
Chapter 04 : Picked up a reverse magic skill!

  This show of affection is about to drive Rusty crazy.

  "Asian weakling! Tell me what your special talents are! I want to compete with you! I want Sophie to know that I am the best!"

  Compared with Rusty's impatience, Gu Ran seemed very calm.

  Gu Ran smiled meaningfully, stretched out his hand and lifted Sophie's pretty chin, "I'm going to say it."

  Sophie's whole body felt like it was electrocuted. She clearly wanted to resist, but her body almost leaned on Gu Ran's. Her tone was extremely gentle and considerate: "... Yeah."

  "Now that things have come to this, I am not afraid to tell you anymore."

  Gu Ran was supposed to be talking to Rusty, but his eyes never left Sophie's big, clear blue eyes.

  "In fact, we have been living together for a long time, and it has been almost a month."

  "Sophie's parents knew about it and they welcomed me as a member of their family."

  "Am I right, Sophie?"

  "Yeah." Sophie nodded without even thinking.

  This is actually true.

  Of course Gu Ran didn't say that he did pay.


  Everyone's eyes were focused on the Southampton private school beauty!

  This was an explosive scandal!

  Sophie, the most well-behaved and self-disciplined school girl at Southampton Private School, had already...

  Sophie also realized that something was wrong!

  But she had already nodded, so how could she explain it? !

  But if she didn't explain, wouldn't it be the same as admitting that she and Gu Ran... had done that?

  Sophie's face immediately turned red with shame, and she wanted to dig out a piece of grave with her toes and bury herself in it!

  Gu Ran struck while the iron was hot and raised his eyebrows at Rusty with an expression of "you know what I mean". "Now, do you understand?"


  The small cafe was shaken!

  Sophie also understood what Gu Ran meant, and anxiously and angrily twisted Gu Ran's waist!

  Tsk~ This is so sour!

  Gu Ran didn't move, and his face still maintained a very real smile.

  The rusty strip on the opposite side thought hard for a while...

  "What do you mean?" Rusty turned around and asked his brother with a confused look on his face, "What on earth did he...?"

  Oh shit!

  Brother, do you really have to make me say things that don't meet the broadcast standards?

  Gu Ran complained crazily in his heart.

  Fortunately, at this time, the brother behind Rusty came up to Rusty's ear and whispered something.

  "What! My goddess actually..." Rusty's eyes suddenly turned red, and he didn't know whether he wanted to cry, or wanted to kill someone, or maybe both.

  I don't have the acting skills to "liberate my nature" yet!


  "Feeling 9 points of negative emotions from Sophie Turner, the system is generating bubbles..."

  Damn, "liberation of nature" won't just happen, right?

  However, with 9 points of negative emotion value, you probably won't be able to get the professional skill bubble.

  Anyway, Sophie, I'm helping you, why are you upset? You even pinched me!

  Oh, I really can't understand what this little girl is thinking.

  Sooner or later I have to pinch it back...

  Gu Ran glanced over and saw a gray, incomplete bubble forming under Sophie's feet.

  Before Gu Ran could pick it up, another system prompt sounded:


  "Feeling 85 points of negative emotions from Chris Dick, the system is generating bubbles..."

  85 points?


  Rust is really addictive!

  This should be the highest negative emotion value at the moment!

  Gu Ran was secretly happy - he saw a large sky-blue bubble appear under the rusty strip!

  This was definitely a bubble with professional football skills!


  "Feeling 31 points of negative emotions from Willard Zachli, the system bubble is being generated..."


  "Feeling 35 points of negative emotion from Milton Lushen, the system bubble is being generated..."


  "Feeling 38 points of negative emotion from Buck Fred, the system is generating bubbles..."


  "Feeling 44 points of negative emotion from Payne Lyle, the system is generating bubbles..."


  "Feeling 55 points of negative emotion from Hansenton Chester, the system bubble is being generated..."

  Gu Ran looked over and saw bubbles of varying sizes appearing under the feet of Rusty and his bad boy brothers!

  Without exception, these bubbles were all within a five-meter radius around Gu Ran.

  The other onlookers in the cafe were clearly also affected by the display of affection, but they did not show any drop.

  This means that the five-meter area around your body is the range of the system's pickup.

  At least before the personal rating of the system is improved, you can only drop bubbles within a five-meter radius around you.

  After understanding the logic of this system, Gu Ran felt secretly happy.

  Such a simple show of affection can actually give you so many skills for free!

  I wonder how many professional football skills you will get?

  Never mind, just pick it up first!

  Gu Ran calmly touched the incomplete bubble under Sophie's feet with his toes, and then walked directly to the rusty strip, knocking away the bubbles under the rusty strip and his brothers' feet in one breath.

  The seven bubbles turned into seven different light threads and gathered in Gu Ran's body!

  "Light~ The host has picked up a skill from the broken bubble: Putting on and taking off stockings +1, today's progress is 4/10."

  The art of putting on and taking off stockings? This must be a skill from Sophie.

  Do I need skills to put on and take off stockings? Can't I just use my hands? I can even use my mouth without my hands!

  9 points of negative emotions, it turns out that I can only pick up useless skills!

  What a waste of my progress in picking up items!

  Gu Ran secretly complained in his heart.


  "Warm tip: When you use the technique of putting on and taking off stockings, it can make the process smoother and more silky, but since you are not yet skilled enough, there is a high chance that the stockings will be torn."

  Gu Ran: ...

  If that's the case... this skill can't be considered useless - it's very powerful.

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: core muscle group training degree +10 hours, today's collection progress 5/10."


  This is the new pickup category!

  Finally, it's time to get serious!

  It seems that the ordinary bubbles dropped by professionals can be picked up to get the corresponding professional training results!

  Others have practiced hard for 10 hours, but I can get it for free!

  This is so cool!

  Gu Ran was overjoyed!

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubbles: upper limb and back muscle training +10 hours, today's picking progress 6/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the result from the ordinary bubble: juggling training degree +10 hours, today's picking progress 7/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up the results from the ordinary bubble: Long pass rush tactics course +10 hours, today's collection progress 8/10."

  "Light~ The host has picked up a skill from an ordinary bubble: Exam Cheating +1, today's progress is 9/10."

  What the hell?

  How come a weird skill sneaked in?

  The previous few ordinary bubble free training results were very good, but what kind of weird skill is this exam cheating skill?

  Gu Ran couldn't help but complain in his heart.

  The system actually gave an explanation:

  "Warm reminder: When you are taking a written exam, you can bring your own cheat sheets to cheat. There is a certain chance that your cheating score will be higher than your normal score, but the chance of you being caught by the invigilator will also be greatly increased. It is possible that you may experience nervousness, dizziness, vomiting and other discomfort symptoms during the cheating process."

  …Oh my god!

  I have to make my own cheat sheets?! There is only a certain chance that you will get a higher score than normal after cheating!? The chance of being caught is greatly increased…

  Which brother has this reverse magic skill?

  I don't want it!

  Gu Ran wanted to give up this "reverse magic skill", but this cheating technique had already penetrated into his nervous system and he couldn't forget it at all!


  Forget it. With my grades, there's no need to cheat.

  There is only one blue skill bubble left!

  This bubble is the professional skill bubble generated by Rusty's 85 negative emotions!

  Rusty... please don't cheat me!

  (End of this chapter)

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