
Chapter 20 : The Great Crisis of the School Team

  Why are you not struggling anymore?

  Gu Ran was feeling a little strange, he looked down and saw that...the gathered shape had loosened again.

  Why should I say again?

  The bra unbuttoning technique +1 is so cruel?

  Can passive postures be triggered?

  I'm not a gifted person in this area, am I?

  What the hell do I need this kind of gift for?

  Gu Ran quickly got up and turned around, "Ahem, it's none of my business. You broke free this time..."

  Sophie's pretty face flushed as she quickly buttoned up her clothes, "Gu Ran, you bullied me again... Woohoo, I hate you!"

  Seeing Sophie dropping little golden beans, Gu Ran suddenly panicked, "Don't cry, Sophie, if you cry like this, I really don't know what to do."

  Sophie cried even louder.

  Gu Ran said quickly: "Don't cry, don't cry. If you wake up your parents, they will think I did something to you."

  Sophie finally stopped crying, but tears were still on her pretty face.

  Gu Ran breathed a sigh of relief. "Isn't it just because of this note? I really didn't take this note seriously! I'll tear it up now."

  As he said that, Gu Ran tore up the piece of paper with F Headlight Girl's phone number in front of Sophie and threw it into the wastebasket without any regret.

  Sophie turned her face away and continued to cry and be angry.

  Gu Ran suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed.

  He only wanted to take Sophie's talent points, but he didn't expect that Sophie would cry because of it.

  Gu Ran comforted him, "How about we not do it thirty times today, and you can go back and rest early, okay?"

  Sophie shrugged her shoulders, wiped her tears, and said nothing.

  Oh shit!

  This little girl has such a strong grudge!

  I don't know if the charming smile can appease her...

  Gu Ran immediately showed Sophie a mature and charming smile, "Sophie, don't be angry."

  Sophie's body trembled slightly, she pursed her lips and pretended not to see Gu Ran's charming smile.


  Gu Ran suddenly felt a little depressed:

  The charming smile doesn't work?

  This shouldn't be the case! During the day, I smiled at the girl with the F headlights casually, and she felt like she was electrocuted!

  Why does the skill fail when it comes to Sophie?

  No, try again.

  Gu Ran showed his charming smile to Sophie for the second time.

  Sophie remained calm and unmoved.

  Gu Ran showed his charming smile to Sophie for the third time.

  Sophie remained calm and unmoved.

  Gu Ran thought to himself: Damn, what a fake skill! It fails after one use! Beckham! Return it!

  "Stop laughing!" Sophie said coldly, "I will never talk to you again in the future."

  After saying that, Sophie walked out of Gu Ran's room angrily.

  Gu Ran smiled bitterly helplessly: This is because of this incident.

  It seems that I won't be able to take advantage of Sophie anymore.

  Forget it, it's too late today. I'll think of a way to coax her after school tomorrow.

  It's strange, why doesn't the charming smile work?

  Gu Ran couldn't understand.

  Outside Gu Ran's room, Sophie covered her madly beating heart and murmured:

  "Why, why did I feel so weird just because Gu Ran smiled at me?"

  "Why do I feel that Gu Ran's smile is so mature and charming? I can't even hate him if I want to?"

  "Ahhh! Am I poisoned?!"

  "Fortunately...Fortunately I have acting skills..."

  "Otherwise, I really don't know what crazy thing I would have done just now!"

  "I can't take it anymore. I'm sweating all over. I need to take a shower quickly..."

  Sophie held onto the wall and climbed the stairs weakly.

  On the other side, Gu Ran happily started to add some more.

  Although the process of obtaining this talent point was a bit bumpy, but anyway, the goal of getting it for free was achieved. 

  This talent point is naturally added to the strength attribute.

  As a result, the system's assessed strength value increased from 59 points to 60 points.

  A strength value of 60 points is still not good enough for professional players in the UK, but in the non-professional high school league, it is considered passing and is enough to fight against Rusty.

  Good! My football career from scratch will officially begin after the school team match!


  Monday morning.

  After breakfast, Andrew drove Gu Ran and Sophie to the school gate and left.

  Gu Ran walked into the campus in high spirits, while Sophie followed Gu Ran with two big dark circles under her eyes and a listless look on her face.

  The two had no communication throughout the entire process.

  Gu Ran wanted to talk to Sophie, but Sophie had a sour face and didn't give Gu Ran any chance.

  Gu Ran had no choice but to give up.

  It was afternoon.

  Gu Ran went to the locker room, quickly changed into a brand new brand sportswear, then put on a sports bag containing Messi's special football shoes, and walked towards the school football field with a chic step.

  Originally, Gu Ran's elective course this afternoon was modern language class - French.

  This is a relatively easy course to pass.

  Although Gu Ran has loved football since he was a child, it was his parents who funded his study abroad, so when Gu Ran was choosing elective courses, he had to reluctantly give up the football class.

  In the eyes of parents, football is just entertainment and cannot be used to make a living.

  Moreover, it is easy to get injured when playing football, and injuries will affect your studies.

  But now, Gu Ran no longer needs to make getting into college his goal.

  In this life, Gu Ran wants to tell his parents proudly that playing football is not only entertainment, it can also become a star career!

  Although he is a reborn person and has a system, becoming a true football superstar is not something that can be achieved in a day or two.

  Given Gu Ran's current situation, perhaps only his strength attribute is barely passing, and his other attributes need to be improved.

  Even if Gu Ran had the knowledge, experience and awareness of playing football from his previous life, it was far from enough.

  Gu Ran had thought about going directly to a professional club for a trial, but with his current strength, it was impossible for him to be signed.

  We must proceed step by step and start from scratch.

  Fortunately, youth is the greatest asset!

  It's not too late to start now!

  Gu Ran's small goal is to first join the "Hampton Private School Bucks Steel Horns" team, and then step by step, step onto a broader football stage.

  Of course, the recruitment requirements for the school team of Hampton Private School are not low.

  The players on the school team are basically students who have been playing football since childhood or have received systematic youth training.

  The normal process for joining the school team is very complicated. First, you have to submit an application, then submit a physical examination report from a regular hospital, and after passing it, you have to participate in the physical test, skill test, and confrontation test organized by the school team coach.

  After passing the test, the athlete will undergo a more professional physical examination.

  After passing the professional physical examination again, he could only serve as a peripheral player, responsible for pouring water, picking up balls, and cleaning the locker room.

  You have to endure this for at least a month before you are qualified to train with the official team members.

  During this period, they will be ordered around, teased and bullied by the official team members.

  Even if you can train with the regular team members, you may not get a chance to play.

  Many students who choose football classes do so just to get credits and improve their A-level grades.

  But Gu Ran didn't want to join the school team in such an orderly manner, and certainly not for the sake of gaining credits.

  In Gu Ran's memory of his previous life, this school team suffered a "heavy blow" a few days before the group stage, right at this moment!

  When the coach submitted the roster for the game, a core player temporarily quit the team and transferred to another school!

  All the tactical deployments of the school team were completely disrupted, and ultimately this ambitious school team failed to even qualify for the group stage!

  Moreover, they lost all four rounds and did not get any points, ranking last among the 32 participating teams with a score of zero.

  That also became the biggest shame of Southampton Private Middle School since its establishment.

  After that, the Bucks Steelhorns never recovered and were even called the Bucks Egg Team.

  But for Gu Ran, this is a good opportunity to join the school team in one step!

  As long as the match with Rusty Strip can arouse the interest of the head coach of the school team, then the opportunity to officially start his football career has come!

Gu Ran put his hands in his pockets and stepped on the natural grass of the training ground with his head held high.

  The long-lost smell of grass.

  Gu Ran couldn't help but take a deep breath and felt the blood surging in his veins.

  Rusty, who was jogging to warm up, saw Gu Ran from a distance and ran over with a sneer on his face: "Hey! Chinese boy, you really dare to come here! You have guts!"

  (End of this chapter)

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