
Chapter 96: Jaya Island – The Arrogance of Captain Buggy

Takumi overheard every word that Cabaji whispered to Buggy.

He couldn't help but find the situation a bit ironic, even comical. He wasn't even a pirate, and yet the Marines had slapped a bounty on his head...

It wasn't as if many in the Navy knew who he was. Garp and Aokiji certainly wouldn't have done something like this. Smoker, likely due to his connection with Aokiji, also wouldn't have put him in this position.

That left only one suspect…

That damn Akainu!

Takumi hadn't finished contemplating the matter when Mohji, the Beast Tamer of the Buggy Pirates and one of Buggy's closest lackeys, barked a command at his lion. "Richie, crush that kid's head for me!"

Mohji was known for taming beasts, especially his lion Richie, who had accompanied him for years. Richie roared as it charged at Takumi, eager to obey.

The other customers in the tavern leaned forward in anticipation. They relished these violent spectacles.

Takumi, unimpressed, glanced at Richie. With an air of indifference, he pulled the fork he'd used to pin Buggy's disembodied hand off the bar. He ignored the hand as it flew back toward its owner and waited for Richie to make his move.

Just as Richie lunged at him, Takumi calmly lifted the fork and lightly tapped the lion on the nose. A surge of power flowed through the tiny utensil, and suddenly, Richie froze, sweat beading on its brow.

"Richie! What are you doing? Why aren't you attacking?!" Mohji shouted, his voice rising in panic. "Crush his skull, you useless beast!"

Takumi locked eyes with the lion and gave a subtle, icy smile.

Richie, terrified, let out a whimper and scampered behind Mohji, cowering in fear.

The room erupted in laughter.

"Hahaha! I thought that lion was supposed to be tough! Turns out it's just a big coward!"

"Seriously, what a disappointment. I expected something way more exciting. Maybe we should rename him 'Scaredy-Cat.'"

"I've never seen a lion so scared of a fork before! Hahaha!"

Mohji stood there, stunned. Even Buggy and Cabaji couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Mohji clenched his fists, trying to rationalize what had just happened. "Animals usually sense danger before humans do. I've raised Richie since he was a cub. There's no way he's afraid of a fork... it's the person holding it that's scaring him!"

The other pirates burst into laughter again.

"Haha! What a load of nonsense! He's just a kid!"

"Yeah! That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. You're trying to make it sound like it's something serious!"

"Haha! I thought Buggy's crew was supposed to be tough. Turns out they're just a bunch of circus clowns!"

Buggy's temper snapped.

"That's it! I've had enough!" he yelled, splitting his body into several floating pieces. "I'm going to blow this entire town sky-high! Mohji, get my Buggy Balls ready!"

Mohji immediately saluted. "Right away, Captain Buggy!" He leapt onto Richie's back and bolted out of the tavern.

The tavern owner's face turned pale. "Buggy Balls? What the hell are those? Bombs?!"

Buggy grinned wickedly. "Ahahaha! My Buggy Balls are special bombs with enough power to level half a town in one shot!"

"What?!" the tavern owner gasped. "Do you have any idea where you are? This is Mock Town! Everyone here is a pirate! If you use those bombs, you'll stir up a hornet's nest!"

"And what of it?" Buggy sneered. "A town full of pirates means a town full of treasure! I'll wipe you all out, and then all your loot will belong to me! None of you are leaving here alive. You'll all sink to the bottom of the sea along with this town!"

"You arrogant bastard!" one pirate shouted, brandishing his weapon.

"Yeah! Who the hell do you think you are?" another chimed in, unsheathing his sword.

"Brothers! Let's show this red-nosed freak what we're made of!" A pirate with a massive cutlass rallied the others.

"Red nose…?" Buggy twitched, his face twisting in rage. "You insolent fools! Cabaji, finish them off! Kill them all!"

Cabaji drew his sword once more, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Understood, Captain Buggy."

The pirates in the tavern weren't backing down, and soon weapons were drawn on all sides. It was about to turn into an all-out brawl.

The tavern owner, watching from behind the bar, looked like he was about to faint. He wanted to intervene but was too afraid to act.

Meanwhile, Takumi, having finished his meal, calmly placed a stack of Berries on the bar to pay for his food and drink. Without a care in the world, he hopped off his stool and casually walked through the growing chaos, heading toward the broken tavern door.

One of the pirates, a burly man with a wild beard, saw Takumi passing by and roared, "Get out of my way, brat!" He swung his giant cleaver at Takumi, aiming for his head.

Takumi, without so much as a glance, quickened his pace slightly and effortlessly sidestepped the blow.

"What the…?" The bearded pirate blinked in confusion, then felt a surge of anger. He gripped his cleaver and charged after Takumi, determined to make him pay.

At the same time, the tavern erupted into chaos. Buggy and Cabaji were locked in combat with the other pirates, while the tavern owner cowered behind the bar, too terrified to do anything.

The bearded pirate swung wildly at Takumi again and again, but each time, Takumi evaded him with ease.

Finally, Takumi stepped outside, where a drunk man sat slumped against a barrel, muttering to himself. "I swear... I saw them… Giants, as tall as the sky…"

Takumi's attention was caught by the drunken rambling. He turned to face the man.

The bearded pirate, still seething, raised his cleaver for another attack. Just as he swung down, Takumi casually raised a hand and shattered the blade with a single strike.

"My… my cleaver!" the pirate gasped, staring in disbelief at the broken pieces.

Takumi ignored him and approached the drunk. "When did you see the giants?"

The man, bleary-eyed and swaying slightly, squinted up at Takumi. "Heh... you here to make fun of me too, kid? Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. But I swear, I saw them! Giants, as tall as the sky itself! Hic…"

Takumi's expression remained unreadable.

The man laughed bitterly. "Ah, forget it. No one believes me anyway. Who would believe such nonsense? Giants as tall as the sky! Hahaha…"

The drunk took another swig from his bottle.

Takumi pressed, "Where did you see them?"

The man, sensing Takumi's genuine interest, paused. "Well… it's not like it matters anymore. I've told the story enough times. It was this morning. I was out fishing, and suddenly, the sky went dark. And then, out of nowhere, these two massive shadows appeared on the horizon. I wasn't drunk, I swear! I know what I saw. But no one believes me…"

"I believe you," Takumi said calmly.

The man looked up in surprise. "You... do?"

Takumi nodded. "Now, tell me where you saw these giants."

The drunk chuckled, then gave Takumi a long look before answering. "If you're really interested… head south from the docks. About half an hour out to sea. That's where I saw them."

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