him produce at least 4 of those liters if not more. They would try everything to splice and replicate his genome. Nothing worked until he came of age... by then something happened to his genome, something triggered when he came of age. They could artificially inseminate Dominant Omegas with his sperm, but they could only achieve it in a petri dish. He would need to physically have sex with them for it to stick... Well..." Meyhymn said, looking truly sick.

"What else did you find? You saw it didn't you...? Didn't you!?" Delcain asked, walking up to him furious.

"Calm down Del. What's wro–"

"Stay out of this Ferdinand! It's bigger than you could ever know! So shut up!... Answer me Meyhymn... You saw it right!?" Delcain yelled, standing almost on top of him.

Meyhymn looked sad, and defeated. He looked as if he wanted to die where he sat. Which said a lot considering how big of a guy he was, and how little Delcain was in comparison. Meyhymn looked up at Delcain, now with unshed tears in his eyes.

"It wasn't intentional okay? We wanted to get information to help his children not go through what he is going through, but..." Meyhymn broke off, tears finally falling. "Yeah, I saw it... all of it. I saw that after you all come of age, you will no longer age. You still get older per say but you physically don't age. I saw that there was a successful case of artificial insemination, and that unbeknownst to Tristan he currently has a 2 and a half year old daughter. And that unlike her father she doesn't have the same constitution. Also that she is the only surviving child. The others died during childbirth along with the mothers."

Delcain collapsed to the ground, holding his stomach. Meanwhile it was as if the air had been sucked out of the house. Tristan would still look exactly as he does right now in 20 years at the age of 40? It was crazy. He also had a damn child trapped in that facility, it was infuriating.

"How... How did you know?" Ferdinand asked Delcain.

"My mother of course... she promised to look after her... her mother died after giving birth to her. My mother knew that if Tristan found out, he would never leave. We ran the day before the director was going to tell him the "good news". If my mother is actually dead, then there's no way he'd leave her there alone." Delcain said, tears streaming down his face.

"Well then, we have no time left. Meyhymn, did you get everything done that you needed to?" Ferdinand asked.

"Yeah just need to print the IDs and get the clothes. I've gotten the most recent schematics of the building and the roster." Meyhymn replied.

"Raihne, stay here with the kids, Del you too. Payhne you're with us. Bellamy get the gear. Sylvester you get the weaponry. I'll get the car. Everyone meet at the front doors in one hour. I'm not giving these assholes the satisfaction of a job well done." Ferdinand said standing up.

"Look guys, I know I've held a lot of information in, and I'm sorry. But can I ask you to do me a huge favor?" Delcain asked, sounding broken and defeated.

"It's fine. Everything you've hidden, you've had your reasons. And good ones at that. Ask this favor little brother. I'll do my best." Sylvester said, pressing his forehead against Delcain's.

"There are two men in that facility. In my opinion they are the worst men inside the lab. Alphas born and raised in that lab, but drunk off power from being Alphas you'd never know it. They hold a special grudge against Tristan. They've assaulted him many times, the problem is, if they live they will no doubt start it up again. They have many connections." He said.

"It'd be my genuine fucking pleasure. What's their names?" Sylvester asked.

"Cahlforde... and... my father Delzehaide..." He said, sobbing.

"W-Wait... your father? You know who your father is?" Sylvester asked, grabbing Delcain by the shoulders.

"Do you think my mother could get raped inside that facility and not know when she got pregnant and by whom?" Delcain whispered harshly.

"What's your mother's name?" Meyhymn asked.

"Her name is Josephine... why?"

"I can't be certain until I check a final time, but if my memory is good then, I don't recall seeing that name among the deceased mothers..." Meyhymn said, thoughtfully.

"Seriously? Was there a Korrahline on that list?" Delcain asked, frantic.

Meyhymn sadly looked at him, grief-stricken. "Yeah kid, that name was definitely on there. She died 5 months ago, has a surviving daughter named Kaihsie... I'm sorry."

"Fuck.... uuugh... fuck!" Delcain sobbed falling to his knees.

"Who was she Del?" Ferdinand asked, kneeling beside him.

"K-Kaleb's mother... out of all of us... he was the only one that didn't want to leave... his mother all but forced him to come... but even then he didn't cave... Tristan told him what was in store for him once he came of age... and so he agreed to leave... but he couldn't convince his mother... the first year out Kaleb had nightmares... cried for his mother every night... we always said we'd find a way to free them but..."

"It's alright... we'll figure it out I promise. If we find his sister, or your mother we'll bring them too. Okay?" Ferdinand said.

"Okay..." Delcain whispered.

"Everyone get prepared... Del I'm going to give you a SAT radio, if we have questions or if anything happens here, radio in. We'll have earpieces so you won't get us caught okay?" Ferdinand said.

Delcain agreed and we all set out to handle our assigned tasks. I had a subordinate bring me 5 lab coats and a shipment of suppressants. They looked like they had a lot of questions, but what idiot would question the owner of their place of employment?

I headed to the basement to get a few more odds and ends, and spoke with Meyhymn about the fake IDs. They would get us in no problem, but busting out would be a different ordeal.

"Afterall, they care less about those coming in and more about those leaving. If I can get into their systems though it shouldn't be too difficult." Meyhymn said.

"Are these the schematics for the building?" I asked.

"Yeah although I can't make heads or tails of it without being in there. It's like a five point star but with cut off pathways and a shit ton of corridors." He said scratching his head.

He wasn't kidding, it was more of a dodecahedron than a five point star. If we couldn't pinpoint our destination it was going to be a problem. We could easily pinpoint Tristan if they tried anything with him, but getting to the security room or getting Meyhymn to a system he could hack was a different story.

"It will be fine. The director isn't running shit anymore. And the government can't be too brazen." I said.

"True, plus I have no qualms killing all of them. Government agents are like cockroaches. They're always replacing each other. They'll be fine, without those scum anyway. If we find a console I have the perfect getaway distraction."

"Yea I bet you do you nutjob." I smirked.

It was comforting that Meyhymn was coming along too. He had both brawns and brains. He was also battle tested and ready anytime. His marksmanship was second to none. He wasted zero bullets.

"You fuckin' know it bro. Let's go get the boys back!" Meyhymn exclaimed.


Ferdinand's Point Of View

"Jahsper I want you to fly the helicopter to Delgaide wait near the airstrip in case we need an emergency evac okay? Make sure it's stocked up too." I said to one of my men.

"Understood sir. May I take Justus as well?" He asked.

"Sure thing. Have 20 men follow in cars. They can redeem themselves." I said.

We had been blindsided, it was unforgivable, to think that the government wouldn't take military action. I never thought they would use sleeping gas, or tranquilizers. I thought they'd come at us with more diversions and weaponry. Instead they snuck in like rats, scurrying around in the night, it pissed me off.

The fact that they took Tristan, and that Tristan himself was trying to protect us, also pissed me off. I was supposed to protect him, I was supposed to make sure he was safe. I let my mate down, and that hurt the most.

I headed to my garage. I had the perfect car for this occasion, one that I barely got to drive due to its destructive capabilities. It was a military grade Sudoset Vortank, it had a cloaking capability, reached speeds of 250mph with the throttle open, and had a pseudo-armor that could allow it to plow through nearly anything. Best of all, it was an 8 passenger vehicle.

I pulled out of my garage and made my way to the front doors. I wanted to go right now, but I couldn't risk another misstep. We still had about 30 minutes left before the 1 hour mark and I was sick to death with impatience. I called the men and had them go ahead of us, told them to use different routes to avoid suspicion at the checkpoints. The sooner we were in range of Delgaide the better.

The boys came out sooner than the allotted time limit fully loaded for war. I got out of the driver's seat and looked the guys over. "Meyhymn I need you to drive, Payhne sit passenger. If anything starts happening to Tristan, the rest of us wouldn't be able to drive properly." I said.

"Uhm... Ferdinand? Isn't this Black Beauty? This thing is totally fuckin' dangerous!" Meyhymn said.

"If I recall, you said we'd never put it on an actual road because, and I'm quoting you here, 'It's a vehicle of mass destruction.'" Payhne added.

"Oh I'm sorry? Did you think there would be another way to save Tristan? Either get in and drive or stay the fuck here, we are out of time." I said climbing into the back seat.

Everyone followed suit, Bellamy sat to my left, while Sylvester sat to my right. Everyone was tense, Sylvester was loading and checking the guns, while Bellamy looked over the maps. Meyhymn had gone above and beyond with the map. He made 4 copies, but each copy was different. Layered on top of each other they made the entire schematic but individually, one was just the halls, one was just the security cameras and stations, one for all the labs, and lastly one with all the exits. It was amazing, and 100% Meyhymn.

Meyhymn drove the first leg of the drive, we drove off road the whole way, basically using the train tracks when possible. What would normally be a 15 hour drive was cut nearly in half.

"Hey Payhne take over for me, let me rest a while. We got about 4 hours left." Meyhymn said.

"Yeah we're making great tim–" My words were cut short. Tristan was awake. Or more accurately...

"Tristan is in heat..." Bellamy groaned.

"Seriously it's Wednesday and I don't even get to enjoy it... it better be Cole or someone is going to die!" Sylvester yelled.

"Ungh! Payhne... step on it!" I groaned.

"Shit! How infuriating! How can you be scared and happy at the same damn time Tristan!?" Bellamy yelled.

"News flash, this is what we felt for three fucking hours Bellamy! So I don't want to hear that from you! Plus he's probably with Cole right now if he's this happy and relieved. His fear is almost nonexistent." Sylvester replied.

"Mmm... maybe we feel things on a different scale too? Because to me his fear is just as prominent as his happiness." I added.

"Wait a minute so that shit in his file was true? You guys are connected physically and mentally to him now?" Meyhymn asked, looking at us in shock.

"What did his file say? Because to be honest this was a blindsided attack. We had no idea until it was too late." Sylvester asked.

"W-Well... I don't think you're going to like the answers I have... the strongest amongst you receives his strongest unfettered emotions and physical aspects. The rest have a shared capacity. Also you should know when he goes into a natural heat... you will all go stark fuckin mad... honestly if you love him, lock yourselves up. Because he will be insatiable for 5 damn days... Lucky for you there will be signs buuuut..." Meyhymn trailed off looking awkward.

"Well don't stand on ceremony asshole! But what!?" Bellamy yelled.

"Haah... you probably won't notice because you'll all find him adorable and arousing, but... He'll be clingy, and horny all day. His pheromones will basically be oozing from him, enthralling you to breed him and give him children. Lastly he will say he's hungry but not actually need food, he won't even have an actual appetite, his body is craving something else entirely."

"Fuuuuck! I'm going to build prison bars behind my door. That sounds so unbearable, he's already too adorable." Sylvester groaned.

"HNGH! FUCK! How much further Payhne? It's getting worse..." Bellamy groaned.

"Two hours guys... sorry she's almost maxed out her speed, any faster and she'll be detected via satellite." Payhne replied.

"Fuck! Kill me now..." I groaned..


Tristan's Point Of View

"Take us to the air strip, I'm done wasting time." Wyhett said.

"Yeah driving will give them too much time to catch up. Flying, we'll get there in almost no time. So step on it!" The man holding me said.

"Oho? Do you perhaps have an immunity to sedatives? You're up pretty early Tristan. Or did you just miss me?" Wyhett said.

"You all make me sick. I can't wait for you to die. Cole deserves so much better than a sadistic pedophile as his father!" I spat.

"Tut-Tut mind your phrasing. You would first need to be considered people first, in order for that statement to be true. Unfortunately for you, you Omegas in those facilities are little more that glorified cock sleeves." Wyhett replied.

"Well enough about him, I'll make this ride more enjoyable for you, just give me a bit of your pheromones Tristan." The man holding me said as he gripped my chin and forcefully stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I was assaulted by the smell of burning rubber and lilacs and threw up immediately.

"Ugh disgusting. Guess I'll have to settle for when you get knocked up huh? Until then... go to sleep, so I can grope you all I want." He said, stabbing me in the neck with a syringe. My vision swam, I wasn't unconscious but I wasn't very cognizant.

True to his word he touched me all over, he even tasted me. He was angry that I didn't taste sweet anymore. I was just so disgusted I wanted to vomit again. We got out of the vehicle and boarded a helicopter. The helicopter flew at a startling pace, we reached the facility in what felt like less than an couple hours.

"Home sweet home Tristan. Jehriko, go secure him to the table in the lab. The love birds have missed each other dearly." Wyhett said.

My body was fully paralyzed but my mind was fully aware. Jehriko took me to a lab room I knew all too well. It had a table like stockade for the director and Mr. Wyhett's depravity. Jehriko stood me up and bent me over the table, all the while rubbing his groin against my ass in a thrusting motion.

"You know I was promised a child by you, don't you want to make good on that promise?" He groaned, locking my wrists in place as he thrust against me harder.

He gripped my hair and craned my neck to look at him. I closed my eyes, "I'm going to enjoy your pregnant hole." He groaned as he bit my ear then stepped away.

"Bring him in!" Jehriko said, walking to the door in front of me.

To my surprise and relief it was Cole, he looked extremely abused and malnourished, but his handsome face was so calming I couldn't be just scared anymore.

"Cole! Ugh I missed you, you jerk!" I said tears falling.

"Tristan!? They seriously?! Ugh idiots!" He exclaimed, as he ran up to me grabbing and kissing my face.

"It's not their fault... I made them... had to protect you..." I sobbed. I couldn't say it outright but these idiots had no idea I had more than one mate.

"Well enough of this disgusting reunion. Let's get on with it, shall we?" Wyhett laughed.

"I won't do it asshole! And since we are mated I won't go into a mindless rut anymore. You can't force us to do anything!" Cole yelled.

"Oho? I beg to differ. Even if his body rejects it, we can still enter him. Right here and now. I've quite missed his lips wrapped around my cock. I'll be sure you get a front row seat." Wyhett said.

Jehriko pulled my pajamas pants down in the process, "Oh? No underwear? Were you perhaps hoping to be fucked by someone else?" He asked.

My face turned bright red, it was all stupid Bellamy's fault.

"Cole come prepare your mate or I will do it for you." Jehriko said.

Wyhett licked his lips and rubbed his growing erection, it was sickening.

"Doesn't this bring back memories Tristan? How nostalgic." He said, grinning.

"Excuse me sir?" A lab coat said.

"What is it?" Wyhett snapped.

"Well since you can't force his heat with your pheromones, do try this instead." He said, tossing a syringe.

"What does it do?" Jehriko asked, taking it from Wyhett.

"Well it hasn't been tested yet, it's something we made in your absence. Do give it a try." He smirked, then exited the room.

"Well, can't be anything damning right?" Jehriko asked.

"If it is we kill them, simple as that. There are way too many other facilities to give a shit about a few scientists." Wyhett replied.

<If you have no more concerns please inject it into either of his ass cheeks, and enjoy the show. The new directors would like to see our work bare fruit.> A voice called out over an intercom.

"New directors? Hm? Interesting... I'd like to meet these new directors. Are they here?" Wyhett asked.

<They certainly are. They're watching as we speak. You may meet them once you've had your fun. Please enjoy.>

"Well now I'm curious." Jehriko said.

I however couldn't believe my ears. They already had a new director, and not just one... it was a harrowing reality.

"No harm in trying, I'm dying to meet the new directors. Must be pretty resourceful people." Wyhett said.

"Ungh! Ngh! Bastards!"

Then with a chuckle Jehriko stabbed me in the ass with the syringe. The needle was longer than it should have been, it reached the deep tissues of my ass.

"Hmm? Maybe I should have taken your shirt off before locking you up... oh well I guess I can just rip it." Jehriko said ripping my shirt from the bottom to the top.

"Haah his skin is so beautiful. Can't believe you let someone like Cole mark your– hm?" Wyhett stopped, after moving my hair aside.

I couldn't do anything but shiver. I didn't know what was in that syringe but it was manifesting at the worst possible time.

"What's wrong Wyhett?" Jehriko asked.

"Tristan, why do you have so many marks on your body? They can't all be from Cole, they have varying sizes and depths." Wyhett asked, unlocking the latches holding me in place.

I slid to the ground and Cole caught me. My body was being wracked with uncontrollable waves of pleasure, my sensitivity was being heightened. I finally realized what they injected me with. It was a form of heat inducer, a terrifyingly strong one at that. Cole had caught on a tad too late, he gasped in shock and then covered his mouth and nose.

"Tristan your burning up! Are you okay?" Cole asked taking my face in his hands.

"Fuck all that! Answer me who else did you mate with?!" Wyhett yelled, picking me up by one arm. He gasped in shock when he saw my wrists, and then threw me to the ground again.

Then he stomped over to Cole and kicked him square in the chest.

"Last time, or I'll have Jehriko take Tristan right here in front of you boy! Who else did you mate him with?"

Cole snapped, he kicked his father's feet from under him and stood on his throat, absolutely seething. His eyes were glowing like a dark forest with lightning as the back drop.

"Ah! N-No let me go! Ungh! Fuck!" I screamed. Jehriko had grabbed me by my hair and slammed me into the table.

"Cole think about what's important to you, taking your father's life or helping your mate? He seems to be going through a lot of pain. And dare I say he's beginning to smell sweeter by the minute." Jehriko said, running his tongue up my neck.

"It's okay Cole... get it done... I'll be fine... they are close..." I groaned.

I didn't know how I could tell but their marks on my body were burning more and more, they were pissed and anxious. Cole looked like he couldn't decide but I wanted him to do what needed to be done...


Cole's Point Of View

My mind was in an angered frenzy, my father had threatened Tristan too many time for me to remain calm. Tristan was being brave as hell, meanwhile I was wracked with indecision.

I could feel his arousal mounting and he would soon be inconsolable, but I didn't want Jehriko to touch him anymore than he already was. I couldn't be sure if he could actually smell Tristan or not but I certainly could. It was the most intoxicating scent I've ever smelled in my life.

I realized what I need to do, those Alphas that talked big shit while my father and Jehriko were gone were too much to deal with alone, but if what Tristan said was true, I no longer needed to hesitate. I applied more pressure to my foot on my father's throat, watching his face turn shades of red and purple.

"All my life, you made me believe there was some grand scheme at play. That Omegas were the key to a new life, but the moment I find one I want to love and cherish, you try to take him from me? We have a mated rule, anyone who threatens my mate will be dealt with, without prejudice! You can go to hell dad!" I crushed my father's neck in a matter of seconds, and watched the life fade from his eyes.

Then I set my sights on Jehriko, who had yet to release Tristan. He stood there staring at me in shock and horror.

"You... You killed him? You really killed your father? How? Why? What the hell is wrong with you!?" Jehriko yelled.

"I'm only going to say this once... Release him now. Or you won't live to talk about it. You can follow my father straight to hell too!"

He released Tristan immediately and stepped back towards the door. Then all of a sudden, the sound of locks began to click all around. I looked up in shock trying to figure out what was going on.

<You cannot leave this room, until he is bred. That absolute. So says the new directors.>

"I won't do it! You assholes can fuck off!" I yelled.

"C-Cole... it hurts... it's too strong..." Tristan whispered.

He was so good at driving me crazy. Here he was telling me to go for it. I didn't want that, Tristan was too special for this bullshit.

"Tristan, I love you too much to make you a spectacle for these assholes."

"The boys are up the street... it's fine... just do something... please... I'm at my fucking limit..." He whispered.

'Seriously, this guy...'

He said the boys were up the street but that didn't help the immediate problem. What was this something I was supposed to do? At that moment, I got my unexpected answer. Tristan pushed me to the ground and sprang my cock free from my pants. His hazel-green eyes were bright and pulsing. It was terrifyingly beautiful and all kinds of arousing.

"Tristan I don't have any contraceptives, you can't do this okay? Just hold on a bit longer... please." I begged.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he got pregnant and we weren't sure everything would be safe for him to birth a child lead alone raise a child like him. It was a very strong and reasonable choice at the time.

Suddenly there were gun shots heard in the distance, I visibly relaxed while Jehriko tensed up.

"AHH! S-So good! Mmm...move Cole."

Tristan on the other hand took that as a sign of some kind, because he climbed on top of me and shoved himself down onto me. I could do nothing but grit my teeth. The least I could do was hold back from ejactulating inside him. Tristan moved his hips ferociously, I knew the guys were having a hard time fighting right now.

"Cole, focus and move... I need more... Ungh." Tristan moaned.

'Seriously, this guy will be the death of me.'

I couldn't take it anymore. I held his back and hips and stood up. As I ground my cock inside him, Tristan came immediately, finally going slack in my arms. I quickly withdrew from his body and let him rest on my chest.

"T-Thank you C-Cole..." Tristan groaned.

"Yeah don't mention it..." I replied kissing his forehead.

We sat on the table watching Jehriko panic, and awaiting our rescue....

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