
Chapter 21

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By the waterfall, rain was still falling lightly from the sky. The ground was slightly muddy, but neither Natasha nor Wanda seemed to care. In fact, Natasha was excited—she was about to learn a breathing technique from Wanda.

"As the name suggests, the breathing method uses a specific rhythm of breathing to absorb large amounts of oxygen, infusing it into your cells, and strengthening the heart, lungs, and overall physical fitness," Wanda explained. She was dressed casually in a gray sweatshirt and sweatpants, looking young and full of energy. "This method comes from Leon, specifically the Sun Breathing technique."

Wanda gestured for Natasha to look across the river. Natasha turned her gaze and saw children on the other side training intensely. Sergei, along with Alina, who was only ten, were lifting heavy metal plates, bench-pressing, and stretching. What caught Natasha's attention was that they all seemed to be breathing in a particular rhythm as they trained. The sheer intensity of their workouts—far exceeding what even adult athletes might endure—left Natasha amazed.

"Incredible," Natasha remarked, fully understanding the significance of what she was witnessing. With her experience, she knew that mastering such a breathing technique could accelerate physical growth to extraordinary levels. After years of this training, these kids would surpass human limits in strength and endurance.

She also realized how dangerous this knowledge could be in the wrong hands. If any organization or nation discovered this technique, it could trigger a major upheaval. Now it made sense why Leon remained so cautious, keeping a low profile despite his immense power.

"It truly is incredible," Wanda agreed, her words carrying a deeper meaning. The technique didn't just change their physical capabilities—it also gave them mental confidence.

"Sun Breathing is the origin and foundation of all breathing techniques," Wanda explained, "but it carries the intense power of the sun, making it too overwhelming for anyone but Leon to handle. So, through him, we developed new methods based on Sun Breathing, opening up a whole new world. Everyone now has their own unique breathing style."

She smiled at Natasha. "You'll find a breathing method that suits you too."

Wanda's explanation was thorough, and Natasha listened closely. Wanda was curious to see what kind of breathing technique Natasha would discover. Would she adapt an existing method or create something entirely new? Given Natasha's background as a spy, she was already in peak physical and mental condition. Breathing itself wouldn't be an issue for her, but finding the right rhythm was another story.

Natasha spent the entire day trying to master the breathing rhythm. It wasn't easy, but fortunately, she wasn't pressed for time. In this secluded place, she had all the time she needed to explore and learn.

As night began to fall, Natasha finally opened her eyes, emerging from her deep focus on the breathing technique. Wanda had finished her own practice as well, a few beads of sweat still clinging to her forehead.

"Let's head back and prepare dinner," Wanda said, calling everyone to wrap up for the day.

Natasha watched in amazement as a group of people on the other side of the river finished their workout. Pietro zipped around with lightning speed, while others casually leapt across the river, covering dozens of meters with ease—even the youngest, who were no more than ten years old. The sheer power and agility on display made her blink in disbelief.

Okay, she thought, a bunch of little superhumans... better get used to it.

Meanwhile, deep in the Ural Mountains, in an area with a narrow waterfall, Leon stood by a flat pool of water. The air was thick with mist, and the ground was muddy from the humidity. Wearing just a vest, his body glistened with sweat as he lifted a massive stone weighing 20 or 30 tons. His muscles, chiseled and defined like a sculpture, flexed under the strain, but his breathing remained steady and controlled.

As night began to fall, Leon tossed the enormous stone aside with a heavy thud, causing the ground to tremble as it sank slightly into the earth. He stood tall in front of the stone, twisting his neck until it cracked audibly.

Leon raised his arm, and a dark, shimmering aura quickly enveloped it. He spoke to himself quietly, assessing his progress.

"With the breathing technique and the power of the Glint-Glint Fruit, my physical strength has skyrocketed, but my growth has slowed down. I need to focus on refining the Glint-Glint Fruit and mastering the three forms of haki."

He clenched his fist, determined. "I've built a solid foundation. Now, my goal is to awaken the fruit's true potential and reach the peak of the three hakis."

"Once I achieve my goal, there won't be many on Earth who can stop me. Two years from now will mark the beginning of my journey."

In two years, no matter what Leon gains, it will be the start of his declaration to the world that his era has arrived. With Wanda and the others by his side, the days of being a lone wolf are behind him.

His ambitions extend far beyond Earth. The path of the strong is endless, and his ultimate targets are cosmic entities like Death, Eternity, and Galactus. Though they seem distant, Leon is determined to strive for them.

He wants to grow alongside Wanda and the others on this journey. As he moves forward, he's inclined to build a force of his own—perhaps even creating his own divine kingdom, like Asgard.

For Leon, hard work and enjoyment aren't mutually exclusive. He relishes the strength gained from training, but when tired, he's just as willing to indulge in the beauty of the world. He doesn't care if people call him vulgar. He didn't work this hard just for the sake of asceticism—he wants freedom, wealth, beautiful women, and everything life has to offer.

Being an ascetic when you have the means to enjoy life? That's madness.

With a soft exhale, Leon's body shimmered with a dazzling golden light that burst into a cross-shaped star, and his figure disappeared into the night.

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