
what chapter is this? I’m can’t remember

**Chapter 12: The Heist in Progress**

Night had fallen over the desert, and even though *Race Wars* had ended, the tension still hung in the air. Jesse was still missing, and Dom, Letty, Vince, and Leon had already left with a clear objective: rob another truck. The plan was in motion, and there was no turning back. Marco remained in the tent with Mia, both sitting in silence. Mia nervously checked her phone, hoping for some news about Jesse.

"Dom knows what he's doing," Marco said, trying to calm her down. "They'll be fine."

Mia looked at him, worry written all over her face. "It's not just Jesse. I'm worried about what they're doing right now. This heist... I have a bad feeling something's going to go wrong."

Before Marco could respond, the sound of a car engine approaching interrupted the conversation. They both turned just in time to see Bryan's Skyline come to a screeching halt a few meters away. The car's lights briefly illuminated the darkness, and Marco's heart began to race. Something wasn't right.

Bryan got out of the car quickly, his face reflecting a mix of urgency and worry. He walked towards Marco and Mia with quick steps, wasting no time.

"Marco, Mia, we need to talk. Now," Bryan said, breathing heavily.

"What's going on?" Mia asked, immediately standing up, alarmed by his tone.

"It's about the heist," Bryan said, glancing at Marco before continuing. "Dom, Letty, Vince, and Leon are in danger. The FBI, the feds, the DEA... all the investigation agencies are on to them. They're waiting for them. If they go through with the plan, they're going to get caught. Or worse."

Marco felt his stomach sink. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Dom and the team had no idea what was waiting for them, and if Bryan was right, they were walking straight into a deadly trap.

"How do you know that?" Marco asked seriously. He had suspected Bryan was hiding something, but he hadn't expected this.

Bryan took a deep breath, knowing he could no longer keep the truth hidden. "Because I'm an undercover cop. I've been working with the feds. My mission was to infiltrate the group and find out if they were responsible for the robberies."

Mia stepped back, completely shocked. "What? How... how could you do this? You've been lying to us this whole time."

"It's not that simple, Mia," Bryan said, his voice full of desperation. "I got in deeper than I should have. I care about you guys. I care about you. But now I can't let this continue. If we don't do something, Dom and the others won't make it out of this alive."

Marco stared at Bryan, trying to process the situation. It was hard to believe, but there was no time for doubts. He knew Bryan wasn't lying. Everything made sense: the races, the robberies, and now the looming involvement of the investigation agencies. If Dom went through with the heist, it could be the end.

"Where are they?" Marco asked calmly, though he felt the adrenaline rushing through his body.

"They're on their way to the highway," Bryan responded. "They're going to intercept a truck that's being watched. There's no way they'll pull it off. The agents are waiting to catch them in the act."

Mia held her head in her hands, distressed. "We have to do something. We can't just let them go like this. They're going to end up in prison or... or dead!"

"I'm going to warn them," Marco said immediately. "But you need to stay here, Mia."

"No, I'm going with you," Mia replied, determined. Her eyes were filled with fear but also with determination. She wasn't going to stand by while her brother and friends were in danger.

Marco nodded. He knew he couldn't convince her to stay. Bryan seemed to agree as well, though the weight of the situation was clearly affecting him.

"We don't have time to waste," Bryan said, looking at both of them. "We need to reach them before it's too late."

The three of them got into Bryan's Skyline, and within seconds, the car roared once more through the desert, leaving behind the dimmed lights of *Race Wars*. Marco felt the panic beginning to rise inside him, but he tried to stay focused. If they could reach Dom in time, if they could stop the heist before it was too late, maybe this wouldn't end in disaster.

The road to the highway seemed endless, and every second counted. Mia, sitting in the back seat, kept her eyes on the road, her hands trembling slightly as she gripped the seat. Bryan drove with near inhuman precision, weaving through vehicles as his face remained focused.

"Marco, I know this is crazy, but trust me. I don't want anyone to get hurt," Bryan said, without taking his eyes off the road.

"I have no choice but to trust you," Marco responded. "But if we're too late..."

"We won't be," Bryan said, pushing the accelerator even harder.

Finally, after what felt like hours, they reached an elevated point from where they could see the highway. In the distance, they could spot the headlights of Dom's cars moving quickly toward the truck they were about to rob. Marco felt his heart pound in his chest.

"There they are!" Mia shouted from the back seat.

Bryan braked hard, and the three of them jumped out of the car. They had to act fast. Marco took Mia's hand as they rushed toward the edge of the road, trying to figure out how to stop Dom before it was too late.

"We're going to have to intercept them," Bryan said, pulling out his phone and trying to call Dom.

But just then, the sound of the truck approaching filled the air. Dom and his team's cars were already making moves to surround it. Everything was happening too fast.

"No!" Mia screamed, watching as the team prepared for the heist.

Marco ran to the edge of the road, trying to find a way to get Dom to see him, but everything seemed out of control. He knew they had to make a decision, and fast. Because Dom and his team's fate was about to be sealed within minutes.